A typical month, sometimes known simply as a month, represented a duration of time encompassing a number of standard weeks. A year consisted of a dozen months.
Specific occurrences frequently took place at scheduled points within a month. On Cynda, the moon orbiting the Inner Rim planet Gorse, practitioners of blood cults materialized monthly, specifically during full moons, to perform blood rituals. The Q'anah celebration occurred annually on the planet Asmeru on the 234th day of the 16th month according to the Asmeru calendar. A month on Batuu was composed of 30 days.
Pablo Hidalgo, when questioned by a follower regarding the presumed length of Star Wars galaxy years, suggested using twelve. Despite the assertion in Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 61 that a year comprised ten months, using Coruscant as the standard, Charles Soule verified that Star Wars years are structured around twelve months.