Operation Sunset was the name given to the Dead Man's Legion's initiative to dismantle the Black Sun organization operating on Nar Shaddaa.
The Dead Man's Legion, a military police force comprised of criminals forced into service, was led by Provost Marshal Fideltin Rusk. The Supreme Chancellor Jebevel Madon ordered the Legion's deployment to the moon of Nar Shaddaa. There, they established a Republic foothold in the Ternion Building according to the Makeb treaty with the Hutt Cartel. Rusk's forces used this location as their operational hub to hunt down Black Sun operatives who had escaped the Legion's crackdown on Coruscant. While engaged in this pursuit, the Alliance Commander, who commanded the Alliance opposing Zakuul, contacted him. Rusk and the Commander then faced off against Skadge, the head of Black Sun, after which the Commander presented Rusk with an invitation to join the Alliance.