
Malleus, initially known as Telloti Cillmam'n, was a male Human originating from Taanab who possessed Force-sensitivity. Born in the concluding years of the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order identified him at a young age. Consequently, he was dispatched to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training, becoming a member of the Boma Clan of Initiates. At the age of thirteen, he participated in the Apprentice Tournament hoping to attract a Jedi Master. Since he wasn't selected, he was then considered too old to become a Padawan learner. As per standard procedure, he was then compelled to enlist in the Exploration Corps.

Seven years after his service began, in 19 BBY, Cillmam'n was sent to Nicht Ka alongside Master Ekim Ryelli and Staguu Itincoovar. While there, he discovered the armor and lightsaber of Warb Null, an ancient Dark Jedi. After putting on the armor, Cillmam'n was overwhelmed with visions that drove him to the dark side. Consumed by his newfound strength, he dueled Ryelli, ultimately decapitating him, and after eliminating Itincoovar, he departed from the planet. Cillmam'n, now a Dark Jedi, adopted the name Malleus, the Hammer of the Dark Side.


Early life

Lumas Etima became Cillmam'n's rival at the Jedi Temple.

Telloti Cillmam'n, a male Human from the agriworld of Taanab situated in the Inner Rim of the galaxy, was born in 39 BBY during the declining decades of the Galactic Republic. He possessed a keen connection to the Force, a mysterious energy field emanating from all living beings. The Jedi Order, an ancient group of protectors united by their belief and practice of the Force, noticed the infant's potential. Following Jedi tradition, Cillmam'n was separated from his family to undergo training on Coruscant, the Republic's capital and the Jedi Order's headquarters.

He was raised in the Jedi Temple, where he was placed in the Boma Clan—one of several groupings of Jedi Initiates designed to cater to the characteristics of their members. Lumas Etima, another male Human, was among his classmates, and the two developed a rivalry. As a member of the Boma Clan, Cillmam'n benefited from the personal attention of Yoda, the Order's Grand Master, who provided lightsaber instruction. Like many Jedi initiates, he had no memories of his parents or homeworld. As a child, he had a good relationship with Even Piell and Jocasta Nu, both senior Jedi Masters, who shared stories of the Jedi's past conflicts with Sith Lords. Piell's stories particularly thrilled the young Human, who dreamed of being remembered in history.


The Exploration Corps was the archaeological branch of the Jedi Service Corps.

According to Order custom, an initiate had to gain the attention of a Jedi Master and become a Padawan learner by the age of thirteen; otherwise, they would be deemed too old for advanced training. In 26 BBY, Cillmam'n participated in the Jedi Temple's annual lightsaber tournament as part of the Apprentice Trials. He hoped to demonstrate his combat skills and Force abilities to attract a Master's attention. Cillmam'n defeated most of his fellow younglings, including Lumas Etima, during the tournament. However, no Jedi Master chose him as a Padawan. Furthermore, Cillmam'n was disappointed to see Etima, whom he had defeated, chosen by Master Ekim Ryelli. Like many others who were not selected, he was transferred by the Council of Reassignment to the Exploration Corps, a branch of the Jedi Service Corps, where his skills would be used for archaeology and scouting instead of defending the galaxy with a lightsaber. Meanwhile, the teaching relationship between Ryelli and Etima was cut short when the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY. While fighting the battle droids of the Separatist Droid Army on Geonosis, the apprentice was killed, and the master lost three fingers on his left hand. That event reinforced Cillmam'n's belief that he should have been chosen instead of Etima. Ryelli retired from combat and became a Jedi archaeologist.

Becoming the Hammer

Warb Null's armor filled Cillmam'n with visions.

