Hylo Sortuli, a Mirialan woman hailing from Mirial, possessed a pet lizard called Bonebark. Her name was inspired by Hylo Visz, an ancient and revered figure in Mirialan folklore. Sortuli initially served under the command of General Airen Cracken on Contruum. Later, upon joining the Rebel Alliance, she assumed the role of captain of the Shadow Raptor. Not long after the pivotal Battle of Yavin, a revolt erupted aboard the starship, triggered by droids that had been sabotaged. Consequently, she was taken prisoner by the T-series tactical droid known as TJ-11.
Fantasy Flight Games' roleplaying game adventure, Dead in the Water, released in 2014, features Hylo Sortuli. The outcome for Sortuli – whether she is saved or meets her demise – is contingent on the actions and choices made by the players.