Hylo Visz

Hylo Visz, a Mirialan female, operated as a smuggler during both the Great Galactic War and the Galactic War. These conflicts pitted the Galactic Republic against the reconstituted Sith Empire. She entered the galaxy on Balmorra, a world within the Colonies. Her life took a tragic turn when her father was killed during the Empire's attack on Balmorra. Escaping with her mother, they sought refuge, but tragedy struck again when her mother succumbed to illness during a stopover on Nar Shaddaa, a moon controlled by the Hutt. Forced to survive alone, Visz found camaraderie with other orphaned children, eventually securing employment as a mechanic within the Hutt Cartel's shipyards. However, her true passion lay in piloting. She spent several years as a freelancer before officially joining the Hutt Cartel. Aboard her cherished ship, the Crimson Fleece, the Mirialan established herself as a skilled and accomplished privateer. Unfortunately, during a delivery to the Rendili Vehicle Corporation on Corellia, she lost the Fleece in a corporate ambush. Despite this setback, Visz survived and managed to escape Corellia aboard an experimental starship known as the Vanguard, which she stole from the Rendili facility.

Following the Corellia incident, the Mirialan decided to sever ties with the Cartel, leaving Nar Shaddaa to pursue a career as an independent smuggler. She entered into a fluctuating relationship with Tyresius Lokai, a Devaronian con artist, and ultimately rose to lead her own smuggling ring. In the final decade of the Great Galactic War, Visz achieved galactic fame by spearheading the attack that shattered the Mandalorian blockade of the Hydian Way. This action opened a path for her fleet of freighters to deliver vital supplies to the Core Worlds. Recognized as a hero within the Republic for her efforts, she faced new challenges when Lokai absconded with all of her earnings. Seeking to recover their investment in the blockade's breach, the Hutt Cartel forced Visz into hiding within Republic territory. With the aid of fellow smuggler Zale Barrows, she reached the Republic penal colony on Belsavis, a hidden Outer Rim world. There, she entered a stasis chamber, remaining dormant for over a decade. During the Galactic War, Lokai—now known as "Gault Rennow"—located the Mirialan on Belsavis and released her from stasis. Despite the Devaronian's attempts to make amends, Visz remained bitter about his betrayal, leading them to part ways.

Visz resumed her life of crime until several years later, when Theron Shan, a former SIS agent, recruited her to join the Alliance. This organization opposed the Eternal Empire of Zakuul, which had gained dominance over the galaxy. Visz became the Alliance's underworld expert, establishing a smuggling operation that supplied everything from foodstuff to military vehicles to the Alliance base on Odessen. She also provided the Alliance Commander with leads on potential recruits. Eventually, Rennow presented his former lover with a business proposal, and Visz connected him with the Alliance Commander, whom the Devaronian convinced to participate in a raid on the Gilded Star, a Zakuulan treasury ship. The Mirialan accompanied Rennow and the Alliance leadership to Vandin, a gas giant, where she retrieved the Commander, Rennow, and his Twi'lek partner Vette after the successful heist. The Devaronian chose to stay on Odessen and join the Alliance, and Visz welcomed him back into her life. Ultimately, the Alliance triumphed over the Eternal Emperor Arcann and his sister Vaylin, seizing control of the Eternal Throne and evolving into the Eternal Alliance. Visz continued to serve this organization, addressing various anti-Alliance uprisings, and her contacts proved invaluable to the Alliance during the Order of Zildrog campaign.


Early life

Balmorra, Hylo Visz's birthworld

Shortly before the Great Galactic War commenced, Hylo Visz, a female Mirialan, was born on the manufacturing world of Balmorra, located in the Colonies region. She resided there with her mother, who worked as a captain, and father, a droid designer employed in one of Balmorra's numerous development labs. In 3681 BBY, the war erupted and gradually spread across the galaxy, consuming world after world as the resurgent Sith Empire advanced toward the Core Worlds of the Galactic Republic. Balmorra, renowned for its prolific weapon and droid production, became a prime target for the Sith's forces. Despite the Republic's commitment to defending Balmorra's inhabitants, the Empire's assault proved relentless. Visz's father was killed during the initial raid, and hundreds of Balmorrans were displaced from their homes. Hylo and her mother joined the ranks of refugees fleeing the planet aboard transport ships destined for safer regions of the galaxy.

Despite escaping the ravages of war on her homeworld, Visz's trials were far from over. During a brief stopover on Nar Shaddaa, the city-moon of Nal Hutta, her mother contracted a severe illness, ultimately succumbing to its effects. The refugee transport departed Nar Shaddaa without Visz, leaving her orphaned on the perilous, crime-ridden moon. However, the young Mirialan persevered, joining a band of similarly orphaned alien children who operated from the alleys of Nar Shaddaa's Undercity. The orphans resorted to stealing and scavenging for survival until the gang eventually disbanded. While many of Visz's former companions were either killed or forced into servitude by the Hutts as hired muscle, Hylo managed to avoid both fates thanks to her aptitude as a mechanic.

For years, she toiled as a mechanic in the cargo docks and shipyards owned by the Hutt Cartel within the Undercity. Despite spending much of her teenage years repairing machinery, Visz discovered her true calling when she first piloted a starship. Determined to pursue a career in piloting, she meticulously saved every credit she earned to purchase her own vessel. Eventually, she achieved her goal and acquired the freighter Crimson Fleece, an aging, dilapidated ship that, despite its maintenance challenges, became Visz's most prized possession. Subsequently, the Mirialan began offering her services as a captain, aspiring to gain the recognition necessary to be employed by the Hutt Cartel as a smuggler. During this period, Visz accepted a contract from the Sith Empire but soon realized that the Sith had little regard for the well-being of freelancers. Although she survived the operation, Visz vowed never to work for the Empire again.

