Eli N. Vanto

Eli N. Vanto, also known as Eli'van'to and Ivant within the Chiss Ascendancy, was a male human. He began his service in the Galactic Empire during the reign as an ensign in the Imperial Navy, eventually achieving the rank of commander. For a number of years, Vanto acted as a translator, aide, student, and apprentice to the Chiss officer Thrawn, who was rapidly gaining prominence within the Imperial Navy. Vanto participated with Thrawn in numerous Imperial military actions targeting smugglers and insurgents. His close association with Thrawn caused the Imperial Military leadership to delay his promotion for several years, due to their despised of aliens and those, like Vanto, who originated from beyond the Core Worlds.

Following the intervention of Arihnda Pryce, the future Lothalian Governor, and Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, Vanto finally received his promotion and ultimately attained the rank of Commander. While pursuing the elusive insurgent leader Nightswan, Eli uncovered evidence indicating that the Empire was transporting substantial quantities of doonium and other precious metals for a clandestine mega-project, which was later identified as the first Death Star. After Nightswan's defeat during the Batonn sector insurgency, Commander Vanto was dispatched by Thrawn to the Unknown Regions to serve as the Empire's representative to the Chiss Ascendancy.


Early Life

Eli N. Vanto's upbringing occurred on Lysatra, a remote planet situated in Wild Space. There, his father and mother managed a shipping company that conducted business in the Unknown Regions. Consequently, Vanto dedicated a significant amount of time to learning various languages, including Sy Bisti. In later years, he became a cadet at the Myomar Academy within the Expansion Region, with the intention of becoming a supply officer.

First contact

Towards the conclusion of his training at the Myomar Academy, Vanto, alongside his fellow cadets, participated in an Imperial scouting mission led by Colonel Mosh Barris and Captain Voss Parck. While in pursuit of smugglers, they explored an uncharted planet located in Wild Space. During the expedition, Vanto and Captain Parck were summoned by Colonel Barris to examine a structure that appeared to be of unfamiliar design. The Imperial scouting party also discovered eight containers near the structure, bearing inscriptions in a language unknown to most of the Imperials, which was later identified as Sy Bisti. As the Imperial droids were unable to decipher Sy Bisti, Vanto was assigned the task of translating the script.

The Imperial team proceeded to establish a camp around the structure, but they were attacked by an unidentified assailant, who killed five Imperial Navy troopers and a stormtrooper. The attacker also downed a V-wing starfighter and killed the starfighter's pilot in order to analyze his adversaries and the craft's communications technology. Despite the chaos, Vanto was able to determine that the attacker was a humanoid and speculated that he may have been stranded on the planet since the Clone Wars. Due to the attack, a decision was made to evacuate the structure and its contents aboard the orbiting Venator-class Star Destroyer Strikefast, in accordance with the Unknown Alien protocols.

Meeting Thrawn

Vanto and Parck question Thrawn

Once on board the Strikefast, Captain Parck realized that the attacker had hidden himself on their transport and ordered the hangar lights to be dimmed. To the astonishment of Eli and the others, the attacker surrendered to the ship's stormtroopers. Eli recognized the intruder as a Chiss [man](/article/gender], a blue-skinned species that Vanto had considered to be a myth from Wild Space. During his childhood, Vanto had heard tales of the Chiss and their use of the Sy Bisti language. While the Chiss possessed an understanding of both Sy Bisti and Galactic Basic, he was more fluent in the former. Given Vanto's knowledge of Sy Bisti, Captain Parck assigned him the role of translator between his Imperial superiors and the Chiss prisoner. The Chiss identified himself as Mitth'raw'nuruodo, but allowed Vanto and his superiors to address him by his core name "Thrawn."

During the interrogation, Thrawn confessed to attacking and killing Imperial personnel on the uncharted world to assess the capabilities of his Imperial opponents. Thrawn also asserted that he had been exiled by his people for launching a preemptive attack on an unidentified enemy. Thrawn explained that he had come to seek the Empire's assistance in protecting his people from various mysterious threats in the Unknown Regions. Due to his understanding of the Chiss and Sy Bisti, Captain Parck recognized that Vanto was destined for more than a supply officer and appointed him as Thrawn's translator. Recognizing Thrawn's potential, Parck made the decision to bring Thrawn to the galactic capital Coruscant, believing that Emperor Palpatine would be interested in the Chiss warrior.

Vanto, Parck and Thrawn meet the Emperor

Throughout the remainder of the journey, Vanto spent time alone with Thrawn, briefing him on the Empire and his own upbringing on Lysatra. The Emperor indeed expressed interest in meeting the Chiss warrior. He summoned Thrawn, Eli, Captain Parck, Colonel Barris, and the other stormtrooper and Imperial Navy witnesses for a private audience at the Imperial Palace. During the meeting, Thrawn stated that there were unspecified dangers lurking in the Unknown Regions and offered his skills, knowledge, and service to the Empire in exchange for a guarantee of protection for his people. The Emperor accepted Thrawn's offer to serve as his advisor on matters relating to the Unknown Regions. Thrawn also convinced the Emperor to permanently assign Eli as his translator and aide. Unbeknownst to Eli, Thrawn recognized Eli's great potential as a military officer.

The Royal Imperial Academy

Given that Vanto was scheduled to graduate from an Imperial Academy in three [months](/article/standard_month], he and Thrawn were assigned to the Royal Imperial Academy, considered the most prestigious of the Imperial Academies. As Thrawn was designated as a "fancy-face soldier" who required some orientation in Imperial procedure, equipment, and terminology, he was also given three months to complete the course. Eli and Thrawn found the Royal Imperial Academy to be a hostile environment, with several members of the faculty and students, including Commandant Deenlark of the academy, not welcoming the presence of a "backwater yokel" from Wild Space and an "alien." While Vanto was initially apprehensive about the Emperor's decision, he grew to appreciate Thrawn as a friend.

During Thrawn's orientation, Vanto informed the Chiss about the xenophobic and regional biases within the Imperial military establishment. In return, Thrawn confided that he had indeed encountered Jedi General Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. After Thrawn experienced three altercations with other Imperial cadets, Vanto urged him to report the incidents to Commandant Deenlark. Thrawn was unwilling to do so to avoid jeopardizing his position at the Academy. While they were talking, Vanto received a comlink message from the wealthy Coruscanti cadet Spenc Orbar, inviting him and Thrawn to play cards while he and his friend Rosita Turuy were conducting corrosion tests on their alloy boards.

Vanto watches as Thrawn is attacked by three hooded figures before helping Thrawn by throwing gravel at the assailants.

Thrawn accepted the invitation and met Orbar and Turuy at the laboratory. Thrawn defeated Orbar and Turuy in a card game, earning the animosity of the two cadets. Following the game, Vanto and Thrawn headed back to Barracks Two. En route, Thrawn provided Vanto with a lesson on strategy, using the previous card game as an example. Shortly thereafter, the two were ambushed by three masked assailants. Eli managed to blind two of the attackers by throwing gravel at them. Despite being outnumbered, Thrawn managed to wound the thigh of one of the assailants. At that moment, five other cadets noticed the commotion, and the three troublemakers were forced to flee. Thrawn then accepted Eli's advice to report the incident to Commandant Deenlark.

