Reign of the Ax

The Reign of the Ax marks a specific time period within the history of the Sith species. This era is defined by the rule of King Adas, which spanned a duration of three hundred years (approximately from 28,000 BBY to 27,700 BBY). The end of this period came with the death of the King, which occurred as he fought to drive off the invading Rakata. The lineage of Sith Lord Darth Ikoral can be traced back to the era of King Adas, indicating an old line of great age. In the wake of the Discovery of Korriban which occurred in 6900 BBY, Jen'jidai Sorzus Syn documented the reign of King Adas in her chronicle; this chronicle was later compiled by Darth Sidious into his work, the Book of Sith. In 19 BBY, Telloti Cillmam'n, a member of the Jedi ExplorCorps, discovered the armor belonging to the Dark Jedi known as Warb Null on Nicht Ka, a world washed in ammonia and situated on the edge of the ancient Sith Empire. Upon wearing the armor, Cillmam'n experienced overwhelming visions of ancient Sith history, including the Rakatan incursion on Korriban.

