To safeguard Grogu, IG-11 activated his self-destruction sequence.
A self-destruct mechanism represented a failsafe system integrated into various vehicles, such as starfighters, starships (for example, Imperial Star Destroyers), or even simple probe droids. It enabled the object to annihilate itself under specific conditions, such as facing capture or aiming to protect sensitive data. Imperial probe droids featured this, allowing them to self-destruct upon mission completion and potential compromise.
During the Clone Wars, Infiltrator demolition droids, serving as both demolition droids and explosive devices, acted as bombers for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. These droids were programmed to self-destruct to blow up the central power distribution grid on Coruscant. This action triggered a mandatory blackout and was intended to halt the vote on the bill aimed at deregulating banking conglomerates.
Imperial officers received training in three self-destruct protocols in the event of enemy takeover of their Star Destroyer. The "automatic self-destruct" required the combined codes of the three highest-ranking officers and offered the longest detonation delay, allowing more troops time to reach the escape pods. However, if the ship was heavily infiltrated, the availability of all three officers and the extended detonation time were uncertain. The "core engine method" involved accessing the ship's reactor, which could be challenging during combat. The "captain's-word method" mandated the captain to order the crew to abandon ship, secure themselves on the bridge, provide cover for escaping personnel, and then pilot the vessel into the nearest planet, star, or other gravitational singularity.
Grysks favored self-destruct mechanisms to prevent enemy capture and study of their ships, thus concealing the species under Grysk control. During the conflict between Grand Admiral Thrawn and Admiral Ar'alani against the Grysk Hegemony, a Grysk commander ordered the destruction of his two warships before the Steadfast and the Imperial TIE defenders could seize them. Following the Kilji war cruiser Whetstone's attack on Jixtus's fleet's flagship, a fleet within the Grysk military, the entire fleet self-destructed, including the flagship itself.
The E-XD-series infiltrator droids were equipped with self-destruct mechanisms referred to as "proton warhead." EXD-9 utilized this to detonate an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer.