Twi'lek Resistance

The Twi'lek Resistance, alternatively referred to as the Twi'lek freedom fighters, constituted a group of rebel Twi'leks who fought against the Separatist Alliance's control over the planet Ryloth during the period of the Clone Wars. Under the leadership of Cham Syndulla, and with the assistance of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Twi'leks successfully managed to liberate their homeworld from Separatist control.


The resistance movement came into existence when the Confederacy of Independent Systems invaded Ryloth, with political radical and General Cham Syndulla at its helm. The resistance then engaged in combat alongside the Republic garrison, which was commanded by Jedi General Ima-Gun Di and Captain Keeli, in order to oppose the Droid Army. Regrettably, the resistance and the garrison began to experience shortages of essential supplies.

Twi'leks cheer the arrival of relief supplies from the Republic.

Syndulla was under the impression that the Republic had abandoned them, but Di disputed this belief. Consequently, the resistance made the decision to retreat across the mountains together with their families. While Di and the remaining members of the Republic garrison remained in their position, the Resistance and their families fled across the mountain. They received food and medical aid from Republic blockade runners commanded by Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan.

Subsequent to the initial invasion, a massacre occurred, resulting in the deaths of several individuals. The resistance subsequently erected gravestones. During this time, they obtained information from their spies that Separatist Council member, Emir Wat Tambor, had instructed his forces to plunder treasures from their communities.

Following the Republic's return to Ryloth, the Resistance launched an attack on a droid patrol, obliterating them close to their hideout. Subsequently, they surrounded Jedi General Mace Windu and his ARF troopers. Initially, the resistance and Syndulla were reluctant to cooperate with Windu's forces. However, they reconsidered their stance when Commander Ponds informed them about Tambor's firebombing strategy, which resulted in the destruction of villages. After a conversation with Senator Orn Free Taa, Syndulla and the Resistance made the choice to join Windu's forces in capturing Lessu.

After expelling the Separatists, the Republic incorporated the planet. Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Republic was succeeded by the Galactic Empire, which established a protectorate over Ryloth. Although the planet was officially independent and continued to be represented in the Galactic Senate by Senator Orn Free Taa, the true authority rested with Moff Delian Mors. Taa and various collaborators benefited from Imperial control, but numerous Twi'leks grew to resent the Imperial presence. Cham and other like-minded Twi'leks established the Free Ryloth Movement, which initiated a rebellion against the Empire.

