Timeline 2: The Mandalorian Blockade is Broken constitutes the second installment within an array of lore-expanding videos, which furnish supplementary narrative context for the Star Wars: The Old Republic game. This particular video adopts the structure of an archival notation, logged within the Jedi Archives by the Jedi Master known as Gnost-Dural. It recounted the event in which the Blockade of the Hydian Way was overcome amid the Great Galactic War. The video's release occurred on StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com on May 15 of 2009.
In his role as Keeper of the Jedi Archives, Master Gnost-Dural has provided a new holorecording regarding the Mandalorian Blockade, as a part of his chronicle of current happenings within the galactic timeline.
BTC 7 - Due to a Mandalorian blockade established along the Republic's main trade route, colonies are experiencing famine and widespread civil disturbance. An audacious smuggler, Hylo Visz, embarks on a seemingly impossible mission: to dismantle the imposing Mandalorian fleet and provide essential supplies to the citizens of Coruscant.