Employed by the Hutts

Working for the Cartel

Hyloz Visz in a street fight

As Hylo advanced in her career, she garnered increasing recognition for her consistent successes and evident talent as a smuggler. She attributed much of her abilities to her belief in what she termed the "Invisible Law of the Universe"—her theory that significant problems were invariably preceded by minor issues. This theory stemmed from her experiences in smuggling, as well as the deaths of her mother and father. The day before his death, her father's landspeeder had malfunctioned, and shortly before contracting her severe illness, her mother had stained her favorite robes. Visz believed that these events were interconnected, and that the absence of minor problems indicated no imminent major threats. The "Invisible Law" instilled in her a confidence that, combined with her connections among Cartel-employed mechanics, eventually attracted the attention of the Hutts.

As an employee of the Hutt Crime Cartel, Visz transported black market goods, contraband, and individuals across the galaxy. Throughout her years working for the Cartel, she continued to cultivate her reputation for success and earned the trust of a majority of the Hutt crime lords. While the Hutts were her primary employers, Visz also began accepting corporate and government contracts at some point during the Great War. Although the Republic frequently offered contracts to smugglers, the Empire had pressured most legitimate pilots into refusing to transport goods for the Republic. However, Visz embraced the danger associated with supplying the Republic Military, as she sympathized with their cause. She preferred government contracts over those from the Cartel and eventually resolved to leave the Hutt's employment and work exclusively for either the Republic or corporate entities.

The debacle on Corellia

While contemplating her departure from the Cartel, she was approached by Barrga the Hutt, who tasked her with transporting a shipment of experimental ion drives to Corellia. Visz was informed that the drives were intended for a Republic contact for use in military equipment and that she would be accompanied on the mission by two of Barrga's enforcers—the Nikto known as Musk and his Weequay partner, who were assigned to ensure that the Mirialan would not betray Barrga. She and the two enforcers departed Nar Shaddaa aboard the Crimson Fleece, with the Mirialan hoping that this would be her final job for the Cartel. En route to Corellia, she inspected the drives to verify their authenticity—she wanted no involvement if Barrga was attempting to deceive the Republic. Visz confirmed that the drives were genuine and returned to the cockpit to sit with Musk. Much to Visz's annoyance, the Nikto spent the journey complaining about Barrga's business acumen and the internal politics of the Cartel, while the Weequay remained silent in the rear of the ship.

Hylo Visz with a hairstyle popular on Nar Shaddaa

Upon reaching the Corellian system, Visz grew increasingly irritated with Musk as they approached the planet. She chose to ignore the Nikto and instead focused on landing on Corellia. After transmitting her identification and clearance codes to an orbital security station above the planet, Visz reprimanded Musk for attempting to shut down the hyperdrive generator. Drawing from her experience in the field, Visz had learned to always keep her hyperdrive ready for a quick escape, ensuring that the generator was on standby during operations. Her seemingly peculiar demands prompted Musk to leave the cockpit, but the Nikto returned after an extended wait in Corellian orbit. Although he insisted that Visz disregard the laws and protocols of the Corellian Security Force and land on the planet without proper clearance, his anxiety subsided when the orbital security station granted the Crimson Fleece permission to land at the Rendili Vehicle Corporation's corporate facility on the planet's surface. She was surprised to be delivering to a corporate facility rather than a Republic Military spaceport, but Visz accepted the clearance and landed the Crimson Fleece on Rendili's landing pad A-17. After a quick system check, the smuggler disembarked her ship and was greeted by a protocol droid who informed her that she was not authorized to land on A-17 and would need to move her ship. Following some debate, the droid agreed to verify her clearance but took an unusually long time to do so. During the wait, Visz remained on the landing pad, enjoying the fresh Corellian air, but was startled by an ominous silence indicating that the hyperdrive generator had been deactivated. Rushing back into the Fleece, Visz accused Musk of directly disobeying her orders and deactivating the hyperdrive, but quickly realized that the Nikto was not to blame.

She hurried back into the cockpit, where she discovered that the hyperdrive indicator was dead. Although Musk suggested that it simply needed recharging, Visz recognized the failure as something far more ominous—a sign of impending danger according to her Invisible Law. Connecting this event with the strange greeting from the protocol droid and the unexpected order to land at the corporate facility, she concluded that the operation was a trap. As she attempted to get the Crimson Fleece airborne and off Corellia, Musk, still following Barrga's instructions, demanded that she keep the ship grounded and proceed with the job. The Nikto pressed the barrel of his rifle against the back of Visz's neck, forcing her to halt the launch sequence. After a brief struggle, Visz drew her own blaster pistol from her holster and attempted to regain control of the ship from Musk. She disarmed the Nikto and began to pull him out of the cockpit, but was stopped by Barrga's Weequay enforcer, who struck her face with the butt of his rifle. Visz was rendered unconscious but awoke shortly after to overhear the Weequay and Musk discussing her sudden betrayal of Barrga's orders. Pretending to remain unconscious, Visz listened as Musk debated whether or not to kill her. Ultimately, they decided to complete the job and return her to Barrga. They dumped her body in the Crimson Fleece's second cargo bay and left the ship to continue the operation. Fortunately for Visz, her perilous profession had motivated her to install escape hatches in the cargo bays of the Fleece in case of emergencies. Once Musk and the Weequay had left her alone in the hold, the Mirialan slipped through one of these hatches and emerged outside the ship. While Visz hid behind cargo containers, a Rendili businessman, accompanied by the protocol droid she had encountered earlier, emerged from the facility to deliver the payment for the drives. Musk and the Weequay accepted the credits and completed the transaction before returning to the Crimson Fleece and preparing for takeoff.

