The CR90 corvette, frequently called the Corellian corvette or the Rebel blockade runner, and sometimes referred to as an Alderaan cruiser, represented a compact, adaptable capital ship originating from the Corellian Engineering Corporation's production lines.
Throughout the galaxy, the CR90 served diverse factions, ranging from pirates to corporate entities and galactic navies, with a service history spanning from at least 52 BBY to as late as 137 ABY. Echoing the renowned versatility of other CEC designs, it adeptly fulfilled roles varying from routine freight hauling to prestigious diplomatic escort missions.

As a multi-faceted starship, the CR90 saw widespread deployment by both governmental bodies and private organizations across the galaxy. The CR90's interior was designed with modularity in mind, facilitating straightforward reconfiguration of the Corellian corvette to suit various operational requirements. Certain older corvette models, such as the CR70, could be readily upgraded to CR90 specifications through retrofit packages like the Vanguard c20.
Typical configurations encompassed troop carriers, light escort vessels, cargo transports, and passenger liners. This ease of modification became a hallmark of CEC and boosted the corvette's market value. A less common variant had the capacity to accommodate starfighters, including the Night Caller and Constrictor.
Weaponry varied, but the standard layout featured two Taim & Bak H9 dual turbolasers alongside four single turbolasers. CR90 corvettes could be equipped with up to eight turbolasers, six laser cannons, and four ion cannons. In its standard configuration, the turrets were unable to target objects directly behind the engines, resulting in a notable axial blind spot.
A common armament configuration for combat-optimized corvettes included six H9 dual turbolasers. The CR92a Assassin-class corvette, a combat-focused successor to the CR90, featured a similar weapons array.
The ship could withstand accelerations of up to 2,100 G and accommodate 600 passengers. However, its class 2 hyperdrive was relatively slow compared to other ships of its size. The standard crew consisted of 8 officers and 38 enlisted personnel, but the total crew size could range from 30 to 165, depending on the specific configuration.
Remarkably, the CR90 could be piloted by as few as two individuals, as demonstrated when Han Solo and Chewbacca operated several corvettes named Jaina's Light. It could even be flown solo using a steering yoke, a feat accomplished by Wedge Antilles aboard the modified corvette Night Caller.
The 150 meter-long vessel could attain atmospheric speeds of 950 kilometers per hour.
The CR90 corvette entered service during the final decades of the Galactic Republic, leading to the gradual conversion of older corvette models, such as the CR70, to this updated version. Republic CR90 corvettes served within the Judicial Forces and subsequently in the Republic Navy following its re-establishment during the Clone Wars. In the pre-war era, the CR90 model was considered a medium-sized corvette.

Appearing diminutive alongside the massive Imperial-class Star Destroyers of the Imperial Navy, CR90 corvettes in the Galactic Empire were relegated to diplomatic and escort duties. During fleet engagements, they were often assigned to engage enemy starfighters or evacuate with sensitive cargo or intelligence. Before the Dissolution of the Imperial Senate by Emperor Palpatine, Imperial senators used these corvettes as diplomatic transports.
In contrast to their Imperial counterparts, Alliance CR90 corvettes served as front-line combatants during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, typically acting as anti-starfighter screens. The ease of acquiring CR90 parts and finding qualified mechanics made them a suitable choice for the resource-strapped Rebellion. Their widespread availability led to their popularity among Rebels, pirates, and smugglers, earning them the moniker "blockade runner" for their ability to evade Imperial patrols. However, they proved ineffective against larger vessels like the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, except through suicidal ramming tactics or when deployed in large numbers, as demonstrated at the Space Battle at Kuat where five corvettes inflicted significant damage on the Star Destroyer Tyranny.
Recognizing the Rebellion's use of the corvette, Imperial authorities frequently stopped them for inspections, often on flimsy pretexts.
Crime Lord Tyber Zann incorporated CR90 corvettes into his fleet as part of his corruption efforts throughout the galaxy.
Following the Alliance's transformation into the New Republic, CR90 corvettes continued to play a crucial role in the newly formed New Republic Defense Fleet until they were gradually phased out of front-line service through modernization programs like the New Class Modernization Program.
Several CR90s were employed to create a clandestine retreat in [137 ABY](/article/137_aby]. At least two were involved in the Evacuation of Dac.
A prominent example of a heavily modified CR90 was the Sundered Heart, a corvette optimized for extreme speed. Equipped with an additional set of sublight engines, this vessel could achieve up to four times the sublight acceleration of a standard CR90.

