Battle of Coruscant (Great Hyperspace War)

The Battle of Coruscant represents one of the many simultaneous conflicts comprising the Sith Empire's assault on the Galactic Republic. Acting under the explicit directives of Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow, Lord Shar Dakhan commanded a division of the Sith invasion fleet, aiming to seize the Republic's core through a direct attack on the galactic capital of Coruscant. Dakhan's forces were amplified by illusions conjured by Naga Sadow, creating the appearance of a vastly larger Sith army. Despite this apparent numerical advantage, their progress was halted by Republic forces led by Jedi Master Memit Nadill and his group of Knights, who engaged Dakhan and the Sith directly on the steps of the Senate Hall.

The betrayal carried out by Sadow's Sith apprentice Gav Daragon disrupted the Dark Lord's focus, causing his illusions to dissipate. This resulted in the demoralization of the Sith forces on Coruscant due to the sudden loss of perceived numbers. Recognizing the Sith's deception, the Jedi inspired the Republic soldiers to push them back from the capital in defeat. While the Great Hyperspace War raged across other galactic systems, the battle for Coruscant concluded with a victory, and the planet was successfully defended by the Jedi Knights of the Galactic Republic.


A young Draethos Jedi Knight, known as Odan-Urr, experienced a Force vision which indicated that the legendary Sith Empire was in the process of preparing for an invasion of the galaxy. He consulted with his Master Memit Nadill who, serving as an advisor to Empress Teta of the Koros system, informed his ruler and journeyed with her and Odan-Urr to Coruscant to alert the Galactic Senate. However, the Senate showed no interest in the premonitions of Odan-Urr, an unproven Jedi, dismissing his vision as a mere nightmare. Nevertheless, Empress Teta placed her trust in him and committed the complete military resources of the Koros system to the Republic's defense.

The battle

The Battle above Coruscant

Memit Nadill made his way to Coruscant to gather the Jedi in anticipation of the impending Sith invasion. Upon disembarking from his ship, Nadill was greeted by fellow Jedi Tuknatan, Sonam-Ha'ar and Anavus Svag. In contrast to the Senate, the Jedi Knights heeded Odan-Urr's vision, pledging their support to Nadill in protecting the capital. Unfortunately, Nadill's arrival was not timely enough, as the massive Sith fleet was already descending upon Coruscant. The Republic's defensive cannons were incapable of handling the overwhelming number of invaders, with the Sith fleet comprising tens of thousands of ships.

Under the command of Sith Lord Shar Dakhan, the Sith fleet deployed drop-ships carrying enormous tusked war behemoths and swarms of ferocious Massassi warriors. Following Naga Sadow's orders, the Sith advanced towards the Senate Hall. At the Senate Hall's entrance, Nadill and the other Jedi, supported by a small contingent of the Republic Army, attempted to repel the Sith army.

Far above the planet of Primus Goluud, Naga Sadow was in his meditation sphere, employing Sith magic to manipulate and amplify the visual presence of the Sith army. Gav Daragon, enraged by the murder of his mentor Aarrba the Hutt at the hands of Sadow's Massassi warriors, attacked the Human-Sith hybrid, disrupting his concentration.

Meanwhile, Coruscant was on the verge of succumbing to the overwhelming Sith forces. The four Jedi barely managed to hold off the assault, while the Republic soldiers sustained significant losses. However, as Sadow's meditation sphere sustained damage, a large portion of the Sith army simply disappeared. With their morale greatly improved, the Jedi launched a counter-attack, forcing the Sith back to their ships. The majority of the Sith were defeated, and the surviving members were permitted to return to their warships and retreat to Korriban.


Following the Sith's expulsion, the citizens of Coruscant, who had sought sanctuary within the Senate Hall, emerged from the building, celebrating exuberantly. Despite the Republic's victory, it came at a cost. Coruscant suffered extensive damage, and many Jedi chose to abandon their roles as warriors, seeking more peaceful avenues to serve the Republic.

The team of Jedi fight off the Sith forces

In recognition of the Jedi Order's defense of the capital, and in remembrance of the terror inflicted by Naga Sadow's invasion, the Senate granted the Jedi a substantial plot of land, with the expectation that it would be used to construct a Jedi fortress. However, as was often the case, the Jedi did not adhere to the Senate's wishes. While they accepted the land, the Jedi Council had no intention of building a citadel, as they believed they were not a military organization. Instead, the Jedi erected a series of training facilities and meditative centers on the land, which, over the course of several centuries, expanded in size and evolved into the Jedi Temple.

Behind the scenes

The Battle of Coruscant.

The Battle of Coruscant was conceived by Kevin J. Anderson for Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire. It has been subsequently referenced in various other sources, including the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook, The New Essential Chronology and Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force.