Stealing the Vanguard

As Visz considered various plans to re-board the Crimson Fleece and reclaim her ship, Musk and the Weequay took off from the Rendili Corporate facility, leaving the smuggler stranded on the landing pad. However, shortly after the Fleece began to accelerate away, the ship exploded. Visz realized that her suspicions had been correct and that the entire operation had been a trap, with the Rendili representatives having rigged the cases of credits with explosives. Despite feeling heartbroken over the loss of her ship, Visz recognized that she had been right about the signs of impending danger and had survived as a result. Believing that she could now operate with confidence until more signs appeared, the Mirialan took time to rest and relax on the landing pad. She remained there until nightfall before deciding to enter the facility. Once inside, Visz explored various hallways until she reached a construction garage, where she donned a pair of overalls and a welding helmet to disguise herself. Before proceeding through the facility, Visz stopped to check a holo-terminal for information on the facility's layout, but only found the layout for Building A, the building she was currently in. To her surprise, she also discovered information about something called the "Vanguard project." Visz researched the term and learned that the Vanguard was an experimental starship created by the Rendili Corporation for the Jedi Order, and that the first of these vessels was scheduled for a test flight on landing pad A-23 atop the facility.

Hylo Visz

Visz decided that stealing the Vanguard was her best option for escaping the facility and made her way to an elevator that would take her to A-23. Upon arriving on the uppermost level of the Rendili building, she found herself in A-23's observation room, where she was confronted by a businesswoman who demanded to know why a low-level mechanic was in an area reserved for clients and executives. Visz lied, claiming that she had been sent to A-23 to check on the Vanguard's alluvial dampers. The woman allowed her to pass, and the Mirialan proceeded onto the landing pad. Upon seeing the Vanguard, Visz was awestruck, having never seen a vessel so advanced. She boarded the ship and entered the cockpit to begin the launch procedures but stopped in horror when the leg of her overalls snagged on some instrumentation while she was climbing into the pilot's seat. The tear in her suit was taken by Visz as a negative omen. Despite her usual intuitive reaction to such instances, she decided that she had come too far to turn back now and that she had to proceed with her plan to steal the ship.

She began the Vanguard's startup sequence, relieved to find that it had a fairly standard starship control configuration. However, one vital component was missing—the ignition for the sublight engines. As she frantically searched for the ignition, Visz heard footsteps approaching the boarding ramp. To avoid detection, she hid behind a chair in the rear of the cockpit as a man entered the ship and sat down at the pilot's station. While he began the startup procedure, Visz glanced around her chair and was able to determine from his clothes and hair that he was neither a professional pilot nor a military man. She slid out and grabbed the welding mask she had used as a disguise, intending to use it as a makeshift weapon. Before she struck, however, she realized that the man in the pilot's seat was actually a Jedi. Visz attempted to weigh her options, but her contemplation was cut short when the Jedi noticed her and turned around. Reacting instinctively, Visz slammed the mask into the man's face, knocking him unconscious. She removed his limp body from the pilot's chair and prepared to kill him but reconsidered after noticing that his wounds mirrored her own injuries from the Weequay. Instead, Visz lowered the Vanguard's boarding ramp and dragged the Jedi out of the ship. Before re-boarding the vessel, she kissed the unconscious man on the forehead for good luck. She then re-entered the Vanguard and launched the swift and nimble ship. She escaped the Rendili facility and fled into Corellian orbit, from which she jumped into hyperspace, bound for Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa. Upon arriving in Hutt Space, Visz realized that everyone would assume that she had perished with the Crimson Fleece and that she would have no way to explain the events that had transpired on Corellia if she returned to Barrga. She resolved to forge her own path as captain of the Vanguard and began by leaving Nar Shaddaa behind, deciding to visit an old friend on Ord Mantell instead.

Independent smuggler

Breaking the blockade

Visz and members of her smuggling band, which broke the blockade.

Visz persisted as a smuggler during the Great War, with the Vanguard serving as her personal transport. Throughout her career, Visz garnered consistent acclaim from fashion authorities on the HoloNet. Her distinctive sartorial choices earned her the "Underworld's Best Dressed" title for five consecutive years, an accolade she never personally accepted at any ceremony. She ascended to a position of influence within the smuggling world, becoming the ringleader of an independent smuggling ring. During this time, she cultivated a strong bond with the Devaronian scoundrel Tyresius Lokai, resulting in an on-again, off-again, yet intense romantic relationship. Although their love affair eventually concluded, they maintained a friendship and continued to collaborate as smuggling partners. Approximately two decades into the war, a fresh opportunity arose when the Empire backed the installation of a new Mandalore to command the celebrated Mandalorian warriors. This Mandalore's indebtedness to the Empire fostered an alliance between the Sith Empire and the Mandalorian clans, presenting a significant challenge to the Galactic Republic. This pact led to the Mandalorian's establishment of a blockade along the Hydian Way, a critical hyperspace lane connecting the Core Worlds with the Colonies and the far-flung Outer Rim Territories. The blockade choked off this vital route, disrupting the movement of goods and military supplies, thereby severely impeding the Republic's war efforts and enabling the Sith to advance their military objectives. The galactic economy endured substantial strain due to the disruption of raw material shipments from the Outer Rim to the Core Worlds.

