Thrawn 4

Thrawn #4 represents the fourth installment of the canon comic book limited series, Star Wars: Thrawn. This miniseries is an adaptation of the 2017 novel bearing the same title. Marvel Comics released this issue on May 9, 2018, with Jody Houser as the writer and Luke Ross handling the illustrations.

Publisher's Synopsis

"THE RISE OF THE GRAND ADMIRAL" CONTINUES! Thrawn's ascent within the Imperial Empire proceeds at an astonishing rate. Meanwhile, Eli Vanto remains in his initial role as Thrawn's assistant. But will Thrawn's intense focus on the elusive crimelord "Nightswan" guide both Imperials to favor within the Emperor's sight? Support emerges from unexpected sources within the Empire…

Story Summary

The Cyphar Conflict

Commander Thrawn and Ensign Eli Vanto are deployed on the Arquitens-class light cruiser, the Thunder Wasp, to resolve a land dispute on Cyphar. This dispute involves the native Cyphari Afe clan and human colonists who are encroaching on Cyphari land. Vanto connects the dispute to increased shellfish exports over the past four months, noting reports of Nightswan assisting human smugglers in concealing contraband within the shellfish. Thrawn deduces that Nightswan is deliberately provoking Imperial intervention.

Thrawn links Nightswan's activities to the growth of rebel attacks and smuggling. He suspects Cyphar is Nightswan's latest operation. Commander Thrawn and Ensign Vanto meet with the human colonists' leaders, including Mayor Pord Benchel, Lenora Scath, Clay Tanoo, and Brigte Polcery, who allege attacks by the Cyphari and seek retribution. Thrawn clarifies that he is only investigating and will inspect the disputed territory after accepting an invitation from Cyphari Chief Joko.

Aboard the Thunder Wasp, Thrawn and Vanto discuss their investigation of the human colonists. Vanto believes that Scath, Polcery, and Tanoo are conspiring with Nightswan to smuggle doonium within shellfish, while Mayor Benchel is unaware of the scheme. Thrawn concurs with Vanto's assessment and decides to continue the investigation by visiting Chief Joko.

Inside the clan's meeting place, Chief Joko informs Thrawn and Vanto that the human colonists are the aggressors, citing border incursions and raids. When questioned, Joko admits that his clan retaliated by crossing the border into the Hollenside Enclave. Thrawn requests Joko to show him and Vanto the site of the initial human incursions. Upon arrival, Thrawn observes stunted grain crops. Thrawn advises Joko to prevent his guards from pursuing the human intruders and to evacuate families and children, assuring him that the raids will end that night.

Handling the Raiders

While waiting inside the Cyphari meeting house at night, Vanto concludes that the stunted plants are due to heavy metal poisoning, suggesting a nearby ore vein. He infers that this is the reason for the human raids on Cyphari land. Using macrobinoculars, Vanto and Thrawn spot several colonists, including Tanoo, arriving in landspeeders. Reviewing Imperial records, Vanto discovers that Clay Tanoo's brother was arrested for spice possession, specifically a rare type called scarn that forms under grain fields.

With the trap set, Commander Thrawn orders the deployment of shuttles and stormtroopers to Cyphari land for prisoner capture. He also orders Lieutenant Gimm and the TIE fighter escort to prepare for launch. While Thrawn disables the colonists' landspeeders, Vanto uses his blaster to stun the raiders.

Tanoo attempts to flee but is captured by Thrawn. Tanoo claims the plan wasn't his, but Polcery's. Thrawn counters that Tanoo had opportunities to stop the activities but failed to do so. Thrawn reveals that he knows Tanoo refined the pre-spice for smuggling. When Thrawn asks who invited Nightswan as an advisor, Tanoo identifies Scath as Nightswan's contact.

Thrawn orders the Thunder Wasp and Lieutenant Gimm's TIE fighters to destroy the scarn vein beneath the Cyphari land. Thrawn attempts to explain that this will deter future raiders, but Chief Joko is angered by the damage to his clan's farmland. Disagreeing with Thrawn's methods, he appeals to Coruscant.

