The Outer Rim garrison, a diminutive garrison composed of clone troopers within the Galactic Republic's Grand Army, found itself under the command of Jedi General Ima-Gun Di and Clone Captain Keeli during the tumultuous era of the Clone Wars. In the year 22 BBY, this garrison was stationed upon the planet Ryloth, where it became embroiled in conflict with the Separatist Droid Army amidst the Confederacy of Independent Systems' invasion. As the battle raged, the Outer Rim garrison's resources dwindled precariously, ultimately leading to their annihilation at the hands of the Confederacy while valiantly attempting to impede the droid army's advance, thereby facilitating the escape of the Twi'lek Resistance and their families.
Serving within the Galactic Republic's Grand Army, the Outer Rim garrison was a small garrison of clone troopers who answered to Jedi General Ima-Gun Di and his Clone Captain, Keeli. The clone troopers of this garrison were distinguished by their Phase I clone trooper armor, marked with brown colored patterns. Their standard equipment included DC-15A blaster carbines, DC-15A blaster rifles, powerful blaster cannons, and electrobinoculars. The garrison also had access to at least a pair of All Terrain Tactical Enforcers, several Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships, and a supply of fuel canisters.
During a large-scale invasion, the Outer Rim garrison was actively deployed on Ryloth.