Unidentified Grysk commander (Grysk task force)

A Grysk leader, serving the Grysk Hegemony, had command over a Grysk strike force that included a pair of Grysk battlecruisers. After the Empire and the Chiss Ascendancy's capital ship, the Steadfast, obliterated his Hegemony forces, this leader made preparations to eliminate the Steadfast. He dispatched a reconnaissance craft to the capital ship's location just before his two battlecruisers materialized. This Hegemony officer taunted the Chiss ship's commanding officer, Ar'alani, via communications before unleashing Grysk fighters in an engagement against the Steadfast. These fighters laid siege to the capital ship, while the Grysk kept his battlecruisers in reserve.

Ar'alani managed to seize a Grysk starfighter, discovering that the Steadfast's penetrator ordinances could easily neutralize them due to their acidic payload. Armed with this knowledge of the fighters' vulnerability, the admiral directed her ship to aggressively target the lead Grysk battlecruiser. As the Grysk leader tried to obliterate the approaching Chiss ship utilizing his battlecruiser and starfighters' combined spectrum laser fire, a dozen Imperial TIE Defenders entered the fray, tearing apart the outer layers of the Grysk battlecruisers. Consequently, the Grysk officer initiated a destruction protocol, detonating his ships.


The commander was defeated by Admiral Ar'alani's Steadfast and Eli Vanto's TIE/d "Defenders" provided by Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo

During 1 BBY, amidst the struggle between the empire of the Grysk warring race, the Grysk Hegemony, and the Galactic Empire, a male Grysk leader deployed a scout spaceship to the vicinity of the Chiss capital ship, the Steadfast, belonging to the Chiss sentient species' nation, the Chiss Ascendancy. This scout located the Chiss vessel and returned to faster-than-light travel within moments. Subsequently, the Grysk dispatched two Grysk battlecruisers from his force, including his flagship, to eliminate the Chiss. Upon the Grysks' arrival, Admiral Ar'alani, the commanding officer of the Steadfast, issued a warning to the Grysk leader, threatening them with annihilation if they persisted in their operations within Galactic Empire territory, referencing prior failures. The Grysk leader found this amusing. He mocked Ar'alani, inquiring whether Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo, who had previously overcome the Grysk Hegemony, now held power in Emperor Palpatine's stead. The leader was reminded of the destruction of two battlecruisers, which he dismissed as a victory for the Empire, not the Chiss. However, Ar'alani retorted that the survivors had been subjected to Chiss interrogation techniques. Ar'alani then activated a hidden interdiction field behind the battlecruisers, preventing their escape.

The Grysk then launched twenty fighters from the lead battlecruiser to destroy the Chiss ship. These fighters were disabled by plasma spheres, rendering their projectiles and energy weapons inoperable. Nevertheless, the Grysks deployed more and more fighters, which quickly began to inflict damage on the Steadfast with their projectiles and energy weapons, penetrating the warship's armor. The Steadfast, acting on Ar'alani's orders, used its capture beam to retrieve one of the disabled fighters in an attempt to identify a weakness. As the Grysk leader replaced the starfighters already engaged in battle with fresh ones while withdrawing the others, Mid Commander Tanik informed his Admiral that the newcomers were undergoing frequency changes in their energy shields. Undergoing damage from the Grysk missiles, Admiral Ar'alani ordered the Steadfast's crew to give full acceleration to its propulsion systems, driving toward the Grysk battlecruisers as lasers and missiles destroyed the Chiss capital ship's armor.

The Grysk fighters commenced their assault on the Steadfast, employing their energy cannons to obliterate the Chiss vessel and its energy shields. As the Chiss attacks on the Grysk battlecruisers were being thwarted by the fighters, Ar'alani fired a volley of missiles with sufficiently low velocity to impact a cluster of fighters, disabling the defenders of the Grysk battlecruisers and enabling the Steadfast to destroy them. As Grysk missiles and energy weapons pierced the Chiss ship's armor, the lead battlecruiser sustained heavy damage, losing armament arrays, armor plating, energy shields, and defensive systems. Admiral Ar'alani inquired of human Officer Eli'van'to whether his forces were prepared, receiving a confirmation. Shortly thereafter, she witnessed twelve TIE/d "Defenders" appearing and disappearing repeatedly as they attacked both Grysk battlecruisers. As his force sustained severe losses, the Grysk leader adhered to Grysk tradition, activating the destruction sequences aboard the Grysk vessels, ending his own life and the lives of all others aboard, concluding the battle and the conflict with the Galactic Empire.

Personality and traits

The Grysk male was a skilled and arrogant leader, capable of inflicting significant damage on a Chiss capital ship using only fighters.

Behind the scenes

The Grysk leader made his debut in the novel Thrawn: Treason authored by Timothy Zahn.