During the meeting with Commandant Deenlark, Vanto assisted Thrawn as he presented his theory that Orbar and Turuy had instigated the attack. Vanto also advocated checking their comlink records or the lab's own comm system. While Deenlark had sufficient evidence to take disciplinary action against Orbay and Turuy, he was hesitant to risk the political repercussions of punishing the offspring of wealthy and influential Coruscanti families. In response, Thrawn proposed transferring the three trouble-makers to the Skystrike Academy on short notice to scare Orbay and Turuy into not causing any more trouble. This would be viewed by their families as a promotion rather than a punishment, but would still serve as a punishment from the cadets' perspectives.

Following the meeting, Thrawn confided that Deenlark was indebted to Orbay and Turuy's family, citing the presence of a flatsculp depicting a sailing ship in the Commandant's office. Vanto also learned that Chiss comms were equipped with emergency buttons and that Thrawn had supposedly been exiled by the Chiss Ascendancy for launching a preemptive strike on nomadic pirates who preyed on defenseless worlds.

Chasing smugglers

Three months later, Eli Vanto and Thrawn graduated, ranking third and second respectively in their class at the Royal Imperial Academy, and receiving their assignments. After the graduation ceremony, Vanto was greeted by his parents, who congratulated him on his success. Vanto also attempted to alleviate his parents' concerns regarding the Chiss. Their initial encounter with Thrawn proved to be brief and awkward, and they excused themselves, stating that they needed to catch an airbus to their landing platform. Shortly thereafter, Vanto discovered to his dismay that he was to be assigned as an aide with the rank of Ensign to Lieutenant Thrawn, who served as the Weapons Officer aboard the Gozanti-class cruiser Blood Crow. Despite his friendship with Thrawn, Eli feared that serving as an aide would negatively impact his career advancement in the Imperial Navy. Although Eli was upset, Thrawn assured him that his knowledge of Sy Bisti was valuable because the Blood Crow was assigned to border sectors where the language was spoken.

For the subsequent eighteen months, Ensign Eli and Lieutenant Thrawn served under the command of Captain Rik Virgilio, who maintained a respectful relationship with both of them. The Blood Crow participated in operations to trap smugglers, provide assistance to distressed vehicles, and resolve potentially damaging political situations in the Mid Rim and Outer Rim Territories. Captain Virgilio was later replaced by Captain Filia Rossi and Senior Lieutenant Nels Deyland. Captain Rossi resented the fact that Thrawn had his own aide. Despite her antagonism, Thrawn managed to persuade her to allow him to keep several Clone Wars antiques, including a droideka, two buzz droids, half of a STAP, and a hyperspace ring, which he had purchased at his own expense, until they reached the planet Ansion. Eli was among the few who were aware of Thrawn's secret that these weapons were still functional.

Vanto and Thrawn take a shuttle to the Dromedar

Later on, a shuttle carried both Eli and Thrawn as part of a boarding party. Their mission: to investigate the abandoned freighter Dromedar, which was transporting a shipment of [tibanna](link url). Once they boarded the vessel, they came across a man by the name of [Nevil Cygni](link url) who asserted that pirates had abducted his crew. However, Cygni was actually the pirate leader, who was also the mysterious rebel known as "Nightswan." Captain Rossi was hesitant to assist the supposedly kidnapped crew. She felt that attending to a [Ho'Din](link url) [settlement](link url) on [Moltok](link url) was a more pressing concern. Despite this, Thrawn successfully persuaded her to allow him and Eli to stay behind along with three other members of the crew: Ensign Barlin, as well as the technicians [Layneo](link url) and [Jakeeb](link url). Thrawn also made sure to bring his buzz droids onto the Dromedar.

While the Imperials were preoccupied with searching for the ship's cargo, Cygni exposed himself as one of the pirates. Twelve other pirates, including one by the name of [Angel](link url), emerged from their hiding spots and captured Eli and the other Imperials. The Imperials, along with the ship's ten crew members, were subsequently imprisoned in a cage located in the pirate ship's cargo bay. After Cygni and the majority of the pirates had returned to the Dromedar with the stolen tibanna and initiated a jump to hyperspace, Thrawn began to put his escape plan into action. With the assistance of the technicians, Thrawn managed to activate one of the buzz droids, which he then used to create an opening in the cage. Eli, along with the other Imperials and the ship's crew, were then able to subdue the remaining pirates. The second buzz droid exposed the entrance chamber and amidships section of the vessel to vacuum, resulting in the deaths of the remaining pirates.

Even though the crew was rescued and the pirates were captured, Captain Rossi was not pleased with Lieutenant Thrawn's risky behavior. As a form of punishment, she relieved Thrawn and Ensign Vanto of their duties and left them at the [Imperial base](link url) on Ansion. Despite this setback, Thrawn utilized their suspension as an opportunity to interrogate the captured pirates, seeking information about the location where they had concealed the tibanna. With Ensign Vanto and [Admiral](link url) [Plor Wiskovis](link url) present as witnesses, Thrawn successfully convinced three of the captured pirates to reveal the location of the tibanna in exchange for protection from the infamous [Grand Moff](link url) [Wilhuff Tarkin](link url). While the pirates were discussing Thrawn's proposition in Sy Bisti, Thrawn and Vanto listened in and discovered that the pirates had transported the Dromedar and its tibanna cargo to the planet [Uba](link url). The pirates ultimately accepted Thrawn's offer, claiming that Cygni and Angel had taken the Dromedar to [Cartherston](link url) on the planet [Keitum](link url). After the pirates had departed, Wiskovis acted on the information provided by Thrawn and dispatched Imperial forces to Uba in order to recover the Dromedar and its cargo.

Playing second fiddle

Following the events that transpired aboard the Dromedar and on Ansion, Ensign Vanto and Lieutenant Thrawn made their way to Coruscant to await their court-martial. During the [Ascension Week](link url) festivities, they struck up a friendship with [Imperial Security Bureau](link url) officer [Colonel](link url) [Wullf Yularen](link url), who took them to an Imperial ball at the [Alisandre Hotel](link url) in Coruscant's upscale [Federal District](link url) for the purpose of social networking. [Lothalian](link url) [Senator](link url) [Domus Renking](link url) introduced them to his citizen advisory officer [Arihnda Pryce](link url). When Yularen began to recount the story of how Thrawn and Vanto had managed to overpower the pirates to Renking and Pryce, Vanto assured the Colonel that he was not exaggerating the events. Thrawn then chimed in, stating that Vanto was being overly modest about the contributions made by himself and his comrades.

After the ballroom event had concluded, Colonel Yularen informed Thrawn and Eli that the [Imperial High Command](link url) had taken Thrawn's suggestion into consideration and were now investigating whether Cygni had taken the stolen tibanna gas to the planet [Kril'Dor](link url), which was located near the [Uba system](link url). They also learned that Cygni had managed to evade the Imperial cordon and had somehow discovered a method for extracting the tibanna from twelve of the cylinders that had been recovered from the Dromedar. The Imperial authorities had also taken an interest in a mysterious figure known as Nightswan. At the time, the Empire was unaware that Nightswan was simply an alias used by Cygni. To the relief of both Eli and Thrawn, Lieutenant Thrawn was found not guilty of any wrongdoing by the court-martial. Given that Eli came from a family involved in shipping, Thrawn inquired about the Imperial Navy's unusual purchase of [doonium](link url). The two speculated that the doonium was being used for some [unspecified mega project](link url).