In 3661 BBY, the Galactic Senate successfully urged the Jedi Order to intervene and break the blockade. The Jedi suffered a decisive defeat during their assault against the Mandalorians, and the Republic continued to struggle under the debilitating effects of the blockade. As Republic worlds in the Outer Rim, lacking adequate supplies and protection, began to fall to the Sith, the lower levels of the Republic's capital, Coruscant, were plagued by widespread starvation. By 3660 BBY, the prices of raw materials had skyrocketed, and the Republic was prepared to pay exorbitant sums to secure essential resources. Visz recognized this crisis as a lucrative opportunity for herself and her smuggling associates, and she devised a plan to penetrate the blockade and deliver critical supplies to the Core.

Hylo Visz during the battle against the blockade.

Within the depths of a cantina on Nar Shaddaa, the Mirialan and her Devaronian partner convened with their fellow smugglers to explore the possibility of breaching the blockade and claiming the reward for delivering food supplies. Among those present was Zale Barrows, an enthusiastic young captain who would later become a close friend of Visz. The group of outlaws reached an agreement and began to implement their plan. Funding for Visz's undertaking was provided by the Hutt Cartel, which agreed to finance the operation in exchange for a substantial return on their investment. Accompanied by her fellow smugglers, Visz led a convoy of large freighters to the Outer Rim, where they were loaded with raw materials from various regions. The ships, now filled with goods destined for Coruscant, proceeded toward the Mandalorian blockade along the Hydian Way. The freighters came to a halt when they were less than a parsec from the Mandalorian forces. The Mandalorians, their attention fixed on the freighters, were caught off guard by a surprise attack orchestrated by Visz. She and a contingent of smugglers in smaller vessels and starfighters emerged from hyperspace and engaged the Mandalorian cruisers in a large space battle. Despite the smugglers' advantage of surprise and speed, Visz's small fleet was at a disadvantage. Fortunately for Visz, the Republic Strategic Information Service received intelligence about the battle and dispatched starfighters and corvettes from nearby star systems to support the Mirialan and her crew. With the arrival of Republic reinforcements, the Mandalorians were soon defeated.

Going into hiding

Hylo Visz delivers much-needed goods to Coruscant.

Following the battle, Visz escorted the freighters laden with raw materials to Coruscant, where she was hailed as a hero by jubilant crowds. The Mirialan received generous compensation for her goods—significantly above market value—and departed Coruscant a very wealthy woman. Although a formal ceremony was arranged to honor her, Visz, having achieved her goal, chose not to attend. Republic officials, who greatly valued her initiative, were surprised by her abrupt departure but generally embraced her celebrity and did not contest her high fees, which ultimately encompassed both payment for the goods and a reward for breaking the blockade.

She fled Coruscant with Lokai, and the two agreed to divide their profits. However, the Devaronian, a skilled thief and con artist, was unable to honor a legitimate business agreement. Instead, he ran off with the money, leaving Visz to recover her losses. Approximately a year later, she vanished from public view, and rumors circulated that she had been killed for double-crossing the Hutt Cartel. However, this was untrue. The Hutts had indeed confronted her, seeking a return on their investment in the blockade run. Since Lokai had stolen all of her earnings, Visz was unable to settle her debt and was forced to seek refuge in Republic territory. With the assistance of Zale Barrows, the young smuggler captain who had become a Republic admiral and had participated in the blockade run, Visz managed to evade the Hutts' retribution. She struck a deal with her old friend, who agreed to transport her to the secluded Republic penal colony of Belsavis, which housed a vast prison complex for Imperial and Mandalorian war criminals and other dangerous individuals. There, Visz was placed in a stasis chamber, where she remained in suspended animation, hidden from the galaxy for more than a decade.

During her slumber, the Republic fondly remembered and reacted to her heroic operation on the Hydian Way. It gave the war effort against the Sith Empire a much-needed respite and allowed the Republic to continue its struggle for survival for seven more years, after which the Sacking of Coruscant forced an uneasy peace. The sacking and subsequent Treaty of Coruscant were later partially attributed to Visz's success, as the Empire's failed plan to freeze the Hydian Way led them to adopt more risky and desperate strategies. During the Cold War that followed the Treaty of Coruscant, the Mandalorian's blockade of the Hydian Way and Visz's success against it was recounted by Kel Dor Jedi Master Gnost-Dural in the Jedi Archives on Tython, as well as in his wartime journal. In the years following the great war, Visz's sidearm was available to war heroes.

Released from stasis

Hyloz Visz's longtime partner Tyresius Lokai

It wasn't until more than a decade later, during the renewed Galactic War between the Republic and the Empire, that knowledge of Hylo's survival resurfaced. Lokai, who had enjoyed a comfortable life for many years, had changed his name to Gault Rennow and was working alongside the bounty hunter Champion of the Great Hunt competition. His time with his new partner inspired Rennow to atone for his past transgressions—specifically, robbing and abandoning Visz. Around 3641 BBY, the Devaronian uncovered his former lover's fate by tracking down Zale Barrows and Quan, another smuggler who had participated in the blockade run. He eventually located Visz's prison vault on Belsavis and released her from stasis. The Mirialan, who had been unconscious and had not aged since her imprisonment, was initially disoriented but quickly became enraged upon realizing that Lokai had freed her. Prepared to kill her former partner, she ultimately decided against it. The two parted on bitter terms, with Visz fleeing the planet to return to the wider galaxy. Her anger at Rennow eventually subsided, and Hylo contacted him to reestablish a connection. She agreed to reconcile with him, provided he could demonstrate that she meant more to him than he meant to himself. The Devaronian eagerly accepted the offer, but it proved to be too little, too late, and their relationship soon deteriorated and ended. Visz returned to a life of crime and threatened to shoot the Devaronian if she ever encountered him again.

