The Raid of Corulag represents an offensive maneuver executed by the Rebellion against a research facility under the control of Grand Moff Tarkin, situated in orbit around the planet Corulag.
As part of Operation Skyhook, Mon Mothma initiated a deeper probe into the Death Star project. The Rebels, using previously gathered data, found that shipments for Death Star research were originating from the Vergesso Asteroids. Raymus Antilles, despite Han Solo's hesitations, personally enlisted him to place both a tracking beacon and an EMP device within a cargo container headed for the research station.
The tracking device pinpointed the station's location above Corulag, subsequently activating the EMP, which disabled the station's security systems, including nearby Imperial vessels. Captain Antilles spearheaded an assault on the incapacitated defenses, while Rebel soldiers infiltrated the station using RM-09 Alliance shuttles. The Imperial forces soon regained their combat readiness. Rebel soldiers faced delays due to Imperial infantry presence within the station. They successfully retrieved critical data just as Star Destroyers engaged the Rebel fleet. The soldiers then retreated from the station aboard their shuttles and entered hyperspace, with the rest of the fleet following.
The recovered data confirmed the project's name as Death Star and provided insights into its destructive potential, but lacked detailed schematics necessary to identify vulnerabilities. Subsequently, Mon Mothma tasked Leia Organa with escalating intelligence-gathering efforts, assigning Captain Antilles to serve aboard the Tantive IV.
This specific engagement appeared as the ninth mission within the Rebel campaign of Star Wars: Empire at War, a 2006 computer game developed by LucasArts.
In the game, the Rebels rescue Gial Ackbar from the station. However, this version of the events is not considered canon. A different, conflicting account of Ackbar's rescue is described in Star Wars: X-Wing and Darksaber, where Ackbar is rescued during an attempt to assassinate Tarkin on Eriadu. This version has been supported in several Star Wars reference books, including The New Essential Guide to Characters (2002), The New Essential Chronology (2005), and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (2008). The presence of Han Solo and Chewbacca is also non-canonical, as they are not removed from play for this mission. The player can choose whether or not to include them in the fleet.
However, The Essential Atlas (2009) identifies this raid as an event within Operation Skyhook, without providing further details.