
Once a desolate asteroid known as Geddes, the terraformed planet of Hanoon became a crucial location, hosting several strategically important Imperial installations. These outposts were established to strengthen the Empire's control and influence within the system.


Geddes existed as one of many asteroids loosely bound within the gravity well of Krant. Krant itself was a world situated in the Krant system of the Mid Rim, specifically at galactic coordinates R-14. Following the completion of the terraforming process, the celestial body featured both canals and snow-capped rock formations. The presence of abundant raw materials on the asteroid led to the establishment of numerous mining operations, even before the Galactic Empire asserted its dominance.


Around the time of 0 ABY, Geddes was chosen as the site for a secret Imperial research center. After the Vor'Na'Tu, an ancient and powerful Jedi artifact, was discovered on Krant by Imperial forces, it was transported to the Sith Temple located on Geddes, awaiting the arrival of Darth Vader. When the Rebel Alliance learned of the Vor'Na'Tu's location, a strike team, commanded by Princess Leia Organa and the exiled Jedi Echuu Shen-Jon, the former guardian of the Vor'Na'Tu, was dispatched to Geddes aboard a transport. They were accompanied by a Wookiee army. The strike force launched an assault on the research facility, destroying the temple and liberating the Vor'Na'Tu. As they retreated back to their transport, they were ambushed by Darth Vader. Shen-Jon, in an act of self-sacrifice, shattered the artifact and engaged Vader in fighting, allowing his comrades to escape.

The aftermath of the planetoid's liberation.

Following the conclusion of the Krantian Civil War, Moff Yittreas fled to Geddes and established fortifications on the asteroid. By the year 6 ABY, Geddes had undergone terraforming and was renamed Hanoon. The cities of Libreck, Magentic, Reeche, and Reticul were founded, with New Geddes serving as the planet's capital. During that year, Organa and her brother, the Jedi Luke Skywalker, returned to Hanoon after receiving a visitation from the Force ghost of Shen-Jon. With the assistance of the New Republic Army and the Hanoon Imperial Resistance, Skywalker managed to recover the fragments of the Vor'Na'Tu and placed them within a newly constructed Jedi Temple. Subsequently, Organa and Skywalker made the decision to liberate the rest of the planetoid, launching an offensive against New Geddes with the aim of freeing the Terraform Processor. The Republic forces successfully liberated the Terraform Processor and proceeded to destroy Moff Yittreas' Fortress, resulting in the Moff's death. During the conflict, Imperial forces attempted to infiltrate the Temple housing the remains of the Vor'Na'Tu, compelling Skywalker to obliterate the artifact into dust, effectively neutralizing its threat. With the Imperial forces defeated, Hanoon formally joined the New Republic.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Geddes/Hanoon occurred within the strategy guide accompanying the 2001 video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. The asteroid played a significant role throughout the Princess Leia campaign and was granted its own dedicated entry in the game's DataBank. This campaign was later incorporated into the game's 2002 expansion pack, Clone Campaigns. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, provided specific dates for the battles that transpired on Hanoon.