Working with the Alliance

Hired as a specialist

Hylo Visz with the Alliance founder Lana Beniko

In 3636 BBY, the galaxy faced an invasion by the Eternal Empire from the planet Zakuul in the Unknown Regions, that subjugated both Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire within a year, forcing them to sign peace treaties and pay heavy tribute to Zakuul. Five years later, in 3631 BBY, former Sith Intelligence Minister Lana Beniko founded an Alliance against the Eternal Empire and its leader, Emperor Arcann. Having established a base on the planet Odessen, Beniko brought in her old associate from the Republic Strategic Information Service Theron Shan to lighten her load in managing the Alliance. To help tackle the big questions and find potential recruits, Shan assembled a team of specialists, hiring Hylo to work for the Alliance as an expert in underworld logistics by offering her a reasonable contract rate with hazard premiums and a discretion fee.

Hylo Visz with the Alliance Specialists

Visz joined Shan in the Alliance war room along with the rest of the specialists, including former Republic Navy Admiral Bey'wan Aygo, Hutt scientist Juvard Illip Oggurobb and Sana-Rae of the Voss Mystics in discussing the problem of Zakuulan Star Fortresses, massive battle stations placed by the Eternal Empire in orbits of the conquered worlds to prevent potential uprisings. Aygo insisted that any attack against the battlestations required detailed schematics, which Oggurobb suggested could be extracted in secret. Visz refused to take that task upon herself, noting that the Star Fortresses were more dangerous than any place she ever snuck into, after which they were introduced by Theron Shan to the Commander of the fledgling Alliance.

Expanding the network

Hylo Visz in her headqurters on Odessen

Hylo relocated to her new headquarters, where she was joined by Len Parvek and Ralo, crewmembers of Koth Vortena, captain of the Alliance vessel Gravestone. The Alliance Commander later approached her, and the two discussed the challenges facing the new Alliance. Visz used her net of underworld contacts to essentially run a massive smuggling ring from the Alliance base, delivering combat vehicles, munitions, provisions and other supplies, while avoiding the attention of Emperor Arcann's Eternal Fleet. The early days were tough on Hylo, as she had only a few captains to work with, straining whatever few supplies the Alliance had. Visz insisted that the Alliance needed additional supplies and recruits before it could go anywhere, promising to pass any promising leads directly to the Alliance Commander. Rumors reached her ears about a legendary smuggler Nico Okarr, last seen almost half a century ago, making a cantina crawl though Zakuulan city of the Spire, and Visz, though initially skeptical, asked the Alliance Commander to investigate. To her surprise, the rumors turned out to be true, and Nico Okarr, who spend the previous years incognito to avoid attention, agreed to join the Alliance, arriving on Odessen in his XS stock light freighter Redshifter. Visz held Okarr in great regard for his years of experience, connections in the underworld and skill with a blaster and was certain that he would be a huge help in her operations, figuring out that he was the one who passed on the rumors of himself in the first place.

Hylo Visz works with smugglers to supply the Alliance.

When one of her smugglers brought a piece of unusual technology that defied all precepts of engineering, Visz tracked it to a salvager on Hoth and asked the Commander to find its gifted inventor. The Commander returned with Blizz, a Jawa scavenger and bounty hunter, who impressed Visz with his custom hardware, bravery in a firefight and contacts with other Jawas. Hylo was also contacted by the Wookiee Bowdaar, owner of the Platform 6 cantina on Zakuul, who only had time to mention to her his connection to Zakuulan underground fighting ring that used slaves before he had to break the connection. She asked the Alliance Commander to follow the lead, who managed to free the slaves and recruit Bowdaar for the Alliance to Visz's gratitude, who planned to use the Wookiee's experience, instincts and intimidation factor.

Hylo Visz helped bring many new recruits into the Alliance

Another potential contact uncovered by Hylo's sources was the Wookiee senator Gryyzak, who could greatly benefit the Alliance's supply lines. Visz arranged a safe passage for him to Odessen, but lost communications with the senator in the Alderaan system, requiring the Alliance Commander's help to travel to his last know location on Alderaan and rescue Gryyzak from his pursuers, after which the Wookiee arranged supply runs through the Kashyyyk system for the Alliance. During a mission to recruit Galactic Republic Provost Marshal Fideltin Rusk and his Dead Man's Legion for Admiral Aygo, the Commander also secured the allegiance of Skadge, a Houk member of the Black Sun crime syndicate. Visz was initially skeptical about working with Skadge, as her experience with his type taught her to shoot them first before they could cause her trouble. However, upon further consideration, Visz agreed that Skadge's connection to the Black Sun could provide access to their territory to the Alliance smugglers to better cover their tracks, while the Houk himself could watch over the riskier runs, leading her to conclude that Skadge had the potential to bring more benefit than trouble. Eventually, with the new recruits and additional supplies Hylo was able to set up a pretty broad supply of basic essentials, continuing to work on acquiring more rare and exotic goods.

Reuniting with Gault Rennow

Hylo Visz rescues Gault and the others on Vandin.