Following the conclusion of the court-martial, Vanto was approached by [Culper](link url), an aide to [Moff](link url) [Ghadi](link url). She extended an offer to him, proposing a position as an assistant military attache to the [governor](link url) of a prestigious [Inner Rim](link url) system. Moff Ghadi, consumed by jealousy over Thrawn's successful career, hoped to enlist Vanto's assistance in undermining the Chiss officer. When Culper revealed her true intentions and made disparaging remarks about Vanto's origins in Wild Space, he declined the offer. Culper then warned him that Moff Ghadi would ensure that Vanto's career would be insignificant. She advised him to become comfortable with his rank as Ensign, revealing Moff Ghadi's intention to hinder his advancement. Vanto chose not to disclose the incident to Thrawn, who informed them that he had been promoted to [Captain](link url) and assigned to the [Arquitens-class light cruiser](link url) Thunder Wasp in the Mid Rim. Although Vanto would still be accompanying Thrawn, he was disappointed that he had not yet received a promotion himself.

Following Nightswan's trail

A year later, Ensign Vanto participated in a successful operation led by Captain Thrawn and Commander [Alfren Cheno](link url) to apprehend a group of [iridium](link url) smugglers on the planet Uba. Both Eli and Thrawn found Cheno to be a more cooperative commanding officer in comparison to Captain Rossi or Culper. Thrawn and Eli had successfully tracked down the smugglers by utilizing a trail of [mollusk](link url) meat and [makorr](link url) predators to follow their underwater transport. In their haste, the smugglers had discarded the mollusk meat overboard to create additional space for the iridium, rather than releasing smaller portions of the meat at regular intervals. In private, Thrawn commended Eli for his growing talent in the art of tactics. Eli also discussed his months-long investigation into the Imperial Navy's procurement of large quantities of doonium for a clandestine project. Eli and Thrawn also discussed reports that Nightswan had been acquiring Clone Wars era equipment and smuggled metals for undisclosed purposes.

Subsequently, Ensign Vanto participated in the Imperial [pacification](link url) of the [Umbaran](link url) homeworld of [Umbara](link url). [Admiral](link url) [Carlou Gendling](link url) was in command of the Imperial assault on Umbara. Prior to the assault, Vanto informed Captain Thrawn that Commander Cheno had requested a meeting with him on the bridge. Vanto observed that Thrawn had been studying the art of the Umbaran people. Vanto also informed Thrawn that Admiral Gendling's [Imperial Star Destroyer](link url) Foremost had arrived in the [Umbara system](link url) accompanied by four corvettes. Vanto conveyed to Thrawn that Admiral Gendling was confident in his ability to force the Umbarans into submission with the forces at his disposal.

While on the bridge, Vanto was at the weapons diagnostics station when Commander Cheno confided that Admiral Gendling was impatient and had disregarded his advice to wait for the rest of his forces to arrive. Despite Admiral Gendling's prediction that the Umbarans would not launch an attack, the Umbarans deployed 400 [Vulture droids](link url) to engage the Imperial squadron. Eli noticed that the Vulture droids were originating from an Umbaran moon. The Imperial ships were overwhelmed by the small, agile fighters, which exploited vulnerabilities in their [deflector shields](link url) to inflict damage. Throughout the battle, Thrawn meticulously analyzed the Vulture droids' attack patterns and concluded that they were being controlled by a transmitter located on an outlying moon. After sharing his findings with Eli, Thrawn convinced Commander Cheno to overrule Admiral Gendling and order the Imperial ships to bombard the transmitter's station. Thrawn's strategy proved successful, and the Umbarans surrendered.

However, Admiral Gendling was furious that Commander Cheno had disobeyed his orders and warned that there would be consequences. Following the battle, Eli briefed Thrawn on his discovery that the transmitter had been operating from a building owned by a group of humans. These humans were unfamiliar to the Umbaran system. Despite the absence of concrete evidence, Thrawn believed that Nightswan had a role in the Umbaran rebellion due to his involvement in mining and metal smuggling. After analyzing the shipping records, Eli and Thrawn came to the conclusion that Nightswan had orchestrated an Imperial takeover of Umbara's mines, as it would be easier for him and his smugglers to bribe Imperial inspectors than the Umbarans. Thrawn also confided in Eli that Nightswan was attempting to send him a message.

Intrigue on Coruscant

Following the pacification of Umbara, Eli and Thrawn engaged in a discussion regarding the injustice of Commander Cheno being forced into retirement. While Thrawn was upset that the Imperial Navy had penalized a capable officer who had secured victory in the battle and saved numerous lives, Eli explained that Admiral Gendling had been offended by Cheno and had utilized his political connections to seek revenge. Eli also reassured Thrawn that the situation could have been worse, as Cheno had shielded Thrawn from being "thrown to the wolves." Eli explained that the Imperial Navy hierarchy held prejudice against Thrawn due to his non-human status and his origins outside the [Core Worlds](link url). Despite the hostility within the Imperial hierarchy, the two remained committed to continuing their investigations into Nightswan.

Upon Colonel Yularen's recommendation, Ensign Vanto and Captain Thrawn made the decision to accompany the ISB officer and two subordinates, [Roenton](link url) and [Brook](link url), on a visit to the [Yinchom Dojo](link url). This dojo was responsible for training and providing bodyguards for the [Imperial Senate](link url) and various ministry officials. Yularen's intention was to investigate whether the dojo was involved in any seditious activities. During their visit, Eli and Thrawn encountered Arihnda Pryce, a former aide to Senator Renking who was now employed by the [Higher Skies Advocacy Group](link url). Thrawn also participated in a sparring session with the dojo's owner, the [Togorian](link url) Instructor [H'sishi](link url). Following the meeting, Thrawn shared his suspicions regarding the apprehensive behavior of one of the instructors, [Juahir Madras](link url). Thrawn also concluded that H'sishi did not harbor any malicious intentions towards Imperials.

Following their visit to the Yimchom Dojo, Vanto and Thrawn received news that they would be spending the next four weeks at the Imperial Palace with Emperor Palpatine while the Thunder Wasp underwent repairs. Upon completion of the repairs, the ship would resume its patrol duties in the Mid Rim and Outer Rim. Captain Thrawn also received a promotion to the rank of Commander. To Vanto's disappointment, he did not receive a promotion. Although Eli attempted to conceal his dismay, Thrawn sensed his friend's frustration. Thrawn realized that Vanto had held the rank of ensign for a full year longer than was customary, despite the fact that he had done nothing that would warrant a delay in his promotion. Vanto was aware that he had not been promoted due to the opposition of Moff Ghadi's aide, who harbored dislike for Thrawn.

