Skadge, a male Houk from Black Sun, was a criminal who found himself incarcerated on Belsavis during the era of the Cold War. Zale Barrows, a smuggler and Galactic Republic privateer, apprehended him, leading to his imprisonment on The Tomb. Around the year 3641 BBY, he crossed paths with a renowned bounty hunter and subsequently joined their ranks. Later, he accepted a contract from Nem'ro the Hutt, only to assassinate him in 3640 BBY on Nal Hutta. Following the Eternal Empire's invasion and the hunter's subsequent disappearance, the group disbanded. Skadge then made his way back to Black Sun and established a street gang on Nar Shaddaa, which put him at conflict with the Dead Man's Legion, a Republic military force led by Provost Marshal Fideltin Rusk.

Skadge began his life on Lijuter, the Houk home planet, but his actions there became so infamous that his own people banished him. While serving time, he became part of the Black Sun criminal syndicate after making friends with a member inside the prison. Skadge truly enjoyed his association with Black Sun, especially because Coruscant was still devastated from the sacking, and the resulting turf wars gave him a place to release his constant need for violence. Even after he was captured, Skadge continued to think highly of Black Sun, seeing them as "killers to the core."
At one point during his incarceration, Skadge shared a cell with a gangster from the Hutt Cartel, and helping him escape earned Skadge a contract with the Hutts. He enjoyed his work as an enforcer, his size and strength making him well-suited for the job, but the Hutts began to notice that Skadge was negatively impacting their profits. Hoping to permanently end his employment, they tried to kill him with a blaster. However, they underestimated him; Skadge survived, but was enraged by their betrayal. Not knowing which Hutt had ordered the hit, he left the Cartel; from that point on, his opinion of the Hutts was very low, describing them to his future commander as "lazy, stinkin' [...] slimy two-faced slugs."
Skadge continued his criminal activities until Zale Barrows finally apprehended him. He was then sent to Belsavis and placed in solitary confinement. Skadge patiently waited, planning to seize the first opportunity to exact revenge on Barrows. When the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt arrived, seeking Zale for Darth Tormen, a prison riot erupted, allowing Skadge to escape. He immediately decided to find Zale and kill him slowly.

Unable to find Zale, he located the privateer's girlfriend, a female Zabrak. When the hunter encountered Skadge, he was in the process of trying to intimidate her into revealing Zale's location. Assuming the hunter worked for Zale, he attempted to extract more information, but was met with resistance. When she finally revealed that Zale was heading to the Tomb, she hoped the hunter would let her go. Instead, he pursued Zale, leaving her to Skadge's brutal methods.
Skadge caught up with the hunter after Zale created a force field to separate them. While the Champion focused on destroying the generators to disable the barrier, the Houk "volunteered" some computer engineers from among the other inmates to help them locate Zale using the remains of the privateer's astromech droid. After they finished, the hunter allowed him to "thank" them.
Skadge decided that the best way to find and avenge himself on Zale was to accompany his temporary ally to the tomb. They discovered Zale fighting Imperial forces at the bottom of the Tomb. Despite the smuggler's efforts to fend them off with the help of Republic forces, they were ultimately defeated. Gloating about his impending revenge and his treatment of Zale's girlfriend, Skadge brutally killed his (former) rival before realizing he enjoyed working with the hunter, whose ship also offered a means of escape. Offering to kill for the hunter, he became the hunter's final companion.
When he wasn't criticizing the hunter's ship or choice of companions, Skadge would casually reminisce about his time on Coruscant, with Black Sun, and in the Hutt Cartel. Eventually, he learned the identity of the Hutt who had betrayed him: Suudaa Nem'ro, the Champion's patron during the Great Hunt years ago. Single-handedly fighting his way through Nem'ro's Palace, he assassinated Nem'ro. Afterward, Skadge realized he still enjoyed working with the hunter and decided to stay. He also expressed his respect for his bounty hunter friend, declaring that "Long as I'm runnin' with you, you're Black Sun."

As a born criminal and a true Houk, Skadge reveled in chaos, violence, mercenary work, robbery, and looting, as well as expanding his influence through networking. While incarcerated, he honed his skills by working out and killing fellow inmates, while also forming connections with major organizations by befriending other criminals. This is how he joined Black Sun and the Hutt Cartel, but after being betrayed by the Hutts, he decided to become an independent operator.
Skadge held great admiration for the tough, physical nature of his bounty hunter friend; this respect stemmed from his time as a criminal and his own species' acceptance of violence. However, he did not form any bonds with his fellow companions, whom he openly disdained; he referred to them as a "skinny broad," a "little twerp tryin' to walk tall," a "squeakin' thing" and a "belly-achin' dandy." He expressed disbelief that a tough individual like the hunter ended up with such a group of "dainties," noting that none of them would have survived five minutes with Black Sun, and advised the Champion to find a new crew that wouldn't slow him down.
After avenging himself on the Hutt who had betrayed him, Skadge seemed to find some peace, telling the hunter that as long as they were together, Black Sun would have his back.
Skadge is one of the companions available to the bounty hunter class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Neil Kaplan provides Skadge's voice in the game.
During the Bounty Hunter's class missions on Belsavis, players can choose to either allow Skadge to get his revenge on Zale Barrows or restrain him so the smuggler can be frozen in carbonite.
In the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, Skadge appears in the Alliance Alert mission titled "Bonds of Duty," which also involves Fideltin Rusk. Players have several options:
- Kill Skadge, which results in Rusk joining the Alliance.
- Betray Rusk and recruit Skadge into the Alliance.
- Betray both Rusk and Skadge, gaining no companions.
- Negotiate a deal with Skadge and Rusk to gain both as companions.