Having established supply lines running, Hylo found her operation strained for money, forced to borrow credits for everyday operations from people she could not afford not to pay up. At this time, her Devaronian ex Gault Rennow resurfaced and contacted Visz with a lucrative business proposition, for which he required outside assistance. Not in a position to dismiss his proposal outright, Visz invited her ex to the Alliance base and arranged for the Alliance Commander to meet him. Rennow explained to the Commander that he had a plan to rob the Gilded Star, a treasury ship used by the Eternal Empire to safekeep their valuables that was hiding deep in the atmosphere of the gas giant Vandin. Though Hylo was somewhat skeptical, the Commander accepted the proposal and departed to assist the Devaronian with the heist, along with the Alliance leadership. Visz eventually decided to follow them to Vandin, arriving in her shuttle in the middle of the heist. She called Rennow, who by this point was on "Plan C" and along with his Twi'lek partner Vette and the Alliance Commander was traversing the outer side of the Gilded Star hull trying to evade Eternal Empire High Justice Vaylin, while the rest of his accomplices have already escaped with the plundered goods.

Hylo Visz after the successful heist

Visz realized his situation and positioned her shuttle next to the hull of the Gilded Star so that Rennow, Vette and the Alliance Commander could jump off it directly onto her vessel. Once they got inside, Gault congratulated Hylo on the perfect timing and she gave him a kiss in return, welcoming the man back into her life. Everyone returned safely to Odessen, where during a small celebration Rennow planned to divide everyone's share himself, but Hylo was having none of it given her previous experiences with him. She paid the Devaronian, Vette and the Anomid identity slicer Dretcher herself, skimming the part that Rennow still owed her off his share. What remained was more than enough to fund the Alliance operations, and the Devaronian suggested to the Alliance Commander to invest the excess into another one of his schemes. Afterwards, Rennow announced his intention to stay and join the Alliance, giving him an opportunity to spend more time in Hylo's company, which she jokingly dismissed.

Hylo Visz aboard Alliance flagship, the Gravestone

Sometime after that, the computer console in her headquarters broke, and when an unfamiliar face approached Hylo, she assumed that a technician arrived to fix it and went to have some caf, leaving the man to do his work. She was unaware that the man was the Shroud, a notorious criminal mastermind, who was planting bombs throughout the Alliance base, but was stopped by the bodyguard droid HK-55 before he could detonate them and cause any damage. Following the invasion of Voss in 3630 BBY, rumors spread that the Alliance Commander was killed on Dromund Kaas and former Republic Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh arrived to Odessen attempting to take over the Alliance. Visz and Rennow were among the Alliance personnel gathered before Saresh as she made her speech, when the Alliance Commander arrived alive and well, apprehending Saresh with the help of Lana Beniko. Over time the monotony of coordinating smuggling operations and continuous supply runs on behalf of the Alliance took its toll, and Hylo began pining for the lost days of her infamous past, desiring more excitement, adventure, and glory.

Neutralizing criminal threats

Hylo Visz travels to Zakuul on the Gravestone.

The Alliance continued the fight against the oppression of the Eternal Empire, managing to dethrone the Emperor Arcann and kill his sister Vaylin, after she claimed the Eternal Throne in his place. Unfortunately, with her death the Eternal Throne was left empty and the GEMINI captains that commanded the Eternal Fleet have gone rogue, bombarding the capital worlds of Coruscant, Dromund Kaas and Zakuul into rubble. To claim the Eternal Throne and stop the carnage, the Alliance forces departed for Zakuul on the Gravestone, Visz and Rennow among them. After breaking the Eternal Fleet blockade and descending to the planet's surface, the Alliance Commander claimed the Eternal Throne and pacified the Eternal Fleet. The Commander then made a galaxy-wide address proclaiming the age of the Eternal Alliance, which unified the military might of Zakuul and the Eternal Fleet with the cause of the Alliance, which Hylo and Rennow continued to be a part of.

Hylo at the Alliance base

The newly formed Eternal Alliance rapidly ascended to become a dominant force in the galaxy, immediately facing numerous threats, many of which Hylo Visz played a vital role in subduing. When the Dust Vipers, a criminal organization based on Tatooine, ambushed an Alliance supply convoy and stole security schematics intended for the Alliance base on Odessen with the intent of selling them to the highest bidder, Visz dispatched a team to hunt them down. She directed the team to infiltrate the Dust Viper Den situated within the Jundland Wastes, which involved eliminating Jai Quallo, the beast master. Following this, Visz recommended that the team utilize a Kaleesh's transponder to enlist the aid of local wildlife. Subsequently, she alerted them to the presence of the dangerous criminal Rakesh, assuring them that eliminating him would benefit the galaxy. Ultimately, the team confronted and killed Bel Nerodia, the leader of the Vipers, leading Hylo to congratulate them on eradicating the Dust Vipers and preventing the Alliance data from falling into enemy hands.

Hylo Visz visits the Alliance cantina.

When the Crimson Fang, a notorious pirate group, seized control of Port Nowhere, a former smuggler haven built from a repurposed Azalus-class Hutt dreadnaught, with plans to establish it as their operational headquarters, Hylo deployed a team to expel the invaders from the space station. Amidst the conflict, she received a communication from her longtime acquaintance Alem Reesus, known as "Whisper" since the Hutts removed his tongue. "Whisper" was trapped on Port Nowhere and surrounded by hostile forces, prompting Visz to task her strike team with assisting him, promising that "Whisper's" assistance would be reciprocated. After the Alliance forces helped "Whisper" prevail in his firefight, he joined them in confronting Elarea Aldraste, the leader of the Crimson Fang. By the battle's end, all the pirates had been eliminated, and the station was reclaimed, although Visz cautioned the team that "Whisper" would not be joining the Alliance, as the Twi'lek preferred to operate independently.

