Phoenix Cell

Phoenix Cell, also known by various names including Phoenix rebel cell, Phoenix fleet, Phoenix Group, and occasionally Phoenix Squadron, stood as one of the most significant rebel cells. It eventually integrated into the Alliance to Restore the Republic and engaged in combat against the Galactic Empire during the early stages of the rebellion that came before the Galactic Civil War. Commander Jun Sato was the leader of this cell, which also maintained an alliance with Senator Bail Organa as part of Organa's broader strategy to unify the efforts of diverse rebel cells resisting Imperial control. The cell boasted a substantial membership and possessed a fleet that included both CR90 corvettes and RZ-1 A-wing interceptors. Their primary command vessel was the Phoenix Home, until Darth Vader destroyed it during an attack in 4 BBY.

Between 4 BBY and 2 BBY, Phoenix Cell participated in a multitude of missions and skirmishes against the Empire. These included the Blockade of Ibaar, the Battle of Garel, and several encounters with Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Empire's Seventh Fleet. During a mission on Ryloth, the cell received assistance from the Free Ryloth Movement. Together they successfully stole an Imperial command cruiser, which then became the new Phoenix command ship, named Phoenix Nest. In 3 BBY, Phoenix Squadron established Chopper Base on Atollon, using it as their central base of operations.

In 2 BBY, the cell formally joined the Rebel Alliance. This occurred after the Spectres, a subgroup of Phoenix rebels under the leadership of Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla, played a key role in protecting Senator Mon Mothma following her public denouncement of the Empire. The cell had plans to launch an assault on Lothal and liberate it from Imperial occupation, with support from the Massassi Group. However, Thrawn discovered Chopper Base and launched a significant attack against the Rebels. Phoenix Squadron suffered devastating losses, and the survivors joined the Massassi Group at the Rebel Alliance headquarters located on Yavin 4.


A trio of Phoenix Squadron pilots.

The Phoenix Squadron functioned as a component of a larger network of rebel cells, collectively recognized as the rebellion. The rebel cell's resources included a contingent of RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, at least five CR90 corvettes, and a Pelta-class frigate named Phoenix Home, which served as their initial command ship. Later, they also acquired 3 Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes. Phoenix Home was ultimately destroyed in an attack commanded by Darth Vader. Following the rescue of Kanan Jarrus, the Phoenix cell welcomed the Spectres, a six-member team operating from a modified VCX-100 light freighter known as the Ghost. Key figures in the Phoenix cell's leadership included Commander Jun Sato, the former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, an unidentified Phoenix leader, and the Ghost's captain Hera Syndulla, who assumed the role of Phoenix Leader after her predecessor's death during the Blockade of Ibaar.


Serving the early rebel movement

New allies and threats

The Phoenix Squadron was an element within a decentralized network of rebel cells that opposed the Galactic Empire in the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. The Phoenix cell maintained communication with Senator Bail Organa, who secretly sympathized with the rebellion. Three CR90 corvettes took part in the rescue operation to save the crew of the Ghost, who had just liberated their comrade Kanan Jarrus from Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's Star Destroyer Sovereign within the Mustafar system. The Phoenix CR90 corvettes eliminated several TIE fighters and safely transported the Ghost crew.

Upon discovering that they were part of a larger rebel movement, the crew of the Ghost allied with the Phoenix rebels during a mission aimed at stealing Imperial shield generators. The Phoenix rebels and their newfound allies successfully jumped into hyperspace just before Imperial reinforcements arrived. Later on, Commander Sato and Ahsoka Tano authorized the Spectres to undertake a mission to rescue Minister Maketh Tua, an Imperial defector, from Lothal, which was under an Imperial fleet's blockade. The mission failed due to Tua's death, and the rebels barely escaped Lothal.

The Ghost crew managed to return to the Phoenix rebel fleet aboard a stolen Imperial shuttle. However, the shuttle contained a concealed tracking device, allowing Darth Vader to locate the Phoenix cell. Piloting his personal TIE Advanced starfighter, Vader shot down several of Phoenix Squadron's RZ-1 A-wing interceptors and severely damaged Phoenix's flagship, Phoenix Home, forcing Commander Sato and his crew to abandon ship. Despite these losses, the Phoenix rebels managed to escape into hyperspace before several Star Destroyers arrived to destroy them.

Fighting the Empire

After the destruction of Phoenix Home, the Phoenix cell was actively evading the Empire. At the urging of Ahsoka Tano, the crew of the Ghost agreed to find an old acquaintance on the desert planet of Seelos, who turned out to be the former Clone Captain Rex. After the rebels participated in a joopa hunt, Rex provided them with a list of abandoned Republic and Separatist military installations located within the Outer Rim Territories and Mandalore. Following an Imperial attack, Rex agreed to join the Phoenix Squadron.

