Twi'lek freedom fighters hideout

A hideout served as the central headquarters for the Twi'lek Resistance, which was under the leadership of Cham Syndulla throughout the Battle of Ryloth.


After the Separatist's forces invaded and then occupied Ryloth, General Cham Syndulla and his Twi'lek Resistance withdrew to Cazne. In that location, they concealed their hideout beneath the wreckage of a downed C-9979 landing craft. The Resistance also maintained multiple stables to house their blurrgs, which they utilized as riding animals.

After the Republic landed at Nabat and freed the Jixuan desert, Jedi General Mace Windu and a pair of clone troopers located the Resistance fighters. General Syndulla escorted Master Windu, along with his troopers Stak and Razor, to their hidden base. Once there, Syndulla provided them with what limited food supplies they possessed. Syndulla's soldiers kept their visitors occupied until Commander Ponds made them aware of the Separatist's fire-bombing attacks targeting several villages. Despite his reservations about the Republic, Syndulla consented to a discussion with Senator Orn Free Taa. Despite their shared dislike for one another, Syndulla and Taa came to an agreement to collaborate in order to liberate their homeworld from Separatist control.

Behind the scenes

The hideout is featured in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode entitled "Liberty on Ryloth".