From 26 to 19 BBY, Cillmam'n piloted a Pathfinder scout vessel in the Exploration Corps, but he did so with lingering bitterness and disappointment. In 19 BBY, as the Clone Wars drew to a close, Cillmam'n was assigned to accompany Master Ryelli to Nicht Ka, an ammonia-washed planet located on the edge of the ancient Sith Empire, along with the Givin astrogator Staguu Itincoovar. Once the Jedi explorers arrived at the ruins, the archaeologist began examining peculiar carvings on the walls. After sending Itincoovar back to their ship to conduct philological research and help decipher the carvings, Ryelli allowed Cillmam'n to explore the area. In another room, the young pilot discovered an antique armor that had belonged to Warb Null, a Dark Jedi and metallurgist whose reign of terror was ended by the Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma in 3998 BBY. The suit was complete, except for the missing right glove, and included a special long-handle lightsaber. Drawn to the artifact, Cillmam'n put on the armor and was immediately flooded with visions and voices of ancient Sith history, including the Rakatan invasion of Korriban and Sith warriors under the command of King Adas, the Sith Empire's invasion of Coruscant under the command of Naga Sadow, Warb Null forging his armor, and the death of the Dark Jedi at the hand of Ulic Qel-Droma. The young man believed that with the armor's power, he could end the Clone Wars by killing Dooku, leader of the Separatist Confederacy fighting against the Republic.

When Master Ryelli found him, the dark side had already taken hold of Cillmam'n, who refused to remove the armor. He confronted the archaeologist, asking why he had chosen Etima instead of him, a question that had haunted him for seven years. When Ryelli refused to answer, Cillmam'n blamed him for failing to end the war when he had the chance. The two engaged in a violent lightsaber duel, much to Ryelli's dismay. Using the hidden, secondary blade of Null's weapon, Cillmam'n beheaded the Jedi archaeologist. As Ekim Ryelli died, Itincoovar contacted him via comlink to announce that the Republic had won the Clone Wars and that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had ordered all Jedi to return to Coruscant. Cillmam'n reached the Pathfinder and, after eliminating the Givin astrogator, chose to leave the planet. Although he briefly considered returning to Coruscant as ordered, he decided against it, no longer considering himself a Jedi. Embracing the dark side, he renamed himself Malleus, the Hammer of the Dark Side, and felt ready to impose his will on the galaxy.

Personality and traits

Ryelli and Cillmam'n on Nicht Ka

Telloti Cillmam'n was a man with brown skin and black, frizzy hair styled in a large, rounded shape. His eyes, originally brown, turned sulfuric yellow due to the dark side's corruption. From a young age, Cillmam'n had a strong desire to prove himself. He wanted to become one of the legendary warriors he had heard about in the stories of Even Piell and Jocasta Nu. He was deeply affected when Etima was chosen as a Jedi apprentice instead of him, and he harbored resentment toward Master Ryelli from that moment on. Cillmam'n's troubled mind, filled with bitterness and a craving for greatness, became fertile ground for the dark side of the Force.

Behind the scenes

Telloti Cillmam'n, also known as Malleus, was created by Star Wars author Edward M. Erdelac for use in Hammer, a short story written for the 147th issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine. The story was illustrated by Joe Corroney, with the help of colorist Brian Miller.

Character origins

George C. Scott's portrayal of Patton inspired the character of Malleus.

The Latin word malleus, mallei literally translates to "hammer," which aligns with the character's self-proclaimed title of "Hammer of the Dark Side." Erdelac mentioned on his blog that Cillmam'n's personality was inspired by George C. Scott's portrayal of U.S. General George S. Patton in the 1970 film Patton. Like the film's protagonist, Cillmam'n is frustrated at being overlooked by history. As a failed Jedi apprentice under the guidance of a disheartened warrior, Cillmam'n realizes that his dreams of glory are destined to fail, ultimately leading him to the dark side. Erdelac also commented on his Facebook account that he and his editor hoped for more Malleus in the future. However, on April 25, 2014, Lucasfilm announced that the Expanded Universe was being reorganized under the non-canon "Star Wars Legends" banner to make way for a new continuity, led by Star Wars Rebels and the Star Wars sequel trilogy.