Using Rex's information, the Phoenix rebels dispatched Garazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren, Chopper, and Ezra Bridger to retrieve medical supplies from an abandoned Republic medical station. However, they encountered two Inquisitors known as the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother. After a skirmish, the four rebels escaped on the Phantom and warned their comrades about the presence of more Inquisitors. Hera Syndulla and Kanan compiled a report on the encounter with the Inquisitors for Commander Sato.

Later, the Phoenix Squadron established a presence on the planet Garel, concealing themselves within Garel City's spaceports. Commander Sato sent the crew of the Ghost and Rex to acquire fuel cells for the planet Rinn, which was facing an energy crisis. While cleaning the Ghost, Ezra and Chopper received a distress signal from the Devaronian crime lord Cikatro Vizago. They departed on the Phantom and had an adventure with the pirate Hondo Ohnaka. As a result, Ezra and Chopper helped their Phoenix rebel comrades gain access to five power generators, which were then used to assist the people of Rinn.

Phoenix Squadron attempting to break the Blockade on Ibaar

The Phoenix rebels then tried to deliver food supplies to the planet Ibaar, whose inhabitants were suffering from famine. The Empire had reduced their rations and increased their work quota. The initial attempt failed due to an Imperial blockade around Ibaar, resulting in the destruction of one CR90 corvette and the death of the current Phoenix Leader. However, the Phoenix rebels continued their efforts to help the Ibaarians. Hera managed to acquire a prototype Blade Wing starfighter from the Mon Calamari engineer Quarrie. The Blade Wing played a crucial role in breaking the Imperial blockade by destroying an Arquitens-class command cruiser, allowing the Ghost to deliver the supplies to the Ibaarians. As a result of her efforts, Hera was promoted to the new Phoenix Leader.

As Phoenix Leader, Hera tasked Sabine, along with Ezra and Chopper, to collect a courier from Garel City Spaceport and transport him to their other rebel contacts at Havoc Outpost. This courier turned out to be a GNK-series power droid called EG-86. Before Sabine and company could complete their mission, they were confronted by her former Imperial Academy classmate Ketsu Onyo, who had joined Black Sun and worked as a bounty hunter. She had also come to collect EG-86, but Sabine refused to surrender the droid. Following a skirmish with stormtroopers, Sabine, Chopper, and EG-86 fled on a stolen shuttle but were pursued by Ketsu's starship Shadow Caster. The two Mandalorians subsequently reconciled after they were cornered by an Imperial light cruiser. Working together, they managed to escape their Imperial pursuers by blowing up the shuttle and escaping on the Shadow Caster. Sabine and Ketsu then delivered EG-86 to several rebel associates, including R2-D2, at Havoc Outpost.

After the disappearance of a rebel patrol in the Del Zennis system, Commander Sato and Ezra traveled there on the command ship Liberator to investigate. However, they were captured by the Imperial Admiral Brom Titus's Imperial Interdictor, a prototype warship equipped with gravity well projectors. In response, Hera sent Kanan, Rex, and Chopper to rescue their comrades. Disguised as stormtroopers, Kanan and Rex managed to find Ezra, who had freed himself, and subsequently freed Sato and his men. Meanwhile, Chopper sabotaged the Imperial Interdictor's reactor core, setting off a chain of events that ended in the destruction of the warship and her escort ships. The Phoenix rebels then took advantage of the destruction to escape on the Liberator into hyperspace.

Losing Garel

The Ghost escaping from the blockade

During a mission to Takobo, Ezra inadvertently revealed the location of the Phoenix rebels' presence on Garel to one of the Seventh Sister's ID9 seeker droids. Using this information, the Empire launched an attack on Garel. Imperial Star Destroyers and TIE fighters blockaded the spaceport to prevent the Phoenix rebels from escaping into space. Despite the Imperial blockade, several Phoenix starships managed to escape into space. At least one starship was hit by Imperial fire. Commander Sato's command ship Liberator was also trapped by the Star Destroyer Relentless. However, Hera rammed the Ghost into the Star Destroyer's tractor beam projector, disabling it and allowing the Phoenix ships to escape into hyperspace.