Later on, Thrawn had a meeting with Arihnda Pryce, who shared her difficulties with Moff Ghadi and Higher Skies. She requested Thrawn's assistance in protecting herself from prosecution, as she was being threatened by Moff Ghadi, the same individual responsible for hindering Vanto's career. Thrawn agreed to help, and in return, she promised to ensure that Vanto would receive a promotion and offered to assist Thrawn in the political arena by utilizing her connections. At Thrawn's request, Pryce also agreed to leverage her political connections to expedite the repairs to the Thunder Wasp.

The Cyphar dispute

Vanto and Thrawn as they approach Cyphar

Following the completion of the repairs to the Thunder Wasp, Ensign Vanto and Commander Thrawn were dispatched to resolve a [land dispute](link url) on the planet [Cyphar](link url) between the [Afe clan](link url) of the indigenous [Cyphari](link url) and a group of human colonists from the [Hollenside Enclave](link url). The colonists asserted that the Afes had been conducting raids on their border settlements and demanded concessions, as well as a safety buffer zone that would seize nearly half of the Afes' land and force them to relocate to lands controlled by other Afes. The Afes maintained that they had inhabited the land for centuries and claimed that their attacks were in retaliation for human trespassing and border raids. Thrawn had requested this assignment with the support of Colonel Yularen.

While analyzing shipping records from Cyphar, Eli speculated that the humans had discovered a new vein of precious metals beneath the Afes' territory, which explained their demand for Afe land. Eli also suggested that the human colonists were smuggling precious metals inside the shellfish, which accounted for the surge in shellfish exports over the past four months. Eli and Thrawn suspected that Nightswan had instigated the Cyphar dispute. After meeting with the colonists, Thrawn and Vanto concluded that [Lenora Scath](link url), [Brigte Polcery](link url), and [Clay Tanoo](link url) were involved in the conspiracy based on their facial expressions and mannerisms. They speculated that [Mayor](link url) [Pord Benchel](link url) had been deceived.

Eli and Thrawn then met with the Afe [Chief](link url) [Joko](link url), who admitted that members of his clan had crossed the border to launch reprisal attacks against the human colonists. After Chief Joko led them to the site of the incursions, Commander Thrawn decided to set a trap for the colonists. After studying the colonists' attack patterns, Vanto observed that they were moving northwards towards the large population centers in an attempt to provoke a stronger reaction from the Afes. This confirmed Thrawn and Vanto's earlier hypothesis that the colonists had launched the incursions in order to divert attention away from their mining operation and to provoke hostilities with the Afe. When Vanto suggested bringing in reinforcements, Thrawn reassured him that the two of them would be sufficient.

Vanto stuns all of Tanoo's team

That night, Eli and Thrawn concealed themselves in the Afe meeting house as the colonists arrived at the Afe village. Eli discovered that the Afe grain fields overlay a vein of material that was a precursor to a [spice](link url) variety known as [scarn](link url). After Thrawn requested Imperial shuttles and troops, Vanto waited in the hut to fire at the raiders while Thrawn disabled the colonists' [landspeeders](link url). During the brief firefight, Eli managed to [stun](link url) two of the colonists with his [blaster](link url). Thrawn captured several of the colonists' ring leaders including Tanoo. After the colonists had been apprehended, Thrawn ordered his TIE fighters and the Thunder Wasp to bombard the disputed land in order to destroy the scarn and dissuade the colonists from raiding Afe land in the future.

Eli watched as Lieutenant [Gimm's](link url) [TIE fighter](link url) razed grazing lands, marshes, and croplands which covered the scarn trail. Thrawn's unconventional actions angered Chief Joko, who protested that the bombing had destroyed farmland and damaged homes and water springs. Thrawn countered that the destruction of the pre-spice was necessary to prevent further attacks by the colonists. Vanto also informed Thrawn that Coruscant was furious with his actions. When Vanto expressed frustration with the Imperial military hierarchy for not appreciating that Thrawn had ended the Afe-colonist conflict, exposed a criminal conspiracy and destroyed a source of illicit spice, Thrawn explained that the Imperials desired a commander who adhered to procedures.

Thrawn told Eli that he was prepared to return to Coruscant to report the truth. Later, Eli met with the TIE fighter pilot Lieutenant Gimm and deduced that he was one of the troublemakers who had assaulted him and Thrawn at the Royal Imperial Academy years ago. When Gimm pointed out that he was still an ensign, Vanto countered that he was serving under the best commander in the Imperial Navy. Gimm mocked Thrawn's predicament and claimed that Commander Deenlark had pulled enough strings for him and his fellow attackers to be transferred to the Skystrike Academy. Despite Gimm's taunts, Vanto controlled his temper and comforted himself with the knowledge that Thrawn had been proven correct in his observation that Gimm would make an excellent starfighter pilot.


Honoring her promise to Thrawn, Pryce met with [Grand Moff](link url) [Wilhuff Tarkin](link url) and provided him with incriminating evidence about Higher Skies' [espionage](link url) against high-ranking Imperial officials and Moff Ghadi's willingness to exploit information that Higher Skies had illegally obtained about Tarkin. In return, she requested the [governorship](link url) of her [homeworld](link url) of [Lothal](link url) and for Eli to receive a long overdue promotion. Tarkin accepted Pryce's deal and issued orders for the arrest of the Higher Skies members including the instructor Juahir Madras and Moff Ghadi. Tarkin also used his political influence to improve Thrawn and Vanto's standing in the Imperial Navy hierarchy.

After Thrawn was cleared by a military hearing, Vanto and Thrawn disrupted four smuggling operations, three of which involved the smuggling of black market doonium. Eli also identified at least five other smuggling operations that matched Nightswan's pattern but occurred outside the Thunder Wasp's patrol area. Eli and Thrawn also continued to investigate why Nightswan seemed to be obsessed with stealing doonium from the Empire, and what the Empire intended to use the doonium for. Only Colonel Yularen appeared to take Thrawn's warnings about Nightswan seriously. After studying the doonium shipping records, Eli realized that the Empire was not using the doonium to construct ships. He began to speculate that the Empire was stockpiling the doonium for some unknown purpose.

Following these anti-smuggling operations, both Vanto and Thrawn were summoned back to Coruscant. They were greeted by several high-ranking Imperial military officers and officials, including Grand Moff Tarkin. Thrawn was promoted to the rank of [Commodore](link url). Then, to Vanto's astonishment, he was commended for his exceptional career and promoted to the rank of [Lieutenant Commander](link url), an extraordinary achievement for a junior ranking officer. Following the promotion ceremony, Tarkin praised the two men and informed them that the now-Governor Pryce had sent her regards and congratulations. Upon receiving their new orders, Lieutenant Commander Vanto and Commodore Thrawn learned that they had been reassigned to the [Imperial I-class Star Destroyer](link url) Chimaera. Before departing the Thunder Wasp, Vanto made a mental note to pay his former tormentor Lieutenant Gimm a visit.

Attack on the Sempre

The aftermath of the attack on the Sempre

While stationed aboard the Chimaera, Lieutenant-Commander Eli Vanto and Commodore Thrawn received a distress call from the troop transport Sempre, which had been [attacked](link url) by the frigate Castilus and two squadrons of [V-19 Torrent starfighters](link url). While Eli suspected that Nightswan was responsible for the attack, Thrawn disagreed, as overly violent attacks were not his usual style. However, [First Officer](link url) [Karyn Faro](link url) responded that Nightswan's tactics could change and pointed out that Nightswan and his followers were already attacking and killing Imperial personnel. When Thrawn inquired about the transport's mysterious cargo, the [Stormtrooper Commander](link url) [Ayer](link url) reported that the Sempre was not carrying troops. When Eli pressed the matter, Ayer responded that he was not authorized to disclose the ship's cargo.

