Keeli was a captain among the clone troopers who fought for the Grand Army of the Republic during the period known as the Clone Wars. Serving under the command of Jedi General Ima-Gun Di, he commanded the Galactic Republic's troops stationed at the Outer Rim garrison during the Battle of Ryloth in 22 BBY, fighting against the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. As the Separatists gained the upper hand against the Republic forces on Ryloth, Cham Syndulla, the leader of the Twi'lek Resistance, communicated to Keeli and Di the urgent need for reinforcements and assistance. However, due to the Separatist blockade's destruction of Admiral Dao's fleet, providing such aid safely was impossible. As Syndulla conveyed the dire situation, stating that his people had no other option but to retreat, Di and Keeli made a pact to stall the Separatist advance for as long as they could to give them time.
Keeli and his troops rigged an LAAT/i gunship with explosives. They then successfully collapsed one of the two pathways leading to the refugee encampment that the Separatists were attempting to utilize, thereby forcing the enemy to concentrate their advance along a single path. Working together with Jedi Master Di, Keeli and the garrison managed to draw the Separatists' attention away from the Twi'lek refugees and freedom fighters as they tried to evacuate. Despite their efforts, the garrison was ultimately annihilated during the engagement. Keeli and Di, the last survivors, fought to their deaths in a final stand against the Confederate invaders. Despite the loss of life, their sacrifice proved crucial, as Republic supply ships arrived just in the nick of time to assist the evacuating Twi'leks.

Born and bred on the planet of Kamino, the clone trooper later known as Keeli was a clone derived from the genetic material of the human male bounty hunter named Jango Fett. His creation was for the purpose of serving in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, which was a large conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He achieved the rank of Clone Captain and was assigned to the Outer Rim garrison, where he served under the leadership of Jedi General Ima-Gun Di. In 22 BBY, the Separatists initiated an invasion on the planet of Ryloth, which was the homeworld of the Twi'lek species. The Outer Rim garrison, led by General Di and Captain Keeli, received orders to assist Cham Syndulla and his Twi'lek Resistance against the massive battle droids that were attacking the planet. From a refugee camp located in the middle of a gorge, the Twi'leks and clone troopers tried to establish a strong defense. Following the collapse of the right flank, Keeli informed General Di that the droid army was closing in on their location. Syndulla stated that they could no longer remain at the encampment and attempted to organize a retreat for his fighters. Keeli objected, explaining that a retreat was impossible due to the right flank's collapse, and that they were stuck at the encampment together.
Shortly after, Admiral Dao's fleet was destroyed by the Separatist blockade positioned above the planet, leaving the ground forces to fend for themselves. Unknown to them, Dao had managed to send a message to the Jedi High Council before his death, and the Council had initiated a plan to send aid to Ryloth. Meanwhile, on the planet's surface, Di hoped they could evacuate the Twi'lek refugees using an LAAT/i gunship, but Keeli pointed out that the craft was too small to transport everyone to safety. With the hope of Syndulla and his freedom fighters fading, Di came up with a plan to modify the gunship's fuel system and convert it into a makeshift bomb that could collapse one of the gorge's passageways, forcing the Separatist droids into a single attack path. This would buy the Twi'lek refugees enough time to escape. Keeli praised the general's strategy before solemnly informing him that he would break the news to his men, knowing that it would likely require them to sacrifice their lives. Despite this, Keeli and the garrison committed to the plan and positioned the gunship. As the droid army approached, Keeli ordered his men to detonate the charges as soon as they were in range.

Following the bomb's activation, the garrison prepared for battle at the central pass. With General Di leading the charge, Keeli and his men fought bravely, but the outnumbered clones were quickly overwhelmed. A lone B1-series battle droid advanced towards the garrison and threw a thermal detonator, knocking Keeli and two other clones to the ground. Believing his comrade to be dead, General Di continued to fight against the approaching droids alone. Surrounded and outnumbered, Di was surprised when a blaster shot impacted on a B2-series super battle droid in front of him. Looking back, he was pleased to see that Keeli was still alive and called out to him. Keeli stood up beside his Jedi friend, and they continued to fight together. Keeli managed to shoot down several droids before two blaster bolts struck him in the chest, killing him. Resigned to his fate, General Di's last stand was rewarded when a voice announced over communications that the supply ships had broken through the blockade. Upon seeing the ships pass over him, Di remarked that the Twi'leks would live to fight another day and died in sacrifice.

Keeli, like all clones of Jango Fett, had a height of 1.83 meters. He possessed tan skin, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and brown hair. Keeli was a courageous soldier who accepted the necessity of making a final stand against the Separatists to support the Twi'lek Resistance. Keeli fought alongside General Di until the very end at the Battle of Ryloth, ultimately sacrificing his life to provide cover for the retreating Twi'leks.
Keeli was equipped with Phase I clone trooper armor, featuring the dark brown markings of the Outer Rim garrison. He also wore a pauldron on his shoulder and a kama around his waist. His helmet included an antenna equipped with a rangefinder. In combat, he used two DC-17 hand blasters.
Keeli's first appearance was in "Supply Lines," the third episode of the canon animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' third season. It originally aired on September 24, 2010, with Dee Bradley Baker providing his voice.