Thrawn #5 represents the fifth installment, and second to last, of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Thrawn. This miniseries is an adaptation of the 2017 novel sharing the same name. Jody Houser served as the writer for this issue, while Luke Ross provided the illustrations. It was released on June 13, 2018 by Marvel Comics.
"THE RISE OF THE GRAND ADMIRAL" CONTINUES! Thrawn's obsession and pursuit of the mysterious crime lord "Nightswan" has led him to Batonn. But what his aide Eli Vanto hopes will be the final stand between the Empire and its enemies soon turns out to be nothing more than a trap…and Ensign Vanto is the bait!
Admiral Thrawn and Commander Eli Vanto are shown observing the One Oh Third Task Force, led by Admiral Durril, as they engage with the Batonn insurgents on Scrim Island from aboard the freighter Slipknot. A deflector shield protects the island. The insurgents inflict damage on Durril's Imperial Star Destroyer, the Judicator, using an ion cannon and a turbolaser.
Thrawn takes note of the insurgents' attack on the Judicator's portside flank, specifically the side opposite to the direction from which an insurgent freighter is flying eastward from the island. Vanto, following Thrawn's directions, makes contact with the pirate freighter, identifying himself as Horatio Figg, a weapons smuggler and the captain of the Slipknot. Thrawn reveals that this is part of his strategy to obtain an invitation to Nightswan's base. By feigning interest in purchasing weapons from them, Thrawn successfully gains the trust of the freighter crew.
The freighter crew provides Vanto with the coordinates for the insurgent's base, located aboard the freighter Nomad. Before they embark on their mission, Thrawn sends out an emergency distress signal on behalf of Admiral Durril. Vanto, at Thrawn's urging, disguises himself as a weapons smuggler who has stolen an Imperial officer's uniform. Thrawn also equips Vanto with a lieutenant's plaque modified with a remote control and a concealed holdout blaster. Thrawn informs Vanto that he will be orchestrating their escape using the Slipknot.
Upon landing on the Nomad, Vanto is subjected to a search by the insurgents, who confiscate his holdout blaster. One of the insurgents informs Vanto that their leader wishes to see him. Vanto realizes that the insurgent leader is actually Nevil Cygni, whom he had previously encountered during the Dromedar hijacking incident. Nevil believes that Thrawn is in command of the assault on Scrim Island and that Vanto has been sent by Thrawn to find him. Nevil mentions that he first heard about Thrawn fighting alongside the Jedi General Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars.
Nevil's subordinates inform him about a radiation leak emanating from the engine compartment of the Slipknot. Cygni suspects that this is a deception employed by Imperials hiding on board the ship. While the ship is being searched, Cygni mocks Vanto for living in Thrawn's shadow. Vanto retorts by stating that he is a Commander with a track record of victories. Their conversation is cut short by an explosion caused by the radiation leak. Vanto seizes this opportunity to activate Thrawn's modified rank insignia, which triggers the explosion of his captured holdout blaster.
Vanto battles his way through the insurgents and escapes with Thrawn aboard a stolen insurgent freighter. The two then rejoin the Imperial fleet. Thrawn explains to Vanto that he chose that particular freighter to acquire navigational records that could lead them to insurgent bases and supply lines. Vanto confirms that Nightswan is indeed the leader of the Batonn insurgents. Thrawn commends Vanto for his actions and reveals that he deliberately withheld Nightswan's identity to ensure the authenticity of Vanto's performance.
Upon their return to the Chimaera, Admiral Thrawn and Commander Vanto participate in a holobriefing with Admiral Kinshara, Fleet Admiral Jok Donassius, and Admiral Durril. Admiral Durill expresses regret for his unsuccessful assault on Scrim Island and states that he has ordered repairs for his ships in preparation for a second assault. Simultaneously, Admiral Kinshara reports that he has defeated the insurgents on Denash, but prisoner interrogations suggest that the majority of their forces have already relocated to Batonn.
Thrawn announces that Sammun has been pacified, with two enemy ships destroyed, four ships captured, and a substantial amount of small arms ordnance seized. Fleet Admiral Donassius questions Thrawn's absence from the engagement. Thrawn clarifies that the operation was executed under his direction. Given the damage sustained by Durril's forces, Donassius instructs the Admiral to take his task force to the Marleyvane shipyards for repairs.
The Fleet Admiral then inquires about the amount of time Thrawn requires to gather intelligence on the Batonn insurgents. Thrawn confidently replies that he has already completed the intelligence gathering process and is prepared to eliminate the insurgents. Thrawn's assault on Scrim Island is not depicted directly.
