Echuu Shen-Jon, a human male of the Legends continuity, achieved the rank of Jedi Master within the Galactic Republic before its dissolution. He also held the position of Jedi General during the Clone Wars. He disappeared during the conflict, only to reappear later, fighting on the side of the Rebel Alliance.
Echuu Shen-Jon, a human who exhibited sensitivity to the Force, received instruction in its ways from the Jedi Order at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Upon completion of his studies at the Temple academy, he was chosen by Jedi Master Mace Windu to be his Padawan. Shen-Jon demonstrated his skill by constructing a lightsaber with a green blade and successfully completing his Trials of Knighthood, thereby earning the title of Jedi Knight.

As a Jedi Master, Shen-Jon later took on Stam Reath as his own Padawan, during the Separatist Crisis which affected the Galactic Senate. The team of master and apprentice joined the task force led by Master Windu that was created to save Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala on Geonosis. Landing on the planet alongside over two hundred Jedi, Master Shen-Jon and Padawan Reath were tasked with destroying several core ships belonging to the Trade Federation, rather than entering the Petranaki arena. After completing their mission, they were instructed to pursue Count Dooku, the Separatist leader, as he attempted to escape. However, they were intercepted by General Sev'rance Tann of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, who swiftly killed Padawan Reath in front of Master Shen-Jon.
Master Shen-Jon became depressed after escaping the battle. When General Tann unexpectedly resurfaced, seizing the planet Sarapin with stolen Decimator technology, the Jedi High Council quickly assigned Shen-Jon a new Padawan: Naat Reath, Stam Reath's sister.
Together, Shen-Jon and Reath successfully led a series of campaigns against Tann, ultimately retaking Sarapin. As the war intensified, Master Shen-Jon and his new apprentice were increasingly tempted by the dark side of the Force, both seeking vengeance for Stam Reath's death. Shen-Jon pursued Tann across the galaxy to the planet Krant, but Reath was captured along the way by the Chiss general. Ignoring Master Windu's warnings, Master Shen-Jon succumbed to the dark side and continued his pursuit of Tann.

After weeks of hunting, Master Shen-Jon faced Tann alone within a Confederate fortress on Krant. Drawing upon the dark side of the Force, he defeated her, avenging his fallen Padawan by killing Tann. Shen-Jon contacted his current Padawan and confessed that he could not return to the Order until he had atoned for his violations of the Jedi Code. He told Reath that she would become a fine Jedi Knight and instructed her to return to the Temple for reassignment. She complied, but never revealed Shen-Jon's location.
Master Shen-Jon remained in hiding for over two decades, surviving the Great Jedi Purge carried out by the Galactic Empire and the dissolution of the Jedi Order. His self-imposed exile saved him from the Empire's forces. During this period, he lost his green lightsaber and acquired a blue one, which became his preferred weapon.
In 0.5 ABY, after the destruction of the first Death Star, Shen-Jon emerged from exile when Princess Leia Organa crash-landed on Krant. He assisted her in her fight against the Empire, defending the cities of Krant with his lightsaber.

Later, when Organa met with Utric Sandov, Shen-Jon was surprised to learn that the Imperials had discovered the ancient Jedi artifact Vor'Na'Tu. He went with her to Geddes, and together they secured the artifact. Upon returning to their shuttle, they found Darth Vader waiting for them. Vader demanded the relic, but Shen-Jon refused and destroyed it. Shen-Jon engaged the Dark Lord in a duel, but the Sith Lord's superior skills led to Echuu Shen-Jon's death. By dueling Vader, he bought Princess Organa time to escape.

After his death, Echuu Shen Jon became a Force spirit, transcending his physical form. Years after his death and the defeat of the Empire at Endor, Master Echuu Shen-Jon's spirit warned the Princess and Luke Skywalker about the Vor'Na'Tu, urging them to return to Geddes, which had been terraformed and renamed Hanoon, to secure the relic once and for all. Organa and Skywalker freed the world and destroyed the Vor'Na'Tu's fragments. Shen-Jon never contacted them again.
Echuu Shen-Jon was initially mentioned in the strategy guide for the video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, released in 2001. He was a character in the game's Rebel campaign, voiced by Roger Jackson. His full backstory was revealed in the Clone Campaigns expansion pack.
During the Clone Wars, Echuu Shen-Jon wielded a green lightsaber. However, by the time Leia Organa visited him, it had become blue. This change may have been due to the reuse of the Jedi Master class model from the game, which uses a blue lightsaber, to represent Shen-Jon.