The Second Battle of Alaris Prime unfolded in the era of the Clone Wars.
The Confederacy of Independent Systems, after obtaining the Decimator technology from its clandestine development location situated on Eredenn, initiated an offensive against the Wookiee settlement of Alaris Prime. Their aim was to seize the Decimator activation codes, which had been pilfered by the Wookiees residing on Eredenn Prime.
Upon their arrival on Alaris Prime, General Sev'rance Tann established a base on an island and launched attacks against the five Wookiee factions. The confrontation extended across land, sea, and air, with the Wookiees initially maintaining the upper hand. Recognizing the necessity to hinder reinforcements, Sev'rance demolished their transmitter tower and continued her advance.
The most formidable opposition to the CIS came from the Republic forces, followed by the outpost at Chendrrl, then Rwookawarrump, Llamitcuk, Tayriiwook, and lastly Rwaawrrkoo.
Ultimately, Sev'rance achieved victory over the combined Republic and Wookiee forces, successfully acquiring the codes with the aid of a data droid.