Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns is an expansion pack for the game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. Its release happened not long after Star Wars_: Episode II Attack of the Clones hit theaters. This expansion brought two new playable factions and campaigns to the game: the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic. Functionally, it was an "interquel," and it also delivered fresh content and updates to the core game, impacting all campaigns.
The Clone Campaigns expansion introduced new units, including the Decimator and the Air cruiser, as well as support for portable power sources, and other additions.

When you play as the Separatists, Sev'rance Tann is your hero, and Count Dooku provides guidance. Your objective involves seizing the energy-mining platforms belonging to the Galactic Republic to effectively hold Coruscant as leverage. Battle of Geonosis Battle of Kaer Orbital Platform First Battle of Tatooine Battle of Eredenn Battle of Alaris Prime Battle of Asteroid 426 First Battle of Sarapin
When you play as the Galactic Republic, Mace Windu gives you instructions as you command Echuu Shen-Jon, a Jedi encountered "later" in the Rebel campaign. The goal is to reclaim the energy platforms. Battle of Geonosis Second Battle of Sarapin Second Battle of Tatooine Battle of Aereen Battle of Krant The Taking of Coruscant (BONUS MISSION) (actually New Republic)

- Troop Center: B2-series super battle droid, B2 super battle droid, Heavy super battle droid, Repeater super battle droid B2-series super battle droid, Heavy Orray Trooper, Advanced Orray Trooper, B2-series super battle droid Anti-Air Super Battle Droid, Heavy Anti-Air Super Battle Droid
- Mech Factory: Geonosian Speeder Dwarf Spider Droid, Heavy dwarf spider droid (strike mech) OG-9 homing spider droid, Heavy homing spider droid (mech destroyer) Corporate Alliance Tank Mech (assault mech) (actually NR-N99 droid enforcers, portrayed vastly out of scale)
- Shipyard: Utility trawler Light Scout, Scout, Advanced Scout (frigate) Transport Ship Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser Destroyer, Heavy Destroyer Missile Destroyer, Heavy Missile Destroyer
- Fortress: Confederacy Cruiser (air cruiser) Geonosian Warrior, Elite Geonosian Warrior Geonosian Sonic Cannon
- Command Center: ADK-25-MED medical droid Geonosian Worker
- Heavy Weapons Factory: Corporate Alliance Artillery (Regular/Heavy) Hailfire Droid, Heavy hailfire droid (anti-air) Energy pummel, Heavy Corporate Alliance Energy Pummel
- Airbase: Geonosian transport (air transport) Commerce Guild bomber, Enhanced Bomber, Advanced Bomber Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter, Fast Geonosian Fighter, Advanced Geonosian Fighter
- Spaceport: Confederacy freighter
- Sith temple Sith apprentice, Sith Knight Sith Master
- Monument Geonosian Arena

- Troop Center: Clone Trooper Recruit, Clone trooper, Heavy Clone Trooper, Repeater Clone Trooper Blurrg Trooper, Heavy Blurrg Trooper, Advanced Blurrg Trooper Clone trooper grenadier Anti-air clone trooper, Heavy Anti-Air Clone Trooper
- Mech Factory: Speeder Bike w/Clone Clone Personal Walker, Heavy Clone Personal Walker (strike mech) Clone Scout Walker, Heavy Clone Scout Walker (mech destroyer) AT-TE (assault mech)
- Shipyard: Utility Trawler Light Scout, Scout, GAR Advanced Scout Transport Ship Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser Destroyer, Heavy Destroyer Missile Destroyer, Heavy Missile Destroyer
- Fortress: Republic Starship (air cruiser) Jedi Starfighter, Advanced Jedi Starfighter Ball Gun
- Command Center: IM-6 medical droid Kaminoan droid
- Heavy Weapons Factory: Clone Artillery, Heavy Clone Artillery (apparently SPHA-Ts, but misidentified) Anti-air tank, Heavy anti-air tank (anti-air) Energy Pummel, Heavy Energy Pummel
- Airbase: Gunship Transport (air transport) Gunship Bomber, Gunship Bomber Enhanced, Gunship Bomber Advanced Gunship fighter, Fast Gunship Fighter, Advanced gunship fighter (LAATs, misidentified)
- Spaceport: Republic freighters
- Jedi Temple Jedi Padawan, Jedi Knight Jedi Master

During gameplay, press Enter to bring up the chat interface. Input one of the codes listed below, then press Enter again. Note that some codes require a unit to be selected.
- suddenly silenced - Units and structures inflict increased damage.
- forcefood - Gives the player 1000 Food units.
- forcecarbon - Gives the player 1000 Carbon units.
- forcenova - Gives the player 1000 Nova units.
- forceore - Gives the player 1000 Ore units.
- Simonsays - Provides the player with a deadly Ewok unit.
- intensify the forward fire power - Ground-based units gain strength.
- the fighters are coming in too fast - Aircraft units gain speed.
- the most powerful jedi - Jedi and Sith units gain strength.
- the force is strong with this one - Jedi and Sith conversion speed increases.
- that's no moon - Acquire a Death Star.
- imperial entanglements - Acquire a Star Destroyer.
- tantive IV - Acquire a Rebel Blockade Runner.
- galactic upheaval - Acquire a Decimator unit.
- skywalker - Immediately win the current mission.
- tarkin - Eliminate all enemy units.
- scaryneighbor - Gain a powerful speed boat unit.
- forcesight - Toggle fog of war off or on.
- forceexplore - Reveal the entire game map.
Just like the original game, Clone Campaigns has a number of hidden easter eggs located in areas that are difficult to reach. These are often non-canonical appearances by Star Wars personalities.
- Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker appear close to a Sith Temple in a mission that takes place on Krant.
- Anakin Skywalker, Senator Padmé Amidala, C-3PO, and R2-D2 can be discovered in a different mission set on Krant.
- Jar Jar Binks and Bossk are visible among the towering buildings of Coruscant.
- C-3PO, R2-D2, IG-88 and a collection of droids, Jawas, and a Sandcrawler make a cameo appearance on Tatooine.