The Cardan III-class space station functioned as a medium-sized defensive structure. It was employed by the Galactic Empire to assist in protecting strategically significant zones.
Regarding both its designation and overall capabilities, it occupied the central position within the spectrum of Cardan-class space stations. Although various iterations of the Cardan space station were deployed, the Mark III version achieved widespread usage throughout the Empire.
To effectively execute its function as a defensive installation, the Cardan III was equipped with several turbolaser, laser cannon, and ion cannon emplacements, along with four proton torpedo deployment systems. Furthermore, it housed a complement of four squadrons of TIE/LN starfighter, each comprising twelve units. This quantity mirrored the number of TIE/LN fighters carried by an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, intended for patrol duties and ensuring dominance in space. It also had the capacity to rapidly summon Tartan-class patrol cruisers to provide additional support.
Similar to other space stations belonging to the Cardan class, the Mark III possessed the ability to conduct repairs on spacecraft and even manufacture them independently. Thanks to its incorporated shipyard infrastructure, a Cardan III could construct and mend vessels up to the size of a Victory-class Star Destroyer. While its offensive power was notably inferior to that of a Golan space defense platform of similar dimensions, its capacity for vessel repair and construction rendered it a precious resource for Imperial fleets operating at a distance from the Core.