Following the debacle on Garel, Senator Bail Organa sent three Hammerhead corvettes as reinforcements to the Phoenix rebels. Under his direction, his adopted daughter Princess Leia Organa traveled to Lothal under the guise of carrying out a mercy mission. As part of the plan, the crew of the Ghost would steal the vessels. This ruse was done to avoid exposing Alderaan's covert support to the Rebellion. The Phoenix rebels encountered a new obstacle when the local Imperial Supply Master Yogar Lyste attached gravity locks to the corvettes to deter thieves. Captain Syndulla traveled on the Ghost to Lothal, where she met with Ezra, Kanan, Chopper, Leia, and Ryder Azadi, the former Governor of Lothal and a rebel sympathizer. With the help of Ryder and Leia, the rebels managed to infiltrate Lyste's compound and steal the Hammerhead corvettes. Having accomplished their mission, the crew of the Ghost rejoined the Phoenix fleet with their new acquisitions.

With the Empire hunting the rebels throughout the Outer Rim Territories, the rebels needed to find another route into the Lothal sector. Commander Sato dispatched Phoenix Leader Hera, Sabine, and several other rebel pilots on a mission to negotiate for safe passage with Fenn Rau, the leader of a Mandalorian faction known as the Mandalorian Protectors. The Protectors had a colony in the Concord Dawn system, which was still not controlled by the Empire. However, Rau had aligned the Protectors with the Empire and attacked Hera's mission, seriously wounding Hera and killing at least two Phoenix pilots. In retaliation, Kanan, Hera, and Chopper infiltrated the Protectors' encampment on the third moon of Concord Dawn and destroyed the Protectors' Fang fighters. They also captured Rau himself, who agreed to allow the rebels safe passage through the Concord Dawn system in return for keeping his capture a secret from the Empire.

Phoenix Squadron with the new Phoenix Home

During a mission, Phoenix Squadron was pursued by an Imperial Star Destroyer and lost one starfighter. Facing attrition and needing a place to land their remaining starfighters, Commander Sato suggested that Hera and Kanan steal an Imperial Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier that had been orbiting Ryloth, the Twi'lek homeworld. Hera and the crew of the Ghost contacted the Twi'lek Resistance and their leader Cham Syndulla, her father. Together, the rebels devised a plan to steal the carrier. However, the mission was complicated by Cham's own agenda to destroy the carrier. After a struggle with both Cham's resistance fighters and Imperial reinforcements, the crew of the Ghost managed to capture the fighter carrier for the rebellion.

Chopper Base

Atollon became the base for Phoenix Squadron

Running low on fuel, Commander Sato dispatched the Spectres on a mission to steal fuel from an Imperial depot at Horizon Base at the recommendation of Ketsu Onyo, Sabine's friend. The crew of the Ghost managed to steal the supplies, but Chopper got stranded on Horizon Base. The rebels returned to the Phoenix fleet in time to find their comrades under attack from Imperial forces led by Admiral Konstantine. After refueling, the rebels prepared to depart for the Yost system. However, Chopper had befriended an Imperial inventory droid named AP-5 who informed them that the Empire had set a trap in the Yost system. AP-5 and Chopper instead relayed the coordinates for Atollon, a planet that lacked any Imperial presence.

Following the discovery of Atollon, the Phoenix Squadron established a base on the planet called Chopper Base. While the fleet remained in orbit, rebel personnel under Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla and Rex supervised operations to establish the base. Sensor beacons were planted at the base's perimeters to safeguard it from intruders. One rebel named Lieutenant Dicer was taken by large spider-like creatures called krykna while planting a sensor marker at Chopper Base's northern perimeter. Shortly later, Rex and the Spectres fought and managed to escape a nest of krykna. In the end, the rebels managed to secure the base site by erecting a fence of sensor markers to ward off the creatures.

The shadow of Thrawn and Maul

Approximately six months after the events on Malachor, which resulted in Tano's presumed death, Ezra led a mission to rescue Hondo Ohnaka from the Imperial prison on Naraka. By rescuing Hondo, the Phoenix rebels learned that the Empire was dismantling BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers at Reklam Station on the planet Yarma. Commander Sato promoted Ezra to Lieutenant Commander and assigned him to lead a recon mission to Reklam Station. However, once there, Ezra disobeyed Sato and Hera's orders and proceeded with a recovery mission.

The stolen Y-Wings were transferred to Dodonna's unit

With Hondo's assistance, Ezra recruited the Ugnaught laborers and persuaded them to help steal the Y-wings in exchange for their freedom. Despite stealing the Y-wings, the starship Phantom was lost during the destruction of Reklam Station. The Phoenix rebels managed to acquire five Y-wings, which were then transferred to General Jan Dodonna's unit. For disobeying orders and endangering his team, Ezra was relieved of his duties as Lieutenant Commander. However, Ezra reconciled with Kanan after the latter rescued him on Yarma. The Phoenix rebels' activities attracted the attention of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the commander of the Seventh Fleet. He allowed the Phoenix rebels to escape so that he could hunt down and destroy the rebellion.