The Zildrog crisis

Hylo Visz gives a status report to the Alliance Commander.

Later in the year, during the Alliance's battle to gain control of the resource-rich world of Iokath, Visz privately messaged the Commander, informing them of the galaxy's dwindling supply of raw materials essential for rebuilding after the devastation caused by the Eternal Empire. With her underworld contacts unable to alleviate the shortage, she emphasized that Alliance control over Iokath could be crucial for the galaxy's future. Shortly thereafter, Theron Shan betrayed the Alliance and deserted his post, leading the Commander to initiate a galaxy-wide search for him. Hylo Visz's network managed to intercept a fragment of a transmission sent to his shuttle, revealing that Shan was collaborating with a group known as the Order of Zildrog, and the Mirialan promptly relayed this information to the Commander.

Hylo Visz informs the Commander about the signal message.

During another supply run, her smugglers intercepted a signal emanating from an Abandoned Listening Post containing a repetitive message to the Alliance spelling out the word Zildrog. Hylo Visz shared this intelligence with Lana Beniko, the head of Alliance Intelligence, and together they presented their findings to the Commander. Subsequently, Beniko and the Commander departed to investigate the listening post in a shuttle prepared by Hylo. Inside, they discovered another encrypted message from Shan containing coordinates on Nathema and traveled there to thwart the Order's plans, while Hylo mobilized the Eternal Fleet in orbit of Odessen as a contingency. On Nathema, Shan approached Beniko and the Commander, revealing that he had been a double agent working in the Alliance's interest all along. The three then raced to prevent the Order from awakening Zildrog, an ancient machine god from Iokath. However, they arrived too late, and GEMINI 16, a rogue GEMINI unit allied with the Order, trapped them within a force field and revealed that the machine she had activated only contained Zildrog's consciousness, which was used to control his true form: the Gravestone itself.

Hylo Visz watches as the Gravestone departs on its own.

Following its activation, Zildrog exploited its connection to the Eternal Throne and the Dark Sanctuary to remotely seize control of the Gravestone, which was stationed on Odessen. As the ship's systems spontaneously activated and the vessel prepared for launch, its crew reacted with confusion before abandoning ship via escape pods. Witnessing the unfolding chaos, Visz contacted the Commander on Nathema to inquire whether the situation was related to their mission. After receiving instructions, the Mirialan relayed them to Admiral Aygo but was unable to prevent Zildrog from annihilating the entire Eternal Fleet, which was defenseless due to the absence of commands from the Throne. Zildrog then targeted Odessen itself, but on Nathema, Beniko and the Commander confronted GEMINI 16 and destroyed her and Zildrog. This triggered the self-destruct mechanism on the Gravestone, resulting in the ship's explosion above Odessen, although there were no Alliance casualties. Visz subsequently dispatched a shuttle to Nathema to retrieve the Commander and Beniko, bringing them back to base.


Millennia after her passing, Hylo Visz had become a legendary figure among the Mirialan people. During the Galactic Civil War, Captain Hylo Sortuli of the Rebel Alliance was named in her honor.

Personality and traits

Captain Hylo Visz

Hylo Visz was an individual who capitalized on opportunities, choosing a profession heavily influenced by the galaxy's current state. Her life began as a street urchin, navigating the alleys and sewers of Nar Shaddaa. She engaged in petty crimes alongside a gang of orphans to survive on the harsh moon. As she matured, she sought a more reliable income and became a mechanic for the Hutt Cartel. Despite her skill in repairing and enhancing machinery, Visz's true aspiration was piloting. She dedicated herself to acquiring a ship and becoming a smuggler for the Cartel, a dream she realized after years of diligent work. While on Corellia, her opportunistic nature led her to acquire a new and advanced starship, the Vanguard. After leaving the Cartel's employment, her ability to seize opportunities shone once more during the blockade of the Hydian Way, where she turned what others saw as a crisis into a chance for personal gain. Although she fought for the Republic, her primary motivation was the wealth she would gain by delivering essential goods to Coruscant.

During this period, Visz led a group of smugglers. She directed them to create a diversion for the Mandalorian armada and participate in the main assault on Mandalorian vessels. She viewed the Hydian crisis as a business opportunity for herself and her comrades. Aside from monetary rewards, Visz seemed uninterested in other forms of recognition. Despite being hailed as a hero by the starving people of Coruscant, she declined a medal ceremony to honor her victory and contribution to the Republic war effort. Instead, she collected her earnings and left the galactic capital, seemingly avoiding fame.

Hylo Visz delivers a report to Lana Beniko.

Visz attributed her success as a smuggler to her ability to recognize and interpret what she believed were omens. She was highly superstitious, basing many of her decisions on these omens, a habit stemming from her youth and the deaths of her parents. She believed major disasters could be avoided by recognizing minor issues beforehand, calling this belief the "Invisible Law of the Universe." When she saw no minor problems, Visz acted confidently and achieved great success. She also valued luck highly and refused to kill the Jedi in the Rendili facility for fear of incurring years of bad fortune. Her refusal to deactivate her hyperdrive while on planets and her insistence on carrying a blaster were also due to her reliance on luck.

