Book of Sith

The Book of Sith represented a compilation of Sith historical texts, meticulously gathered into a singular volume by Darth Sidious. Its binding occurred circa 19-18 BBY, shortly after the Sith Grand Plan achieved its objectives: the dissolution of the Galactic Republic, the annihilation of the Jedi Order, and the establishment of Sidious's unchallenged dominion over the known galaxy.

This book brought together a collection of philosophical and journalistic writings from various adherents of the dark siders, ranging from Palpatine's own works to those dating back to the Second Great Schism almost 7,000 years prior. In addition to Sidious, the authors included Sorzus Syn of the old Sith Empire, Darth Malgus of the reconstituted Sith Empire, Darth Bane who founded the Order of the Sith Lords, Nightsisters leader Mother Talzin, and Darth Plagueis, Sidious's own mentor.


Operation: Knightfall, which resulted in the execution of the Jedi Temple's inhabitants and caretakers as traitors to the Republic, allowed Sidious to explore the Archives. Within the Temple's ruins, he discovered numerous ancient documents, compiling them into a single collection.

Each document contained handwritten marginal notes from previous owners. These included Yoda, Mace Windu, Quinlan Vos, Count Dooku, and Asajj Ventress. Sidious added his own notes after assembling the book, and Darth Vader also contributed after Sidious instructed him to study the texts.

In 24 ABY, Luke Skywalker rediscovered the book within the ruins of the Emperor's storehouses at Mount Tantiss on Wayland, having stumbled upon a previously concealed chamber.

Rather than handing it over to the New Republic Historical Council, Skywalker chose to keep the book for himself. Fearing it held dangerous secrets that should not be public, he retained it for study before deciding its fate. Besides Skywalker, only his wife, former Emperor's Hand Mara Jade Skywalker, and his sister Leia Organa Solo were aware of his discovery. However, he did add page numbers to the text and arrange them chronologically for the New Republic Intelligence Service's use, as a favor to Wedge Antilles and his wife, Iella Wessiri Antilles of the NRI, who wished to examine the book.


Sorzus Syn's chronicle

These pages are from the chronicle of Sorzus Syn, a Dark Jedi who survived the Second Great Schism and was among the exiles who initially arrived on Korriban after being banished from Republic space.

She provides details about her encounters with and opinions of the Sith Pureblood species, her experiments in alchemy, and the origins of the ancient Sith Empire.

Darth Malgus's war journal

Darth Malgus maintained a journal during the Outer Rim campaigns in the early years of the Great Galactic War, documenting his thoughts and experiences. These pages recount some of his challenges during the war's initial years.

The Rule of Two

There is only two; one to embody the power, and the other to crave it. Following the conclusion of the New Sith Wars and Darth Bane's establishment of the Rule of Two, he compiled philosophies to guide the Sith Order for the next millennium, titling his work The Rule of Two.

Wild Power

Wild Power, an instructional guide penned by Mother Talzin, explores the Nightsisters' utilization of the dark side and their role as dark side mercenaries within the galaxy.

The Science of Creating Life

A scientific journal authored by Darth Plagueis, containing notes regarding his experimentation with and manipulation of the Force.

Absolute Power

Darth Sidious's manifesto, Absolute Power, delves into the philosophy and political maneuvering that characterized his ascent to power and the establishment of his Empire.

Behind the scenes

Removable items location

  • Note from Luke Skywalker (inside front cover)

  • Scrap of a Sith burial shroud (between p44-45)

  • Coruscant battle map from the Great Galactic War (between p62-63)

  • Diagram detailing Palpatine's political strategies during the Clone Wars (between p148-149)

  • Propaganda poster for the Galactic Empire (between p156-157)

  • Sith lightsaber crystal (located beneath Book of Sith within Sith Holocron)

  • Nightsister talisman (located beneath Book of Sith within Sith Holocron)


  • Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side
  • Official Endnotes for Star Wars Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side (part 5) on (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references

  • Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Endnotes for Star Wars: Book of Sith (part 1) on Blogspot (backup link)
  • Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Endnotes for Star Wars: Book of Sith (part 2) on Blogspot (backup link)
  • Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Endnotes for Star Wars: Book of Sith (part 3) on Blogspot (backup link)
  • Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Endnotes for Star Wars: Book of Sith (part 4) on Blogspot (backup link)