Trials and Success

Thrawn is summoned back to Coruscant. Vanto is surprised that Coruscant is displeased with Thrawn, despite his success in resolving the Cyphar dispute and uncovering a criminal conspiracy. Vanto explains that the Imperial Navy prefers commanders who follow protocol and seek guidance. He notes that many Admirals feel threatened when subordinates solve problems independently, as they seek the credit.

At the Imperial military hearing, Thrawn states that he seeks high rank to solve problems. He admits his lack of political skill but defends his actions. Thrawn is cleared of wrongdoing on Cyphar. He and Vanto are called to an assembly of Imperial military officers, where a high-ranking female officer promotes Thrawn to Commodore and Vanto to Lieutenant Commander, "rectifying a situation that has been allowed to stand for too long."

Later, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin visits Commodore Thrawn and Lieutenant Commander Vanto to relay Governor Arihnda Pryce's regards. He assures Thrawn that Pryce is adjusting well to her new role. Tarkin wishes Thrawn and Vanto success in hunting down enemies of the Empire. Thrawn congratulates Vanto before revealing their transfer to a new ship: the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Chimaera.

Aboard the Chimaera, Commodore Thrawn and Lieutenant Commander Vanto participate in various operations, including discovering the Empire's transportation of Wookiee slaves and the Battle at Lansend Twenty-Six.

Crisis in the Batonn Sector

Subsequently, Thrawn is promoted to the rank of Admiral and given command of the Ninety-Sixth Task Force. Admiral Thrawn attends a security briefing hosted by Fleet Admiral Jok Donassius. Also in attendance are Admiral Durril of the Imperial Star Destroyer Judicator, Admiral Kinshara of the Imperial Star Destroyer Stalwart, Governor Restos of Batonn, Governor Wistran of Denash, Governor Pryce of Lothal, and Imperial Security Bureau Colonel Wullf Yularen.

Yularen activates the holoprojector and explains a rise in insurgent activities in the Batonn sector over several months. He states that there are indications of these groups beginning to collaborate, a trend they need to eliminate before it spreads.

Governor Restos questions why four Governors are present when there are only three task force commanders. Colonel Yularen replies that Admiral Kassius Konstantine is handling the Lothalian insurgents, and Governor Pryce is observing as her system is also facing an insurgency. With Governor Restos satisfied, Colonel Yularen announces that they will begin with Batonn, tasking Thrawn with pacifying the insurgents.

Colonel Yularen informs the Imperial officers and governors that insurgents have captured the Imperial garrison on Scrim Island, seizing its deflector shield and three ion cannons. Thrawn wants to assess the situation, but Admiral Durril insists on the immediate recapture of Scrim Island to protect the Empire's reputation.

Thrawn argues that destroying the island would kill the hostages and that he requires more time for reconnaissance and planning. An angered Durril disagrees and suggests Thrawn's Ninety-Sixth Task Force go to Sammun instead. Thrawn agrees to go wherever the Navy directs.

Unconventional Tactics

In private, Vanto tells Admiral Thrawn that the other Imperials disapproved of his decision not to attack Scrim Island immediately. Thrawn replies that Admiral Durril tends to prioritize speed over precision, which can lead to errors. Thrawn believes Durril's failure will be significant. Having studied Sammuni art, Thrawn sends Commander Faro to pacify the insurgents on Sammun.

Commander Faro and Commander Vanto initially disagree with Thrawn's decision, but Thrawn assures them that Fleet Admiral Donassius only stated that the Ninety-Sixth Task Force was to deal with the insurgents, without explicitly mentioning him. Thrawn departs with Vanto aboard the captured pirate freighter Slipknot, intending to observe Admiral Durril's attempts to retake Scrim Island.

Continuity Notes

In several panels of the comic, text bubbles are incorrectly attributed to Durril; the dialogue actually comes from Jok Donassius, as established earlier in the issue and in the Thrawn novel.


Available Editions

  • UPC 759606088409; May 9 , 2018 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00411; Cover A; Paul Renaud 00421; Cover B; Caspar Wijngaard

Cover Images

