Arik Uvis, a male human hailing from the [Core](/article/core_worlds] worlds, was employed by Governor Ryder Azadi's office. He sought to acquire an additional twenty-one percent of the mining firm, Pryce Mining, to supplement his existing thirty percent stake. However, Arihnda Pryce, the company's heiress, declined his proposition.
Born and raised in the [Core](/article/core_worlds] as a human, Arik Uvis found himself living on Lothal by his mid-thirties. There, he worked for governor Ryder Azadi's office. Six months before the discovery of a doonium vein in the mine, he was assigned to collaborate with Pryce Mining. Over this time, he forged a cordial relationship with Talmoor Pryce.
Six standard months into his assignment with Pryce Mining, Uvis and Azadi learned of the doonium vein's discovery within Pryce Mining's Lothal mine. Eager to secure the doonium vein before Senator Domus Renking of Lothal and the [Empire](/article/galactic_empire] could intervene, Azadi tasked Uvis with attempting to purchase an additional twenty-one percent of the company from Arihnda. This acquisition, combined with their current thirty percent, would grant them controlling interest.

Uvis located Arihnda at the Pryce Mining corporate building and quickly verified the rumors regarding the doonium discovery. With confirmation in hand, Uvis initiated his attempt to gain control of Pryce Mining. He cautioned Arihnda that the doonium vein would attract unwanted attention, offering Azadi's protection from powerful corporations in exchange for a controlling stake. Arihnda, dismissing his warnings as a mere takeover ploy, rejected his offer. When she threatened to summon guard droids, Uvis reluctantly departed the premises.
As retribution for Arihnda's refusal, Uvis and Azadi fabricated embezzlement charges to imprison Elainye Pryce, hoping to blackmail Arihnda into selling her company. Unaware of Uvis's involvement in the attempted takeover, Talmoor suggested that Arihnda try speaking with him to secure Elainye's release.
Uvis and Azadi's scheme ultimately failed that same day when Arihnda struck a deal with Senator Renking. She agreed to cede control of Pryce Mining to the Empire in exchange for her mother's freedom, new positions for her parents, and a job for herself working for Renking on Coruscant.
Arik Uvis was a man of human descent, characterized by blonde hair and brown eyes. In his mid-thirties, Arik was approximately the same age as Arihnda Pryce, although she believed him to be in "far worse shape than her." Willing to employ underhanded tactics on behalf of Governor Azadi, Arik went so far as to harm Arihnda's mother, Elainye, in an attempt to coerce her into relinquishing control of Pryce Mining to Governor Azadi. However, Pryce outmaneuvered Azadi by selling her company to the Empire.
Arik Uvis made his debut in Timothy Zahn's 2017 novel, Thrawn, which serves as a rebooted Canonical origin story for the titular character. Most of his dialogue is presented through the perspective of the tritagonist, Arihnda Pryce.
His first illustration appeared in Marvel Comics' Thrawn 3, a comic book adaptation of the novel, released on April 11, 2018. Luke Ross provided the drawing and inking, while Nolan Woodard handled the coloring.