Visz sympathized with the Galactic Republic during the Great War and respected the Jedi Order. After a negative experience with the Empire, she vowed never to work for the Sith again and actively opposed Imperial interests during her assault on the blockade. Before leaving Hutt employment, she had started accepting Republic contracts but operated independently during the Hydian incident.

Visz had traditional Mirialan tattoos in triangular shapes on her forehead and cheeks. She had also dyed her short, black hair with red highlights, a popular style on Nar Shaddaa.

Hylo's ships

The Crimson Fleece

The Crimson Fleece was an old freighter Visz bought as a teenager. She flew it for years, making numerous enhancements and renovations. Due to its age, she couldn't find original parts for repairs, so she used pieces from other vessels. Often alone, she considered her ship a friend who was always there for her. She knew its workings so well that she could identify problems just by listening to its systems. Although she knew she would eventually need to replace it, she refused to do so until necessary.

She eventually upgraded the Fleece so much that it was worth three times its original price. However, she knew she couldn't sell it for that much, so she kept it during her journey to Corellia. Over her smuggling years, Visz added personal, after-market features to help with her work, such as escape hatches in the cargo bays. She used one of these hatches to escape the Crimson Fleece before it was destroyed over Corellia. The ship's destruction greatly upset Visz, as she had invested much time and money into it and saw it as her path to freedom.

The Vanguard

The Vanguard was the first Defender-class light corvette. The Rendili Vehicle Corporation developed it for the Jedi Order during the Great Galactic War, but Visz stole it during her escape from the Rendili facility.

The ship was very advanced for its time, with all the features of modern vessels. The Vanguard's exterior was sleek, with a silver and red hull sloping towards two rear thrusters. The cockpit was in a hammerhead orientation, like the bridge of Republic Thranta-class corvette, but horizontal instead of vertical. The interior lounge had state-of-the-art accessories, including a holocommunications terminal and red swivel seats. The cockpit had a traditional starship piloting setup, with backlit controls for low lighting and a thruster ignition knob under the dashboard. It had a pilot and copilot station, plus two rear seats for passengers.

Behind the scenes

Hylo Visz was first mentioned in pre-release promotional material for the LucasArts massively multiplayer online game, Star Wars: The Old Republic. She was first named in the second installment of the Galactic Timeline, an in-universe account of the Great Galactic War released on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website.

Robert Chestney expanded Visz's character in his short story The Old Republic: Smuggler's Vanguard, published on StarWars.com on March 25, 2010. Visz wasn't in the game at release in December 2011, only mentioned in Gault's conversations with the Bounty Hunter and in the name of Visz's sidearm, a craftable weapon. Her rescue from Belsavis by Gault happens off-screen, but an early character model in the game files suggests she was meant to appear in person before the mission was cut.

Hylo appeared in the 2015 expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire as the Underworld Specialist for the players' Alliance. Players gain influence with Visz through conversations and turning in locked supply crates, unlocking rewards like extra abilities during Star Fortress missions and a Roche Gangster swoop mount. Visz also provides Alliance alert missions for recruiting companions, acting as the player's guide during "Crimson Fang" and "Done and Dusted", two Uprisings from the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion.

Gameplay alternatives

During conversations with Hylo, Smuggler players can have a friendly debate about who is the more famous outlaw. Bounty Hunter players will recognize Visz from their earlier conversations with Gault. The alert to recruit Nico Okarr only appears for players who were active subscribers on August 10, 2015 or April 3, 2018. Players can choose not to recruit Skadge by imprisoning or killing him, though recruiting the Houk is still a neutral option. Hylo's request to rescue Wookiee senator Gryyzak is part of the alert to recruit the Talz Broonmark, but any options that allow him to join as a companion requires the player to make a Dark Side choice to allow the Talz to kill the Wookiee senator, in which case Visz will scold the player for not helping her friend and bringing in his killer.

Hylo Visz, captain of the Gravestone

During the Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne expansions, players can make Dark Side choices that lead to the death of Gravestone captain Koth Vortena. In this case, Hylo takes command of the vessel and plays a more active role in the final chapters of Eternal Throne, assuming Vortena's role. She learns to pilot the vessel and explores its inner workings, discovering a technological marvel of ancient alien origins. Visz becomes obsessed with unlocking the ship's full potential and oversees the installation of Iokath upgrades during the assault on Odessen, piloting the Gravestone against the Eternal Fleet. She later takes the Gravestone to Zakuul with the Alliance leadership and uses the Iokath upgrades to the vessel's shields to break the Eternal Fleet blockade of the planet.

Several post-Eternal Throne alerts are only available to certain classes. If the player is a Smuggler, she will inform them that a man named Skavak is trying to contact them on Nar Shaddaa to settle unfinished business; the mission results in the player reuniting with Corso Riggs and Risha Drayen. Both Smuggler and Bounty Hunter players receive Hylo's report of a bounty hunters duo operating on Tatooine, a Mandalorian named Akaavi Spar and a slicer named Mako. Both classes are reunited their original companion, while welcoming the other into their crew as well. If the player is a Sith Inquisitor, Visz will question a pirate named Andronikos Revel after he gets caught attempting to board an Eternal Fleet warship. Visz will restrain the intruder, after which the player will arrive and inform her that they will deal the man themselves.

During "The Nathema Conspiracy" flashpoint players can order Visz to evacuate everyone off Odessen in face of Zildrog's threat for Light side points, or stand their ground and protect Odessen at all cost for Dark side points. Hylo doesn't get the chance to do either, as the player destroys Zildrog themselves, neutralizing the threat without any Alliance casualties.

