Decimator (war machine)

The Decimator represented a formidable war machine, an innovation of the Galactic Republic that emerged during the initial stages of the Clone Wars. This vehicle was armed with shields alongside a turbolaser designed for long-range engagements, capable of targeting both aerial and terrestrial adversaries. The Decimator possessed the capability to effectively engage and overcome vehicles as substantial as the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer. Moreover, it could transport infantry across the battlefield, providing protection within its armored structure, despite the vehicle's inherent lack of speed.

The Decimator was developed within a clandestine testing facility situated on Eredenn Prime and subsequently manufactured by Wookiees at Alaris Prime. It was widely regarded as one of the most potent combat vehicles of its time. However, prior to its deployment by the Republic, the Decimators were commandeered by Confederate General Sev'rance Tann. Tann utilized these vehicles to capture Sarapin, an energy-producing world, which instilled fear throughout the Core Worlds due to the ensuing power outages. This action spurred the Republic to dispatch Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon with the mission to hunt down Tann and her Decimators. Shen-Jon ultimately achieved success at the Battle of Krant, after which the Decimators were not involved in any further Clone Wars engagements.


The Decimator's construction featured a predominantly rectangular body, distinguished by a tower extending upwards from the vehicle's rear, along its central axis. Positioned directly ahead of this tower, at the vehicle's center, was a prominent red sphere, integral to the firing mechanism's operation. Even when inactive, energy circulated through this orb in the form of green waves. Upon weapon activation, this energy would converge, causing the sphere to emit a vibrant green glow, before projecting a concentrated green beam towards the designated target.

Historians have characterized Decimators as possessing "giant turbolaser cannons" as their primary armament. Each Decimator exhibited comparable dimensions, armor, and firepower to the largest Republic vehicles in service at the outset of the Clone Wars, such as the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer. It was also noted for its exceptional destructive capability. Beyond their offensive capabilities, Decimators could transport up to ten infantry and were encased in substantial armor plating, complemented by deflector shields for added protection. Nevertheless, despite their considerable firepower and robust armor, Decimators were confined to terrestrial operations, lacking the ability to traverse water or lava, or to directly overcome cliffs or dense forests, notwithstanding their utilization of repulsorlifts for propulsion.


A Decimator

The Decimator, with its formidable shields, turbolaser, and heavy armor, was ideally suited for frontline combat engagements. It could readily overcome similar vehicles in battle, leveraging its shields to withstand incoming damage. The Decimator's weapon system was limited to targeting a single enemy at a time and required a charging period before each subsequent firing sequence, meaning that achieving the first strike against comparable vehicles was not guaranteed. The unique weapon system of the Decimator could electronically adjust the beam's trajectory, eliminating the requirement to physically move the emitter to engage aerial targets, although it still needed to recharge between shots.

Due to the Decimator's sluggish speed and reduced rate of fire, it was more effectively deployed against other frontline assault vehicles rather than overwhelming numbers of faster adversaries. Specifically, opponents capable of closing within the firing arc of the Decimator's primary weapon, such as Jedi or close-quarters assault troops, could circumvent its considerable firepower. However, the capacity to transport an additional ten infantry personnel within the Decimator enabled it to bolster its defenses by deploying these troops when the vehicle faced threats.


The Decimator project originated as a weapons initiative by Wookiees for the benefit of the Grand Army of the Republic. The weapons system underwent testing within the Erediss system, while the actual vehicles were constructed on the Wookiee colony of Alaris Prime. The first individual not affiliated with the Republic to become aware of the Decimator's existence was Bogeega Bu'Daay, an operative who, after infiltrating the Republic's Decimator research center on Eredenn Prime, informed the Hutt Cartel about the weapon. Bu'Daay relayed this information to Boorka the Hutt, who recognized its potential value if provided to a party with vested interest, namely the Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, Bu'Daay was apprehended by Wookiee personnel on Eredenn before he could disclose further details.

In 22 BBY, a month following the First Battle of Geonosis, after constructing a substantial mechanized army on the Kaer Orbital Platform for Confederate use, Chiss General Sev'rance Tann traveled to Tatooine, Boorka's homeworld, where the Hutt agreed to sell information regarding the Decimator project once Tann had destroyed a Republic spaceport.

Having acquired information from Boorka indicating that the Republic was conducting Decimator testing on the remote world of Eredenn, Tann raided the planet. She launched assaults on both Shard Test Site and Facet Test Site, successfully capturing their Decimators and several Decimator Facilities intact. However, she lacked the necessary control codes to activate them. Informed by Separatist leader Count Dooku that the codes were located at a nearby base, Tann pressed forward and seized a data droid containing the codes from the Decimator Laboratory. Despite this achievement, she still needed to bypass the fail-safe mechanism programmed into the Decimators to enable their use. From the Decimator Laboratory, Tann also obtained the location of the Decimator manufacturing center on Alaris Prime, which she targeted next to decipher the codes required to operate her newly acquired weapons.

Tann landed on Alaris Prime and attacked a Republic Decimator facility that was surrounded by Wookiee outposts. She brought the captured data droid to the facility, and unlocked the Decimators by having the droid interface with the main computer, thus making the vehicles available to the Confederacy. Tann then destroyed the Decimator facilities on Alaris Prime and departed, prepared to deploy the Decimators on behalf of the Confederacy.

Sev'rance Tann and her Decimators on Sarapin

Tann deployed at least two of these vehicles to assist in the capture of Sarapin, a Republic-controlled world that was crucial for energy production. Having defeated the Republic's defending forces, Tann's Decimators proceeded to destroy the geothermal generators. The resulting loss of Sarapin's energy production capabilities led to widespread blackouts across numerous Core Worlds. Subsequently, the Separatists established a new Decimator facility on Krant to continue the production of Decimators under Tann's supervision. To supply the facilities with the necessary raw materials, Tann implemented a mining operation on the moon of Aereen, which fell under the domain of the Trade Federation.

The facility on Aereen was soon attacked and destroyed by Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon just as Tann was inspecting a new batch of Decimators on Krant. Shen-Jon had been tracking Tann and had already reclaimed Sarapin; his current objective was to prevent her from deploying any further Decimators. Shen-Jon led his Republic forces to Krant and destroyed the Decimator Production Yards and the Decimators themselves, including at least one that was operational. Tann was slain by Shen-Jon in a subsequent battle, effectively ending the use of the Decimators.

Behind the scenes

The Decimator was initially introduced in the PC computer game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, where it served as a central element in both the Confederacy and Republic campaigns. Players begin with two Decimators available as hero units in the Confederacy's final mission on Sarapin, and it is classified in-game as a Mech. Its in-game statistics are comparable to those of a heavy assault mech, with the added benefits of shielding, health regeneration, and the ability to target aircraft. The Decimator and the campaign in which Sev'rance Tann deployed them against the Republic were also referenced in The New Essential Chronology, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, and The Essential Atlas. In the latter of these books, the Decimator is mistakenly identified as the "Devastator." Daniel Wallace, co-author of Essential Atlas, has acknowledged that the use of the term "Devastator" was an error; the book should have referred to the "Decimator."

Another source of confusion surrounding the Decimator arises in The New Essential Chronology, where the Decimators are described as "tanks with giant turbolaser cannons mounted atop." While Clone Campaigns depicts Decimators as having only a single weapon, it is possible that The New Essential Chronology suggests they possess multiple weapons, given that Clone Campaigns features game mechanics that are often inconsistent with established canon.