Later, the former Sith Maul attacked the crew of a rebel Hammerhead corvette. He then lured Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper into a trap and took them prisoner aboard the Ghost. Maul used his hostages as leverage to force Kanan and Ezra to bring them Kanan's Jedi holocron and the Sith holocron they had found earlier on Malachor. After recovering the Sith holocron from the Bendu, the two Jedi confronted Maul at Vizsla Keep 09. Maul then made Ezra help him combine the two holocrons to see visions of the future. Meanwhile, Kanan freed the other Ghost crew, and together they convinced Ezra to stop the ceremony. However, Maul managed to escape.

A Phoenix transport ship carrying food, accompanied by six A-wings, later traveled to the planet Teralov, which was experiencing a famine. On the way, the convoy was ambushed and destroyed by Imperial TIE/IN interceptors led by Captain Vult Skerris. Later, Sabine took part in a successful mission to rescue the defecting Imperial cadets Wedge Antilles and Hobbie from the Skystrike Academy with the help of Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper. Meanwhile, Hera and Zeb led a second aid convoy to Teralov. Following the mission to Skystrike Academy, Commander Sato formally welcomed Wedge and Hobbie into the rebellion.

Later, the Phoenix Squadron lost contact with the Protectors in the Concord Dawn system. In response, Hera convened a war room meeting. While Commander Sato believed that the Protectors were setting a trap for the rebels, Rau reassured Sato and Hera that something bad had befallen his men. At Rau's request, Hera allowed Rau to return to the third moon of Concord Dawn to investigate but sent Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper to escort him there. During the mission, the rebels and Rau discovered that the Imperial Viceroy Gar Saxon had decimated the Protectors. As a result, Rau decided to join the rebellion.

Mykapo evacuation convoy

After receiving information indicating that the Empire intended to enforce martial law on Mykapo, Commander Sato sent the Spectres, Rex, and portions of Phoenix Squadron to extract rebel supporters. The Phoenix rebels came across an Imperial scouting party and, with assistance from a local rebel group known as the Iron Squadron, obliterated it. The Iron Squadron was under the command of Commander Sato's nephew, Mart Mattin. Mart declined to leave the Mykapo system despite pleas from Hera, Ezra, and Sabine. After Imperial reinforcements, led by Admiral Konstantine, launched an assault on the system, the Spectres, Iron Squadron, and Commander Sato launched an operation to rescue those trapped. They were successful in driving back Konstantine's forces and narrowly escaped the Chimaera, Grand Admiral Thrawn's Star Destroyer.

Phoenix Squadron later made the decision to strike the Imperial Armory Complex, which was responsible for manufacturing vehicles used by the Imperial Military. In addition, the rebels received information from Kallus, a disillusioned agent of the Imperial Security Bureau, indicating that the Empire was in the process of developing a new weapon. Hera and Commander Sato, who were directing the operation from Chopper Base, sent Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper to Lothal to seek assistance from Ryder Azadi's group in obtaining the weapon's schematics. During the mission, Ezra's team established contact with Kallus and discovered that Thrawn was creating a new type of starfighter equipped with deflector shields.

Hera formulated a plan to attack the Lothal Imperial factory, utilizing the intelligence gathered by Chopper, Ezra, and Kanan. She made the decision to deploy a small contingent of Phoenix Squadron and placed Ezra in command of the mission. However, after Ezra succumbed to attacks from Maul related to the dark side, Hera was compelled to relieve him of his command. At Kanan's insistence, Hera departed with the remaining members of Phoenix Squadron, while Ezra, Kanan, and Sabine followed Maul to the planet Dathomir. It was there that they discovered that Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, possessed the key to defeating the Sith.

Commander Jun Sato subsequently lent Hera's crew and Rex to a mission aimed at rescuing Saw Gerrera, who had lost communication with Rebel Command while investigating the disappearance of the Geonosian species. During their mission on Geonosis, the rebels located Saw and a deflector core, encountered Klik-Klak, a Geonosian survivor guarding a Geonosian queen egg, and uncovered evidence suggesting that the Empire had committed genocide against the Geonosians. Sato considered the mission a success because they rescued Saw and acquired a new deflector core.

While a large portion of the Phoenix rebels were involved in a training exercise, Zeb, along with Chopper, AP-5, and a communications officer, remained behind to protect the base. Zeb, Chopper, and AP-5 were successful in deactivating EXD-9, an Imperial E-XD-series infiltrator droid that had penetrated the base. They then repurposed the infiltrator droid into an improvised explosive device, which resulted in the destruction of a Star Destroyer. Despite their efforts, Grand Admiral Thrawn managed to narrow down the possible locations of the Phoenix Squadron's base to 94 systems.