Following orders from Coruscant, Thrawn deployed Stormtrooper Commander Ayer and his troops to the Sempre. By the time the Chimaera had arrived, the attacking ships had already departed the scene. Ayer reluctantly permitted Vanto and Thrawn to accompany his troopers aboard the transport. Vanto observed that several of the deceased crew members displayed injuries on their heads and bodies consistent with beatings. Vanto also discovered a bloody handwritten mark at a high angle on the wall. When Vanto concluded that one of the attackers or passengers had made the mark, Thrawn insisted on examining the troop quarters. A stormtrooper attempted to block their path, but Thrawn reasserted his authority.

Eli remarked that this was the first time he had heard Thrawn raise his voice in anger. Thrawn reassured him that he had simply disrupted the trooper's normal pattern of behavior. Vanto discovered that the sleeping area's racks were larger than the standard trooper carrier racks. When Vanto concluded that the passengers were prisoners, Thrawn added that the troop transport was transporting slaves. After analyzing the attack with First Officer Faro, Eli concluded that the attackers had targeted the Sempre in order to liberate the slaves. The [Senior communications officer](link url) [Lomar](link url) also found evidence that the slaves were [Wookiees](link url).

Thrawn concluded that the Sempre had been transporting the slaves from [Kashyyyk](link url) to an offworld processing center to assess their health and other qualifications. After studying the maps, Eli discovered that the slave transport had been traveling to the old customs clearing station [Lansend Twenty-Six](link url) when it was attacked. Following further discussions, Eli, Thrawn, and Faro speculated that the Wookiees' rescuers were planning to raid Lansend Twenty-Six to free more slaves and exact retribution. The Chimaera arrived at Lansend Twenty-Six to find the station under [attack](link url) from the Castilus and the V-19 starfighters.

Wookiee slaves and the attackers are rounded up after the attack on Lansend 26

After making contact with Colonel Zenoc, who was the station's commanding officer, Thrawn's reinforcements launched an assault on the rebel forces. Given that the station was already under siege by enemy combatants, Thrawn instructed Zenoc to withdraw all personnel to Section B-eight. Thrawn then commenced a bombardment of Lansend Twenty-Six, which effectively eliminated the majority of the invaders. He made sure to avoid striking Section B-five, where "non-military personnel" were located. Concurrently, the Chimaera, along with its complement of TIE fighters, significantly damaged the freighter Castilus and reduced the enemy's starfighter count to a mere three. As the conflict neared its conclusion, Vanto voiced his unease regarding the Empire's utilization of Wookiee slaves. Thrawn attempted to justify slavery, emphasizing that these individuals would be treated as "Imperial assets." Consequently, Eli discovered the Empire's clandestine involvement in Wookiee slave trafficking.

The Botajef Uprising

Fleet Admiral Jok Donassius assigned Lieutenant-Commander Vanto and Commodore Thrawn the mission of suppressing the Botajef Uprising. Quesl, the human Governor of Botajef, had independently declared the planet's secession from the Galactic Empire. Vanto was present at a strategic planning session with Thrawn, Commander Faro, and Senior Lieutenant Pyrondi. During this meeting, Pyrondi clarified that the native Jefies possessed a strong cultural inclination to follow a capable leader. When Eli inquired why the Jefies had not protested Coruscant's appointment of a human governor, Pyrondi explained that the Jefies were inherently compliant and had placed their trust in Quesl.

With the voyage to Botajef projected to last fifteen hours, Thrawn secluded himself in his quarters to delve into Botajef's history, which was marked by extended periods of subservience punctuated by sporadic bursts of intense conflict. Two hours prior to their anticipated arrival, Vanto sought out Commodore Thrawn and shared his concerns that their assignment was a deliberate setup orchestrated by individuals seeking to undermine Thrawn. Although Vanto lacked concrete proof, he cautioned Thrawn about the widespread animosity towards nonhumans within the government. These officials were betting that Thrawn would either brutally suppress the Jefies or be driven out by the Botajef Defense Force. Their aim in the first scenario was to portray Thrawn as a "mad alien" who had ruthlessly crushed innocent Jefies and humans following their appointed leader. In the second, they hoped to depict Thrawn as an incompetent officer suitable only for commanding an ore carrier.

Upon hearing the mention of the ore carrier, Thrawn recalled that their former Captain Filia Rossi had previously served as the first officer on an ore freighter before assuming command of the Blood Crow. Thrawn surmised that Rossi had been escorting shipments of doonium and other metals for a clandestine but significant project. Vanto also remembered that Rossi had previously been stationed at Socorro, which contained asteroid belts abundant in doonium. Thrawn tasked Vanto with monitoring the movements of doonium and other starship components. Thrawn speculated that the Empire was constructing a massive starship based on the flawed assumption that "bigger is better." Vanto suggested that Thrawn could uncover the nature of this enigmatic project during his next visit to Coruscant. Vanto also drew a connection between the metal shipments and the trajectory of the Wookiee slave ship they had encountered.

At Thrawn's urging, they refocused on the situation on Botajef. They analyzed the holo-recording of Governor Guesl's declaration of independence, paying particular attention to the artwork displayed on the wall behind him. Vanto had meticulously counted 57 pieces and created holos of each visible item. After scrutinizing the holo-recording, Vanto and Thrawn concluded that Quesl was intentionally provoking the Empire into attacking Botajef. Thrawn predicted that Quesl would reiterate his challenge directly to the Chimaera in the presence of the Botajef Defense Force. Before Vanto returned to the bridge, Thrawn instructed him to summon Starfighter Commander Yve and Stormtrooper Commander Ayer.

Vanto was on the bridge of the Chimaera when the Star Destroyer arrived at Botajef. In response, the Botajef Defense Force deployed two CR90 corvettes and several squadrons of V-19 Torrents. Eli also reported that Quesl had deployed three ground-based turbolaser batteries, including a cluster of five turbolasers positioned around the governor's palace. Thrawn ordered TIE fighters to orbit the corvettes and V-19s. When Governor Quesl transmitted his message to Thrawn, Thrawn diverted him with a fabricated set of rules and demanded the removal of the turbolaser emplacements. As anticipated, Governor Quesl refused and further taunted the Imperials.

In response, Thrawn deployed a specialized unit of TIE fighters that destroyed the turbolasers while deliberately avoiding damage to the governor's palace. Eli observed the operation and noticed that the Chimaera had subtly shifted to starboard, positioning itself above the corvette serving as Governor Quesl's command ship. The Chimaera's maneuver startled Quesl and his crew. Having pinpointed Governor Quesl's location, Thrawn informed the Governor that he had thwarted his plan to destroy the palace and escape offworld with the treasures. When Quesl insisted that the Jefies remained loyal to him, Thrawn pointed out that he had forfeited his legitimacy in their eyes.