Around the time of the Battle of Hoth, the CR92a Assassin-class corvette began to see widespread deployment. Commonly referred to as the "Modified Corvette," the Assassin-class was purpose-built for combat. In its standard configuration, it carried six dual turbolasers and a warhead launcher. The Imperial Navy was known to operate the Assassin-class in significant numbers.
The Corellian Buccaneer represented another militarized corvette class that emerged by 7 ABY. While sharing similar technical specifications with the CR90, it came stock with ten dual turbolasers. One such vessel was operated by the Dynamic Automata company within the Pentastar Alignment.
Sometime after the Battle of Endor, the New Republic captured at least two distinct CR90 refits designed to function as starfighter carriers. The first, Night Caller, was seized from Warlord Zsinj in 7 ABY. Despite its similarities to the CR90 in most aspects, it was specifically constructed from the outset to serve as a small carrier. Key modifications included an expanded bridge section incorporating a starfighter bay and a tractor beam projector comparable to those found on much larger warships.

The second known carrier refit was FarStar. Originally commissioned in 52 BBY, it was refitted under the direction of Moff Kentor Sarne. A large docking bay was attached to the vessel's dorsal spine, and its hyperdrive system was modified to accommodate the altered hull shape. It remains unclear whether this modification was a standardized design or a custom Imperial creation.
The CR90 corvette's design evolved from an initial concept for the Millennium Falcon. After that design was deemed too reminiscent of Eagle Transporter from Space: 1999 and subsequently rejected, it was reworked into the CR90. The most noticeable alteration involved replacing the cockpit area with the characteristic "hammerhead" bridge section. Furthermore, the escape pods were moved to the lower hull, with laser cannons installed in their original positions. This change was crucial because Tantive IV needed to launch an escape pod while inside the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Devastator's ventral hangar bay.

Corvettes are known to have a "blind spot" where they cannot target objects directly behind their engines, a weakness familiar to players of the X-Wing computer game series who exploited it to destroy them. This seems to contradict the opening scene of A New Hope, where Tantive IV fires upon Devastator from directly behind. This discrepancy can be explained by the fact that Devastator presented a larger target and was positioned slightly above Tantive IV (although Tantive's ventral cannon was also used).
Early West End Games RPG statistics listed the Corellian corvette's armament as six double turbolaser turrets, despite depictions in A New Hope and Return of the Jedi clearly showing only two such turrets. This was later retconned by portraying the heavier armament as an optional upgrade. The CR90 in Star Wars: Empire at War is armed with only eight laser cannons, a simplification for game balance purposes, positioning it as an anti-fighter vessel analogous to the Tartan-class patrol cruiser for the Rebel faction. Similarly, Imperial-class Star Destroyers are depicted with only four turbolasers instead of the canonical sixty, while the MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser is reduced from 48 turbolasers to four to match the Imperial-class in combat effectiveness.
Early schematics of the CR90 depict a significantly shorter ship than the original filming miniature. The reason for this discrepancy remains unclear, but the trend toward a stunted appearance persisted, influencing various representations of the ship, from roleplaying deckplans to computer models in the X-Wing series. This error even affected the portrayal of the Tantive IV in Revenge of the Sith, depicting it as a shorter vessel. The Rebel Alliance Blueprints book retconned this by identifying it as a CR70 corvette, while the longer Tantive IV is now considered the definitive CR90.
In the Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds expansion pack Clone Campaigns, players can unlock a CR90 corvette (labeled "Rebel Blockade Runner") as a playable ship using a cheat code referencing the Tantive IV.
The Essential Guide to Warfare notes that Corellian corvettes were a significant part of the Imperial Support Fleet but does not specify the model. The book indicates that CR70 and CR90 were among the most common models.
According to The Sounds of Star Wars, the sound of the rebel blockade runner in the opening scene of A New Hope is a combination of a slowed-down World War II AT6 propeller-driven racing airplane and a 747 jet.