
Musk, a Nikto of the male persuasion, existed during the era of the Great Galactic War, a conflict that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire. He operated as an enforcer, working for the Hutt Cartel out of both Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa. Musk's assignment during the war was to provide an escort to Hylo Visz, a Mirialan smuggler, for transport to Corellia. A Weequay enforcer accompanied him on this task. During the mission, Visz grew nervous and attempted to abandon the operation; however, the Weequay subdued her by striking her face with his blaster rifle. Visz later managed to flee the ship, but Musk and the Weequay successfully completed their assignment, receiving payment from the corporation in return for the ion drives. Subsequently, they commandeered Visz's ship, named the Crimson Fleece, only to meet their death when the ship detonated. The Rendili Corporation had secretly placed bombs inside the payment credits as a means to betray Barrga the Hutt, causing the explosion.