With his scheme exposed, Quesl reluctantly admitted his intention to sell the Jefi art offworld. Eli listened as Thrawn explained that he had used his TIE fighters to startle Quesl, thereby revealing his location. With Quesl defeated, Thrawn ordered the Governor and his crew to surrender aboard the Chimaera and return the artwork. He also announced that Quesl would face trial, the Jefies would be "enlightened," and a new Governor would be appointed to Botajef. In private, Thrawn confided in his command crew, including Vanto, that he had fabricated the Clone Wars-era treaty to distract Quesl. Thrawn also instructed Commander Vanto to notify Imperial High Command that the Botajef Uprising had been resolved.

The Batonn insurgency

An errant mission

Following the pacification of Botajef, Commander Vanto, along with Admiral Thrawn, Colonel Yularen, and Governor Pryce, attended a high-level meeting of Imperial admirals and governors led by Fleet Admiral Donassius to discuss the Batonn sector insurgency. On the planet Batonn, a group of insurgents had taken control of Scrim Island and were holding a hundred hostages, including Imperial Navy troopers, technicians, and civilian workers. The insurgents controlled the island's deflector shield, its coastal defenses, and three ion cannons. Admiral Thrawn was initially assigned command of the mission but insisted on studying the situation before launching an immediate attack. Consequently, Fleet Admiral Donassius reassigned Thrawn's Ninety-Sixth Task Force to deal with rebel insurgents on Sammun and dispatched Admiral Durril to address the Scrim crisis.

After the meeting, Eli criticized Thrawn for alienating Imperial High Command. Thrawn countered that Admiral Durril tended to prioritize speed over precision and predicted that Durril's mission would fail. Eli realized that Thrawn intended to capitalize on Durril's failure. Instead of proceeding to Sammun, Thrawn placed Commander Faro in command of the Ninety-Sixth Task Force while he and Eli infiltrated Batonn aboard the Slipknot, a light freighter previously seized from smugglers by the Empire. Although Eli was uncomfortable with circumventing Fleet Admiral Donassius' orders, Thrawn explained that Donassius had assigned the Ninety-Sixth Task Force to the Sammun insurgency but had not explicitly mentioned them. Despite his reservations, Eli accompanied his friend and commander on their unauthorized mission.

As they approached Batonn, Vanto and Thrawn observed Admiral Durril's One Oh Third Task Force in disarray. Durril's ships had been unable to disable the deflector shield and ion cannons on Scrim. Durril's Imperial Star Destroyer Judicator and its escort ships sustained damage from ground-based turbolasers. Amidst the chaos, Thrawn instructed Vanto to impersonate the weapons smuggler "Horatio Figg" and contact a freighter departing from Batonn. Vanto successfully contacted the freighter's crew by feigning interest in the weapons they had stolen from an Imperial base. The crew responded that their boss was interested in speaking with him and transmitted a set of coordinates to the Slipknot.

Eli wanted to assist the Judicator, but Thrawn urged him to follow the smugglers' instructions, as they were unable to provide support to Admiral Durril's task force. While observing the battle, Vanto speculated that their "friend" on the freighter was unable to jump to hyperspace due to a malfunctioning hyperdrive. When Thrawn proposed alternative explanations, Vanto suggested that the freighter was monitoring the battle or receiving last-minute instructions. They also tracked the movements of seven other freighters above Batonn and theorized that these were traveling to seven of the Batonn insurgents' other strongholds on the planet. While Captain Brento of the light cruiser Shyrack monitored the seven freighters, Vanto and Thrawn proceeded to the coordinates provided by the eighth freighter.

Confronting Nightswan

Upon arriving at the smugglers' designated location, Vanto contacted them via the freighter's comm system and proposed a business transaction. Following the smuggler's directions, they approached a Nomad, a large mobile ship and repair facility dating back to the Clone Wars. Under Thrawn's guidance, Vanto donned a blaster-scorched Imperial officer's tunic that Figg had supposedly stolen from an officer he had killed. Thrawn also provided Vanto with an antique remote and instructed him to press the tile closest to the center of his chest when the appropriate moment arrived. For the mission, Eli carried a concealed blaster hidden beneath his arm. While Thrawn remained hidden aboard the freighter, Vanto landed the ship at a designated docking bay.

When Eli encountered the insurgents, he permitted them to search him. The insurgents discovered his Imperial Navy sidearm and escorted him to the Shipmaster's quarters, where he was greeted by Nevil Cygni, who identified himself as the elusive "Nightswan." Nightswan informed Eli that he was aware that Admiral Thrawn had dispatched him to seek him out. Since his disguise had failed to deceive Nightswan, Eli acknowledged that he had anticipated a challenge but admitted that he had not expected to encounter Cygni again. When Eli inquired about Nightswan's association with "crazies," Nightswan responded that he was aiding in the downfall of the "corrupt" Empire.

Nightswan confessed that he had orchestrated the Scrim Island incident to eliminate Thrawn after failing to destroy him politically. Eli misled Nightswan into believing that Thrawn was in command of the ill-fated 103rd Task Force above. Convinced that he had finally trapped Thrawn, Vanto flattered the insurgent leader to extract information. Nightswan revealed that he had learned from a contact that Thrawn had fought alongside the Jedi General Anakin Skywalker at the Thrugii asteroid belt during the Clone Wars. Shortly thereafter, one of Nightswan's insurgents searching the freighter Slipknot detected a radiation leak in the engine compartment. Eli realized that Thrawn was creating a diversion to facilitate their escape.

Shortly after, the engine compartment exploded. Realizing that Thrawn had signaled him, Eli pressed the central tile on his tunic, triggering the concealed blaster to detonate. With Nightswan distracted, Eli fought his way back to the bay. With the insurgents diverted, Eli and Thrawn escaped aboard a stolen freighter. After reuniting in the cockpit, Eli questioned Thrawn's decision to steal an insurgent freighter instead of escaping in their own. Thrawn explained that he intended to retrieve navigational records of bases and supply lines from the ship's computer. Eli's meeting with Nightswan had merely been a distraction. Thrawn also revealed that he had escaped the exploding Slipknot by ejecting in an escape pod.

Upon returning to Batonn, Vanto learned that Thrawn had instructed Captain Bento to coordinate the remaining light cruisers in the 103rd Task Force to evacuate the Judicator using their tractor beams. With Admiral Durril discredited and other Imperial forces engaged with insurgents on Sammun and Denash, Admiral Thrawn was tasked with neutralizing the rebel insurgents on Scrim Island.

Victory on Scrim Island

Under Thrawn's command, the Ninety-Sixth Task Force converged above Scrim Island to subdue the insurgents. Before the assault, Commander Vanto conversed with Commander Faro, confirming that he had dedicated his entire career to serving under Thrawn. Faro commended Eli for maintaining Thrawn's "sanity" while serving under Imperial commanders appointed based on personal connections rather than competence. Faro also assured Vanto that Thrawn had been correct in recognizing his potential beyond that of a supply officer. Thrawn also reassured Commander Faro that Thrawn's plan would succeed and that the other command staff in the Ninety-Sixth Task Force would be capable of executing it. While aboard the Chimaera, Eli witnessed Admiral Thrawn ordering the light cruisers Shyrack, Flensor, and Tumnor to enter Batonn's upper atmosphere and bombard Scrim Island.