Some days after Scrim Island's recapture, the Empire is undertaking a siege of the Creekpath Mining and Refining complex, which the Batonn insurgents have seized. Admiral Thrawn and Commander Vanto meet with Colonel Wullf Yularen and Governor Arihnda Pryce. Thrawn clarifies that Vanto was successful in tracing the insurgents' shipping routes to Creekpath. Vanto and Thrawn explain that the insurgents are protected by a deflector shield and that there are about 30,000 civilians inside the complex.
Pryce reveals her presence stems from the fact that her parents are among the civilians. Colonel Yularen briefs Thrawn and Vanto on Pryce's plan to infiltrate Creekpath, ostensibly to visit her parents, but also to assess the insurgents' defenses and weapons. Yularen believes this presents an opportunity to disable the shield generator.
Thrawn voices concerns about Pryce's high profile, but Pryce counters that she will be traveling undercover with Imperial Security Bureau Agent Gudry. Yularen explains that their cover story is that they are looking for a friend involved in the mine situation. Thrawn reluctantly approves the plan, emphasizing that Pryce should not directly participate in any conflict, but expresses concern about her parents' loyalties. Pryce assures Thrawn of her self-sufficiency and reiterates the need for the information.
In private, Colonel Yularen provides Vanto with a set of passcodes, urging him to monitor Thrawn. Yularen questions Thrawn's decision to position the three damaged light cruisers Shyrack, Flensor, and Tumnor in strategically vulnerable positions above Batonn. He points out that they would be susceptible to enemy starships and too distant from the Chimaera to receive support. Vanto assures Yularen that Thrawn is thinking strategically. Yularen worries that Cygni is affecting Thrawn's judgment and instructs Vanto to keep a close watch on him.
At the Pryce Residence in Creekpath, Pryce's father, Talmoor, questions her choice of a blonde wig and eye lenses. Pryce explains that she is there unofficially and claims that her friend "Mattai" is searching for a friend in the mine area. "Mattai" corroborates Pryce's story. Talmoor defends the insurgents, portraying them as heroes fighting for their rights against a "repressive and dangerous" government. Pryce believes her father is generalizing about the Empire, but he argues that Governor Restos and his associates are corrupt.
Pryce pledges to investigate the matter. When "Mattai" suggests that his friend may have been forcibly recruited by the insurgents, Talmoor agrees to assist them in finding his friend, but insists that they must comply with the insurgents' instructions to leave. Pryce subtly replaces her mother Elainye Pryce's comlink with her own, intending to evacuate the mine before the Imperial attack.
En route to the mine, Talmoor blames Governor Restos for failing to secure the mine. He explains that the insurgents had seized the mine's DSS-02 regional shield and expelled the operators before they could react. Pryce uses her mother's comlink to inform Talmoor that she is feeling unwell and that they need to return. This provides Pryce and Talmoor with a reason to go back home. "Mattai" accepts their explanation, despite being suspicious.
Back at her family's home, Pryce reveals to Talmoor and Elainye that the fake comlink message was a ruse to distance them from Mattai. She warns her parents of an impending battle and urges them to pack. Talmoor dismisses the possibility of the Governor attacking the mine. Pryce counters that an Imperial task force is stationed above Batonn with orders to neutralize the insurgents.
Elainye advises her daughter not to panic, but Pryce reiterates her warning. Talmoor concedes that their daughter is right. When Elainye inquires about their friends working in the mine, Pryce responds that she is only there for her parents.
In the meantime, Admiral Thrawn makes contact with Nevil Cygni in his office aboard the Chimaera using a frequency obtained from the records of the stolen freighter. When Cygni questions Thrawn's decision to contact him without issuing an ultimatum, Thrawn states that he wishes to speak with Cygni face to face, without any barriers between them.
The comic seemingly suggests that the three light cruisers under Admiral Thrawn's command, Shyrack, Flensor, and Tumnor, sustained damage during Admiral Durril's initial assault on Scrim Island. However, the original Thrawn novel explicitly states that the light cruisers were damaged during Thrawn's second assault on Scrim Island. Thrawn strategically used these three light cruisers as decoys to draw the insurgents' fire, allowing the Chimaera to bombard the insurgents' defenses.
- UPC 759606088409; June 13 , 2018 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00511; Cover A; Paul Renaud 00521; Cover B; Rafael Pinto Albuquerque, Laura Martin