Bogeega Bu'Daay

Within the criminal syndicate known as the Hutt Cartel, Bogeega Bu'Daay functioned as an operative circa 22 BBY. He unearthed details pertaining to the Decimator, a superweapon, and subsequently relayed this information to Boorka, a Hutt figure within the cartel's structure. During the process of informing Boorka, Bu'Daay's presence was detected by the Wookiees who were actively engaged in the Decimator's testing and construction.


Bogeega Bu'Daay spied on Republic operations on Eredenn Prime.

Around the time of the Clone Wars, a conflict pitting the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Bogeega Bu'Daay was employed as an operative by the Hutt Cartel. This cartel was a criminal organization managed by the Hutt species. In the year 22 BBY, Bu'Daay spied on the Republic's weapons research activities taking place on the planet Eredenn Prime. It was on this planet that Wookiees, a species allied with the Republic, were involved in the testing and construction of superweapons referred to as Decimators.

After obtaining sufficient intelligence regarding the Decimator, including its shielding and offensive capabilities, Bu'Daay established contact with Boorka, a leading figure within the Hutt cartel. He furnished him with the data concerning the superweapon, assuring the Hutt that this knowledge could be put to profitable use. Boorka instructed Bu'Daay to provide updates with any new information. However, the Wookiees, having discovered Bu'Daay's activities, disrupted the transmission. Nevertheless, Boorka subsequently leveraged this intelligence to broker an agreement with General Sev'rance Tann of the Confederacy, resulting in considerable profits for the Hutt and ultimately enabling the Separatists to seize control of the Decimators, employing them against the Republic.

Personality and traits

Bu'Daay, as an operative working for the Hutt Cartel, reported directly to Boorka when conveying details about the Decimator, addressing the Hutt as "master." He understood the potential value of information, such as the Decimator research, to the Hutts. This understanding proved accurate when Boorka successfully capitalized on the information by selling it to the Separatists. While Bu'Daay demonstrated an ability to uncover information about the Decimator, he failed to evade detection by the Wookiee manufacturers of the weapon. He communicated using the Huttese language.

Behind the scenes

Bogeega Bu'Daay is only mentioned within Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, a 2002 PC video game and expansion to the 2001 game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. His name appears solely in the game's databank entry for the Decimator, presented as a transmission exchanged between Boorka and Bu'Daay.

