Cardan-class space station

The Cardan-class space station represents a series of defensive platforms engineered by Kuat Drive Yards, existing in five distinct size configurations.


The Cardan-class space station functioned as an orbital defense installation, strategically positioned near a planet or a pivotal point in deep space. Its primary purpose was to deliver protection against incoming spaceborne assaults. Integrated within the station's structure were internal hangars capable of accommodating squadrons of TIE Series starfighters, which could be launched to augment the station's defensive capabilities.

Cardan-class stations were categorized by levels that corresponded to their defensive strength. For instance, a Mark I space station possessed limited defenses, rendering it vulnerable to destruction by an enemy fleet. Conversely, a Mark V space station presented a formidable challenge, necessitating a substantial military force for its neutralization. The standard armament of these stations comprised ion cannons, laser cannons, proton torpedo launchers, concussion missile launchers, and turbolaser batteries.

Furthermore, Cardan-class stations were outfitted with shield generators and housed hangars filled with starfighters, contributing to their overall defensive posture. Dedicated areas catering to the needs of starfighter pilots and technicians were integrated throughout each section of the station. Security outposts were strategically located near each hangar bay, positioned high along the walls. From these vantage points, security personnel could manage situations while remaining isolated from other areas.

The onboard starship maintenance and repair facilities were sufficiently advanced to service capital ships as large as Imperial-class Star Destroyers. These facilities also possessed the capability to independently construct spacecraft. The presence of these additional modules allowed Imperial warships to operate at considerable distances from the Core regions without requiring extensive journeys for maintenance. In addition to the drydocks, docking accommodations were available for four additional warships. These advanced features collectively made the Cardan-class more adaptable than other defense stations, such as the Golan space defense platforms.


The initial design of these stations emerged near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, conceived as a method to safeguard Republic territories from advancing Confederacy of Independent Systems fleets. Following the construction of several prototypes and the commencement of production, the deployment of these defense stations was delayed by the Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire.

The Mark I Cardan variants were the first to be constructed and deployed throughout the Empire, intended to fortify its outer systems and maintain order under the new regime. In response to pirate and criminal incursions, Kuat Drive Yards developed enhanced, larger models equipped with improved defensive systems, which effectively reduced the frequency of these incidents. The success of these stations influenced the design of subsequent projects, including Super Star Destroyers and the second Death Star battle station.

During its operational lifespan, a Cardan-class station held sufficient strategic importance to warrant the deployment of reinforcements, such as Acclamator II-class assault ships or Tartan-class patrol cruisers, which were typically stationed in nearby patrol routes. These stations were deployed across the galaxy in locations where the Empire held significant interests.

Cardan stations were strategically positioned from the Deep Core to the Galactic Rim, with a particular emphasis on systems within the Mid Rim and Outer Rim. The protection of key hyperspace routes was also a priority. Stations were deployed in deep space at critical junctions, such as the intersection of the Perlemian Trade Route and the Hydian Way. As the Empire expanded into new territories, Cardan stations were frequently established to solidify Imperial control.


