Darth Ikoral was a Sith Lord belonging to the Pureblood Sith species (a male individual), prominent within the reconstituted Sith Empire during the era preceding the Great Galactic War.
Ikoral, born into an old line of Sith with unmixed blood and red skin, could trace his lineage back to the time of King Adas himself. He endured numerous battles and trials, even capturing the attention of the Sith Emperor, a fact Ikoral interpreted as validation of pureblood superiority. Legend has it that his devotion to purity was so extreme that he forbade alien slaves from his household. He held the position of master to the Sith Lord Darth Vindican.
Circa 3712 BBY, Ikoral persuaded the Dark Council to authorize an expedition aimed at locating pureblooded Sith outside the Empire's borders. His hope was to discover descendants of those who had fled Korriban following the Great Hyperspace War, individuals who had not accompanied the Sith Emperor to Dromund Kaas. After Ikoral's extended absence and failure to return from this mission, he was honored as a martyr. For decades, his name symbolized unwavering determination and self-sacrifice within the Sith Empire.
However, the reality was that Ikoral had indeed achieved success in his search. During the period of the Cold War, Darth Ikoral reappeared, bringing with him thousands of pureblood Sith. The Empire, however, had undergone significant changes during Ikoral's seventy-year absence. Disgusted by the Empire's peace agreement with the Republic and repulsed by the presence of aliens within the Sith ranks, Darth Ikoral spearheaded a campaign to forcefully purge the galaxy.
The response to Ikoral's actions involved deploying a specialized team with orders to eliminate him. Upon infiltrating his flagship, the Red Reaper, the strike team confronted Ikoral within his private sanctum and engaged him in battle. The attackers quickly realized that he had experimented on the purebloods and increased his power. Despite his enhanced abilities, the strike team ultimately prevailed, killing Ikoral under the orders of Darth Malgus, who was apprenticed to Darth Vindican, who had previously been Ikoral's apprentice.