This Weequay, whose identity is unknown, worked for Barrga, a Hutt, functioning as his enforcer. In the era of the Great Galactic War, the Hutt crime lord tasked this Weequay with a smuggling mission, partnering him with Musk, a Nikto. Their assignment involved escorting Hylo Visz, a Mirialan smuggler, to Corellia to deliver prototype ion engines to the Rendili Vehicle Corporation. As the mission progressed, Visz grew uneasy and tried to abandon it, but the Weequay subdued him by hitting him in the face with his blaster rifle. Although Visz later managed to flee the ship, the Weequay and Musk successfully finished the delivery, receiving payment from the corporation for the ion drives. Subsequently, they seized Visz's ship, the Crimson Fleece, only to be killed when the ship detonated. The Rendili Corporation had secretly placed explosives within the credit payments, intending to betray Barrga the Hutt, which triggered the explosion.