Raid above Corellia

The Raid above Corellia represents a relatively small engagement that occurred during the era of the Galactic Civil War. The Alliance to Restore the Republic executed a rescue operation to free Han Solo while he was located above the planet Corellia.


The Rebel Alliance had extracted information from a captured pirate informant near Atzerri, specifically regarding Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's direct supervision of the Imperial superweapon project. This project was being managed from a space station in orbit around Corulag. Before launching an assault, the Rebels needed a strategy to neutralize the station's defensive systems.

Following Han Solo's previous success in rescuing Chewbacca along with numerous other Wookiees on Kashyyyk, Mon Mothma attempted to contact him to enlist his aid in the Rebellion's investigative efforts. They located him trapped within the grasp of a Star Destroyer's tractor beam, positioned above Corellia.

The raid

Y-wings attacking the Star Destroyer

To accomplish his liberation, the rebels dispatched a small group of ships to the system. While the Rebel ships engaged the Imperial-class Star Destroyers, Y-wings advanced to disable the primary Star Destroyer's tractor beam. They ultimately succeeded in its destruction, preventing it from capturing the Cardan-class space station. The Millennium Falcon then broke free and jumped into hyperspace, escaping the system.


Subsequently, Mon Mothma personally recruited Han Solo and Chewbacca, despite Solo's initial hesitation, to provide assistance to the Rebels in the raid against the Imperial research facility orbiting Corulag. Solo was contracted to plant a tracking device and an EMP inside a cargo container destined for the research station.

Behind the scenes

This particular conflict was featured as the seventh mission within the Rebel campaign of the 2006 video game, Star Wars: Empire at War.