As the light cruisers engaged the three turbolasers, a hidden fourth turbolaser unleashed volleys that weakened the three ships. However, Thrawn had anticipated this and ordered the light cruisers to shift to their newly assigned positions. With the insurgents' fourth turbolaser rendered inoperative due to faulty supply parts, Thrawn repositioned the Chimaera behind the damaged Flensor. As this unfolded, Eli explained to Faro that the insurgent commander had deduced that if his ion cannons could not target the Chimaera, the Chimaera could not disable his ion cannons. Eli also realized that Thrawn intended to deceive the insurgents into believing they could fire their fourth turbolaser cannon once the Chimaera was in position.

With Thrawn having relocated the cruisers and the Chimaera to a secure orbital position, the insurgents' ion cannons were unable to strike their ships. As the Imperial ships entered Batonn's atmosphere, Thrawn ordered them to open fire on the oceans surrounding Scrim. This bombardment triggered a tsunami that struck the ion cannon, turbolaser emplacements, and shield generator, effectively disabling them. With their weapons and shield systems offline, the insurgent leader on Scrim Island requested a truce. Thrawn instructed Commander Vanto to inform Coruscant that Scrim Island had been reclaimed. Despite the victory, Thrawn cautioned Vanto and Faro that the Battle of Batonn was far from over.

Dealing with Pryce and Yularen

During the initial assault on Scrim Island, several insurgent freighters had fled to various locations on Batonn's main continent. Commander Vanto successfully identified their shipping routes and traced their cargoes to the Creekpath Mining and Refining complex outside Paeragosto City on the continent. The Batonn insurgents had sought refuge within the fortified mine of the mining complex. In response, the Empire and their Batonn Defense Force allies laid siege to the complex. Vanto was present when Governor Pryce and Colonel Yularen arrived aboard the Chimaera. Given that Pryce's parents resided in the Creekpath complex, she persuaded Yularen and Thrawn that she could assist the Empire by gathering intelligence on the insurgents' defenses and weapons configuration. Pryce would be accompanied by ISB Agent Gudry, who would infiltrate the insurgents under the guise of searching for a friend.

Under Thrawn's orders, Vanto collaborated with Colonel Yularen to provide the necessary frequencies and passwords for Pryce and Gudry. While en route to the hangar bay, Yularen instructed Eli to keep an encrypted ISB datacard isolated from the rest of the ship's computer network. Eli briefed Yularen on Thrawn's plan to deploy ground forces as soon as Pryce and her escort had successfully escaped. When they were alone, Yularen questioned Eli about whether Thrawn had deliberately positioned the Chimaera and the rest of the task force. Upon Vanto's confirmation, Yularen observed that the three light cruisers were positioned at the vertices of an equilateral triangle spanning nearly 100 kilometers. Yularen expressed concern that the ships were too far apart to provide mutual support.

Vanto countered that the light cruisers were not designed for combat. Yularen likened the light cruisers to "bell-up turtles," vulnerable targets for an attack force. Eli responded that once the ships were repaired, they would arrive in sequence, allowing the Chimaera sufficient time to redirect its turbolasers towards one cruiser before the second was attacked. When Yularen questioned Thrawn's tactics, Eli reassured him that Thrawn knew what he was doing. Yularen also expressed concern that Thrawn was becoming fixated on Nightswan. Eli replied that Thrawn was in his right mind and had the best interests of the Empire at heart. Before departing, Yularen instructed Eli to keep a close watch on the Admiral.

On Batonn, Yularen located Thrawn after the Admiral had met with the insurgent leader Nightswan in a failed attempt to persuade him to end the Batonn insurgency by offering him a position within the Chiss Ascendancy. Utilizing the information he had acquired from Eli regarding Thrawn's tactics, Yularen questioned Thrawn about the positioning of his ships. Thrawn reassured Yularen that the light cruisers' hyperdrives were still operational, based on Vanto's deductions from the repair logs. Thrawn also assured Yularen that the light cruisers were not defenseless and hinted that he had set a trap for any potential attackers.

Thrawn's "Belly-up Turtles"

In Thrawn's absence, Commander Vanto estimated that thirty armed mid-sized insurgent ships had escaped Denash and were concealed within the Batonn system. Eli reported his findings to Commander Faro, who deployed the Chimaera's TIE fighters above the planet. After Thrawn returned, the Admiral ordered the Chimaera to descend into Batonn's atmosphere to bombard the insurgent stronghold once Gudry had deactivated the shields. As the Chimaera descended, thirty insurgent ships approached the cruisers from three different vectors. While Eli was startled, he maintained his composure and trusted Thrawn's leadership. When Thrawn remarked that his tactics were about to be tested in battle, Eli asked if they were going to die.

The Chimaera and the cruisers fire on the insurgent ships

When Thrawn ordered Senior Lieutenant Lomar to instruct the cruisers to detach from their repair barges, Eli expressed surprise, as he had assumed that Thrawn intended to order them to jump to hyperspace before they could open fire. Thrawn replied that he had used the light cruisers to deceive Nightswan. After the drone barges had disengaged from the light cruisers, Vanto and the others observed as the barges deployed three squadrons of TIE fighters. The TIE fighters ambushed the attacking insurgent ships. When Vanto inquired about the origin of the TIE fighters, Thrawn revealed that Admiral Durril had loaned the Judicator's TIE fighters. Eli watched as the TIE fighters and the Chimaera's turbolasers decimated the insurgent fleet.

The Imperial victory was overshadowed by news of an explosion that had destroyed both the insurgents' stronghold and numerous civilian homes. While Eli and the other Imperials believed that the insurgents had detonated themselves in a suicidal last stand, Pryce was in fact responsible for the explosion. She had detonated Gudry's explosives to conceal his murder. Pryce had killed Gudry after he refused to evacuate her parents Talmoor and Elainye Pryce. Eli was present when Thrawn ordered Imperial forces to search for and rescue survivors. Thrawn also instructed Imperial forces to allow fleeing insurgent ships to escape while destroying those that chose to fight.

Emissary to the Chiss

Following the suppression of the Batonn insurgency, Admiral Thrawn spoke with Commander Vanto after his meeting with Governor Pryce. When Thrawn revealed that Pryce had offered her services as his political advisor, Vanto expressed his opinion that Pryce was unsuitable for the role and inquired about her involvement in the Creekpath bombing. Despite her denials, Thrawn believed that Pryce bore some responsibility for the disaster, which had claimed the lives of many civilians. While they agreed that they lacked sufficient evidence to prove Pryce's guilt, Thrawn remarked that there was "often a symmetry to things." Given that Thrawn had been summoned to Coruscant due to his success in quelling the Batonn insurgents, Vanto advised his mentor to smile and act gracefully. After exchanging pleasantries, Vanto departed for Batonn to recover data from the Creekpath site.

Vanto is greeted by Admiral Ar'alani.

