The Vanguard c20 retrofit suite represented an enhancement package available post-market, manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation.

The purpose of the Vanguard c20 retrofit suite was to modernize the CR70 corvette, bringing its technological capabilities up to the standard of the CR90 corvette. This upgrade improved the combat effectiveness of the Corellian corvette, ensuring the CR70 could compete with the CR90. In essence, this modification upgraded the CR70 corvette to function as a CR90 model.
Installation of the Vanguard c20 retrofit suite typically required trained professionals working for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. The modification resulted in an increase of several meters in the ship's overall length, along with the addition of a second boarding ramp located near the engine assembly.
Following the Corellian Engineering Corporation's decision to produce the CR90 corvette as their standard model, instead of offering it solely as an upgrade to the unarmed CR70 corvette, owners of existing CR70s were presented with the option to acquire this aftermarket upgrade package.

Sometime after the Declaration of a New Order, the Sundered Heart underwent an upgrade process, overseen by Master Petty Officer Corla Metonae, utilizing the Vanguard c20 retrofit suite. This resulted in significantly enhanced armor, improved sensor capabilities, and upgraded weapon systems, effectively aligning the ship's capabilities with the heavily armed CR90 corvette. The improved Sundered Heart was subsequently used in several battles of the Galactic Civil War, under the command of captain Raymus Antilles.
During 0 ABY, a number of other Corellian corvettes, enhanced by this equipment, were deployed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the battle of Arrochar.