Barrga was a Hutt of the male gender who lived through the era of the Great Galactic War. Operating his criminal enterprise from Nar Shaddaa, Barrga held the position of a somewhat influential crime lord and was a part of the Hutt Cartel. To transport illicit goods and contraband throughout the galaxy via the black market, he hired numerous smugglers, one of whom was the Mirialan named Hylo Visz. When Visz undertook a smuggling mission to Corellia for him, the Nikto named Musk and a Weequay bodyguard were employed by the Hutt to guarantee Visz followed his instructions. The Rendili Vehicle Corporation, who were Barrga's clients, betrayed the Hutt and blew up Visz's vessel, known as the Crimson Fleece. The Weequay and Musk perished, but the Mirialan lived through the incident, choosing to not work for Barrga again. Instead, she ventured out alone and rose to become the head of an independent smuggling ring.