During a meeting with the Emperor, Thrawn was promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral and was introduced to Darth Vader. Recognizing Vanto's potential and abilities, Grand Admiral Thrawn dispatched the promising Commander into the Unknown Regions to serve as an Imperial liaison to the Chiss Ascendancy, who had never truly exiled Thrawn. It had been a ruse so he could establish contact with the Empire with the full blessing of the ascendancy, so as to see whether the government could be a suitable ally against great threats. If the Empire had not proved to be an ally, Thrawn would have tried to collapse it into an easier foe the threats would attack first. While traveling through hyperspace to the coordinates, Vanto read through Mitth'raw'nuruodo's journal, which Thrawn had given to him as a token of their friendship. Upon arriving at the coordinates provided by Thrawn, he sighted a large alien ship. Vanto was contacted on the comm screen by Admiral Ar'alani of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. Vanto identified himself and told her that Mitth'raw'nuruodo had sent him because he believed that he could help the Chiss Ascendancy. Ar'alani welcomed Eli to the Chiss Ascendancy.

Vanto's sudden and unexplained departure from the fleet caused rumors on board the Chimaera. When the ship was sent to investigate a disturbance in the Force centered around Batuu, Faro, who had been promoted to a Commodore only six weeks earlier, wondered how Vanto's absence was going to affect her future. Faro did ask Thrawn what had happened to Vanto, and, while her commanding officer had given a polite enough answer, she left their conversation understanding that she was to never ask about him again.

Reuniting with Thrawn

Vanto and his commanding officer in the Chiss Ascendancy, Admiral Ar'alani.

Vanto, having been reduced in rank to lieutenant upon joining the Chiss, was assigned to analyze various data sets, which he initially suspected were merely busywork. He later returned to Imperial territory when the Steadfast pursued forces of the Grysk Hegemony. During this period, Vanto reunited with Thrawn, although he was disappointed that his former officer greeted him with formality rather than a more personal gesture, and he participated in the mission to Aloxor. Before their engagement against a Grysk warship, Vah'nya, a Force-sensitive navigator known to Vanto, informed him of the dangers posed by the Grysks, explaining that some were capable of manipulating the minds of billions to their will. Unwilling to endure such a fate, Vah'nya extracted a promise from Vanto to kill her and her fellow navigators if the Steadfast were to lose the battle.

Following the defeat of the Grysk forces, Vanto confessed his promise to kill the navigators after being questioned by Admiral Ar'alani, but she did not punish him. Instead, she revealed that the data sets the Ascendancy had tasked him with analyzing were actually codified information about the Ozyly-esehembo, the Force-sensitive navigators. This revealed to Vanto the reason Thrawn had sent him to join the Ascendancy. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander and assigned to provide an orientation to Brierly Ronan, whom Thrawn had sent to join the Chiss to aid in the impending war against the Grysks.

Personality and traits

Eli Vanto

Growing up in the Wild Space frontier, Eli Vanto's upbringing involved hearing tales of the blue-skinned Chiss species from his parents. Initially, Vanto resigned himself to a career as a supply officer within the Imperial Navy; however, the Chiss warrior Thrawn discerned Vanto's latent abilities and potential for command. Although Vanto was initially hesitant to serve as Thrawn's translator and aide given his childhood perception of the Chiss as formidable warriors, a mutual respect developed between the two men as they served the Galactic Empire as friends and comrades. Vanto began to see Thrawn as a mentor, and Thrawn considered Eli to be one of the few reliable allies in whom he could confide.

Before Thrawn extended an offer to Vanto to join the Chiss Ascendancy, Vanto had begun to regard his commanding officer almost as a friend. Likewise, Thrawn presented Vanto with his journal, containing an entry about friendship and allowing friends to pursue their own paths, mirroring their impending separation. Despite his time with the Chiss, Vanto remained uncertain of Thrawn's true feelings and whether his former officer was even capable of friendship. Upon reuniting with Thrawn, Vanto relished the "warm glow" he experienced when the Grand Admiral complimented his deduction.

While Vanto maintained loyalty to the Galactic Empire, he was aware of its shortcomings and imperfections. Vanto acknowledged the xenophobic nature of the Imperial establishment towards alien species and its preference for Core Worlders over those from the frontier regions. Vanto morally opposed the enslavement of Wookiees and questioned Thrawn's justification of them as indentured workers. Due to his close association with Thrawn and his Wild Space background, Imperial High Command consistently overlooked Vanto for promotion. Eli's devotion to Thrawn caused him to reject a tempting job offer from Moff Ghadi's aide Culper, despite threats of career sabotage. Despite these frustrations, Vanto's contributions were eventually recognized, leading to his promotions to Lieutenant Commander and Commander.

During his time in the Imperial Navy, Vanto grew to admire Thrawn's unconventional strategies and disregard for Imperial military protocol. Occasionally, Eli served as a voice of caution when Thrawn challenged the Imperial military hierarchy. While Vanto participated in the Empire's efforts to suppress the growing rebellion, he refrained from using excessive force or violence.

During his service to the Chiss Ascendancy, the Chiss interpreted "Eli Vanto" as "Eli'van'to," granting the human the core name of "Ivant." Although "Eli" resembled the part of a Chiss name indicating membership in a Chiss family—specifically, a non-existent "Eli family"—Vanto was considered a member of the Chiss Ascendancy, rather than any particular Chiss family. Consequently, Vanto's Fleet uniform displayed the Ascendancy's insignia rather than that of a specific Chiss family. Like the ozyly-esehembo and flag officers of the Ascendancy, Vanto belonged to the "family" of the Ascendancy rather than any individual Chiss family.

Vanto maintained a friendly relationship with the sky-walker Vah'nya, one of the few Chiss who addressed him as "Eli" instead of "Ivant." Vanto showed signs of romantic feelings for Vah'nya, but he did not act upon them due to concerns about the potential consequences of "fraternizing" with comrades in the Expansionary Defense Fleet.

Skills and abilities

Given his family's involvement in shipping and trading, Eli possessed a strong understanding of starship systems. He was also proficient in both Galactic Basic Standard and the Sy Bisti trade language. As an Imperial Navy officer, Vanto had a thorough knowledge of Imperial military protocol and tactics. He was also skilled in unarmed combat, engaging Nightswan's insurgents on at least two occasions. At Thrawn's request, Vanto employed his investigative abilities to examine the Empire's appropriation of large quantities of doonium and other valuable metals. Vanto's efforts led Thrawn to discover the Empire's construction of a superweapon known as the Death Star.

His training as a supply specialist provided Vanto with a strong grasp of numbers. He later speculated that this might have contributed to his successful partnership with Thrawn, as he understood numbers exceptionally well, while Thrawn possessed a unique understanding of art. During his time under Thrawn's tutelage, Vanto also developed an understanding of military tactics.

Behind the scenes

Eli Vanto's first appearance was as the deuteragonist in Timothy Zahn's 2017 novel, Thrawn, which serves as a canonical origin story for the title character. In an interview published on StarWars.com, Zahn described Eli as a character whose life trajectory was altered by Thrawn's arrival. Zahn characterized the novel as a journey for both Eli and Thrawn, with Eli confronting his distrust, resentments, and anxieties regarding Thrawn.

Vanto was first depicted in Thrawn 1, released on February 14, 2018, the first issue of the comic adaptation of the Thrawn novel. Vanto also reappeared in Thrawn: Treason, the third book in the Star Wars: Thrawn series, where his middle initial—N—was revealed.

