As the Lothalite human female mother to Arihnda Pryce and the wife of Talmoor Pryce, Elainye Pryce played a significant role in their lives. Similar to her spouse, she held a stake in Pryce Mining; however, by the time the doonium deposit was unearthed, her daughter had assumed leadership of the organization. Subsequent to the family mine's seizure by the Empire, both Elainye and Talmoor were resettled on Batonn. For several years afterward, they resided there, witnessing the Batonn insurgency. The Pryces survived the conflict due to Arihnda's intervention, though her actions resulted in substantial casualties during the Siege of the Creekpath Mining and Refining complex.
Before the Clone Wars era and the rise of the Galactic Empire, Elainye's path crossed with Talmoor Pryce on the planet of Lothal, leading to their marriage. She joined his family mine, and later, she gave birth to their only child, Arihnda. By the time the vein of doonium was discovered, Elainye and Talmoor had lessened their direct involvement in the mine's operation, allowing Arihnda to take charge of key managerial decisions.
When Governor Ryder Azadi and his representative Arik Uvis at Pryce Mining became aware of the doonium vein that Arihnda had located in the mine, they presented Arihnda with an opportunity to acquire a majority share in Pryce Mining in return for safeguarding them against the Empire and large corporations. Arihnda, standing firm against Azadi and Uvis' scare tactics, declined the proposal, which infuriated both Azadi and Uvis.
In retaliation, Azadi and Uvis fabricated charges of embezzlement, leading to Elainye's immediate detention. She was incarcerated in prison without the possibility of bail, while Arihnda sought the assistance of Senator Domus Renking to advocate for Elainye's release. Renking informed Arihnda that he could not simply release Elainye until she was proven undoubtedly innocent, mentioning that Elainye's next mining job may well be on Kessel. As a solution, Renking suggested that Arihnda sell the mine to the Empire in exchange for Elainye's freedom, a job for Elainye and Talmoor on Batonn, and a job for Arihnda on Coruscant. She accepted the arrangement.
Subsequently, Elainye was freed and exonerated of the accusations after Arihnda agreed to Renking's terms. Following this, she and Talmoor were transferred to the Creekpath Mining and Refining complex on Batonn, where they assumed roles as an assistant manager and foreman, respectively. They enjoyed a comfortable existence there for several years.
During the Siege of the Creekpath Mining and Refining complex, as Nightswan's rebels gathered inside the Creekpath mine in preparation, Elainye and Talmoor found their home situated within the insurgents' shield generator. While Elainye and Talmoor shared the rebels' concerns regarding the state of Batonn's government, Governor Restos, and the Empire, they chose not to align themselves with the rebels within their stronghold. They asserted that despite their agreement with the rebels' sentiments, they did not consider themselves rebels.
Elainye welcomed Arihnda and ISB Agent Gudry into her home on the day of the Battle of Batonn. Unbeknownst to her, Arihnda secretly took her comm. Elainye remained at home while Talmoor, Arihnda, and Gudry ventured into the mine.
Elainye was taken by surprise when Arihnda and Talmoor returned home prematurely after Arihnda fabricated a comm message from Elainye to Talmoor, claiming that Elainye had fallen ill. However, she had little time to dwell on her surprise, as Arihnda promptly instructed both her and Talmoor to pack their belongings in preparation for evacuating Creekpath before the battle commenced. Elainye hesitated to evacuate, reluctant to abandon her friends and neighbors, but Talmoor persuaded her to follow Arihnda's instructions.
Elainye and Talmoor began packing, prioritizing datacards containing cherished memories from Arihnda's childhood. From the stairs, Elainye witnessed Arihnda's fatal attack on Gudry as she attempted to pack a multicolored crystal of sentimental value. Despite her shock at witnessing the murder, it did not alter her perception of Arihnda, and she promptly resumed packing after ensuring that her daughter did not require medical attention following her altercation with Gudry.
Once she had packed her belongings, Elainye accompanied Arihnda and Talmoor as they departed from the Creekpath mine. She was momentarily distracted by the explosion of a nearby bulldozer when Arihnda executed the guard blocking their path out of the shield generator and accepted Arihnda's explanation that the guard had been killed by shrapnel from the explosion. Elainye expressed a desire to pause and assist the guard, but Arihnda insisted that there was no time.
Shortly thereafter, Elainye, Talmoor, and Arihnda were intercepted by two Imperial Navy Troopers who informed them that ISB Colonel Wullf Yularen had dispatched a team to locate Arihnda and Gudry in the Pryce family residence. The troopers then directed them toward the Imperial HQ, and the three continued their escape.
From the safety of the HQ established by Major Talmege, Elainye observed the explosion that obliterated the Creekpath mine and brought an end to the Battle of Batonn. Elainye was deeply dismayed by the explosion, unaware that her daughter had been responsible for triggering it. Following her daughter's instructions, Elainye boarded a shuttle to Paeragosto City and subsequently traveled on the Duggenhei to the Governor's Mansion on Lothal. She and Talmoor remained there until Arihnda had the opportunity to visit them and discuss their future plans.
Elainye Pryce was a human woman. She deeply loved her husband Talmoor and their daughter Arihnda Pryce. Elainye held her daughter in high esteem and cherished datacards documenting Pryce's childhood, including her debating achievements. As an assistant manager, she possessed expertise in mine management, notably within the family-owned Pryce Mining.
During the siege of the Creekpath mining complex, Elainye and Talmoor voiced their empathy for the Batonn insurgents' grievances against the Empire, citing Governor Restos' corruption as a contributing factor. She showed reluctance to abandon her second home and leave behind her neighbors and friends. The high casualties sustained during the siege of the Creekpath complex horrified her, yet she never suspected her daughter's involvement in causing those deaths.
Elainye was a creature of habit, maintaining the same comm for years. Her daughter Arihnda exploited this habit to her advantage by secretly swapping their devices. This allowed Arihnda to impersonate her mother and falsely claim illness to facilitate her parents' evacuation.
Elainye Pryce made her debut appearance in Timothy Zahn's 2017 novel, Thrawn, which served as a rebooted Canonical origin story for the character of the same name. Most of her dialogue is conveyed through the perspective of her daughter, Arihnda Pryce.
Her first illustration appeared in Marvel Comics' Thrawn 5, a comic adaptation of the novel, which premiered on June 13, 2018. She was illustrated by Luke Ross and colored by Nolan Woodard.