Naat Reath

title: Naat Reath

During the Clone Wars, Naat Reath was a Human female who served the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order as a Padawan.


Naat Reath, a Human who was Force-sensitive, along with her brother, Stam, were presented to the Jedi Order by their parents to undergo training in the ways of the Force. Reath studied alongside her brother at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the Separatist Crisis, a period of unrest that would trouble the Galactic Senate for almost ten years. However, when her brother and his tutor, Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon, were summoned to fight on Geonosis in what became the opening battle of the Clone Wars, Reath remained at the Temple. During the conflict on Geonosis, Stam Reath faced the Dark Acolyte Sev'rance Tann and was killed, leaving Shen-Jon and Reath deeply saddened.

Naat Reath captured during the Battle of Krant.

To assist them in coping with their grief, the Jedi High Council assigned Reath to Shen-Jon as his new Padawan. Reath, now holding the rank of Commander within the Grand Army of the Republic, was given command of clone troopers who were to follow her commands in battle. Eager to demonstrate her worth as an apprentice, Reath also desired to avenge her brother's death, despite the Jedi Code's disapproval of vengeance. The pair pursued General Taan across the galaxy, hoping to deprive the Confederacy of Independent Systems of a promising military leader. However, their actions brought them dangerously close to the dark side of the Force. When they finally located Tann on the planet Krant, Reath was captured by the Acolyte and held as a prisoner. Shen-Jon was challenged to a lightsaber duel by Tann, with Reath's life as the prize. Shen-Jon succumbed to the dark side and managed to defeat Taan in the duel. However, when he attempted to desecrate the body of the Chiss woman, Reath intervened, pleading with her master to abandon his hatred and return with her to Coruscant. Upon his refusal, Reath went back to the Temple and informed the High Council that Shen-Jon had killed Tann but had succumbed to his injuries. However, the High Council received Reath's account with skepticism. Mace Windu, in particular, was not entirely convinced by Reath's story and remained curious about the events that transpired on Krant for the rest of his life. Windu questioned Reath about the incident on at least one more occasion, but she responded vaguely, leaving the truth obscured from Windu and the High Council. What ultimately happened to Reath during the Rise of the Empire is not known, but she did not resurface when her Master Echuu Shen-Jon did decades later.

Behind the scenes

The image used for Naat Reath's appearance in the briefing screen comes from a promotional photograph of Immi Danoo.