Sabine, at the encouragement of Fenn Rau and the other Spectres, consented to learn how to wield the Darksaber, an ancient Mandalorian symbol of authority and leadership. Hera and Fenn Rau were of the opinion that Sabine could utilize the Darksaber to unite the Mandalorians in support of the rebel cause. After overcoming her own uncertainties and anxieties, Sabine mastered the use of the weapon under the guidance of Kanan and Ezra. Sabine and her fellow rebels then embarked on a mission to Krownest with the intention of securing the backing of Clan Wren. Despite facing considerable challenges, the Spectres and Fenn succeeded in winning over [Ursa Wren](/article/ursa_wren], the leader of Clan Wren, after the two factions combined their efforts to defeat Viceroy Gar Saxon. Although Clan Wren had not fully committed to the rebellion, the Phoenix rebels gained a new, albeit tentative, ally.

Joining the Alliance

Escorting Senator Mon Mothma

Phoenix Squadron joined the fleet after Mon Mothma's speech

Hera Syndulla, the leader of Phoenix Squadron, and her Spectres later provided escort for former Senator Mon Mothma, her crew, and Gold Squadron as they navigated the perilous Archeon Nebula. During the mission, the rebels managed to evade a trap orchestrated by Grand Admiral Thrawn, which involved his prototype TIE Defender and a pair of Star Destroyers. Upon arriving at Dantooine, the Spectres witnessed Mothma deliver a speech announcing the establishment of the Rebel Alliance. Shortly thereafter, the capital ships of Phoenix Squadron jumped into hyperspace to join the rapidly expanding Rebel fleet at Dantooine.

Stealing clearance codes on Killun 71

Subsequently, Hera dispatched AP-5, Chopper, and Wedge Antilles on a mission to the Imperial Security Bureau station located on Killun 71 with the objective of stealing clearance codes for the Squadron's planned assault on Lothal. Although AP-5 was successful in acquiring the codes, the mission was complicated when Chopper was hijacked by a group of Imperial slicers. Hera and the Spectres were able to prevent the hijacked Chopper from transmitting the location of Chopper Base to the Empire. After restoring Chopper's original programming, Hera utilized a data overload to destroy the slicers' listener ship.

Finding Obi-Wan Kenobi

Following Ezra's reception of messages from Kanan's Jedi holocron and the Malachor Sith holocron, which suggested that the life of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, was in danger from Maul, Phoenix Squadron convened an emergency meeting in the command center. Ezra, Kanan, Chopper, Hera, Rex, and Commander Sato were present at the meeting. Kanan expressed uncertainty, while Rex believed that Kenobi had already died. Hera then urged Ezra to remain at Chopper Base and prepare for the impending attack on Lothal. Ezra and Chopper embarked on an unplanned mission to Tatooine, but returned after Kenobi defeated Maul in combat.

Defending Atollon

The Phoenix Cell was ultimately destroyed during the Battle of Atollon.

As part of the planned assault on Lothal, General Dodonna's Massassi Group met with Phoenix Squadron above Atollon. Before the two rebel groups could initiate their attack, Grand Admiral Thrawn's Seventh Fleet entered the Atollon system and established a blockade around the planet, effectively trapping the two rebel fleets. Thrawn's forces inflicted significant losses on both rebel units. Phoenix Squadron suffered the loss of numerous ships and starfighters, including Commander Sato's flagship, the Phoenix Nest.

Sato rammed Admiral Konstantine's Interdictor vessel in an attempt to facilitate Ezra and Chopper's escape aboard the Gauntlet. The surviving members of Phoenix Squadron and the Massassi Group subsequently engaged in a ground battle against Thrawn's walkers and stormtroopers. After Mandalorian reinforcements, led by Ezra, Sabine, and Fenn Rau, destroyed the second interdictor cruiser, the remaining members of Phoenix Squadron and the Massassi Group retreated to Yavin 4. Due to the heavy losses sustained during the Battle of Atollon, Phoenix Squadron no longer existed as a functional military unit.


Despite the fact that the squadron had been largely destroyed, the surviving members of Phoenix Squadron went on to join the Massassi Group. Syndulla commanded a new Phoenix Squadron for the Attack on Lothal in 1 BBY.

Behind the scenes

Phoenix Squadron made its debut appearance in the 2015 episode titled "Fire Across the Galaxy," which served as the season finale of the first season of Star Wars Rebels.

