Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds

Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, a real-time strategy game, saw its release in 2001. Ensemble Studios handled development, while LucasArts both developed and published the game in North America. Electronic Arts and Squaresoft Joint Venture Electronic Arts Square released the Japanese version. Its launch date was November 13, 2001.

The foundation of the game lies in the Genie Engine, the same engine used for the creation of the game Age of Empires II. In 2002, an expansion pack was introduced, incorporating elements from Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Subsequently, both Galactic Battlegrounds and Clone Campaigns were bundled together and launched as a box set, known as Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds Saga.

Plot summary

Episode I campaigns

The initial release of the game contains six distinct campaigns. Certain missions within these campaigns recreate iconic battles from the Star Wars films, such as the Battle of Hoth.

  • The first campaign, which serves as a tutorial, focuses on Attichitcuk, his son Chewbacca, and Chewbacca's cousin Shoran, as they strive to liberate Alaris Prime from the control of the Trade Federation. Qui-Gon Jinn guides the player through the tutorial. Alaris Prime colonial war Attack on Attichitcuk's camp Attack on the Wookiee command center Skirmish at the gundark nest Rescue of Attichitcuk Attack on the Trade Federation outpost Attack on the Trade Federation listening array Battle for Alaris Prime
Naboo Security Officers outside a Naboo city
  • The second campaign, derived from Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, puts the player in the role of the Trade Federation. The story follows OOM-9, the effective droid commander of the Trade Federation's forces. Battle of Naboo Subjugation of Parrlay Capture of Harte Secur Invasion of Spinnaker Capture of Theed Naboo Swamp Battle Battle of the Great Grass Plains (non-canon, alternate history simulation)
A Gungan establishment
  • The third campaign centers around the Gungans, initially led by Boss Gallo, and subsequently by Boss Rugor Nass, who leads the Gungans during the events of Episode I. War of the Gungan tribes Battle of Otoh Sancture Battle of the Forest Cities Battle of Spearhead Battle of Naboo Second Battle of Spinnaker Liberation of Harte Secur Battle of Theed (non-canon)[2]

Episode IV, V, and VI campaigns

  • The fourth campaign in the original game places the player in command of the Galactic Empire. Darth Vader is the central figure in this campaign, with the story unfolding just before and during the events of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. Evacuation of Yavin Occupation of Reytha Zaloriis campaign Battle of Hoth Occupation of Bespin Battle of Endor around the Shield generator (non-canon)

  • The fifth campaign allows the player to lead the Rebel Alliance. The main character varies from mission to mission, but Princess Leia Organa is present in every mission. Jedi Master Echuu appears in the early missions, and later Luke Skywalker joins the fight. The events of this campaign mostly occur outside the scope of the films, except for the battles of Endor and Hoth. Krantian Civil War Battle of Geddes Battle of Hoth Battle of Endor Battle of Hanoon Battle in the Silken Asteroids (before Episode IV)

  • The sixth and final campaign focuses on the Wookiee civilization. This campaign is set after the events of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, as the remnants of the Empire attempt to maintain control and launch an attack on Kashyyyk. Han Solo and Chewbacca are the primary characters in this campaign. Attichitcuk also makes an appearance, along with Lando Calrissian, Shoran, and Luke Skywalker. Liberation of Kashyyyk Liberation of Kessel

  • The Royal Naboo are featured in the Gungan and Trade Federation campaigns, but do not have a dedicated campaign. However, they are available for play in standard gameplay, multiplayer mode, and the scenario editor.


At the start of a game, each participant selects a faction from the available options and begins with a command center and a small group of workers. The core objective of the game involves gathering resources, constructing units, and researching technologies to ultimately achieve victory over opponents. Accumulating a specific amount of resources allows players to advance to the next technology level, which unlocks new construction and research possibilities, as well as access to more advanced and upgraded units.

When a game begins at the First Tech Level, players face restrictions on what they can build. Apart from a few basic troopers, primarily useful for scouting, most construction options revolve around establishing and developing the player's economy. Gathering 500 food allows advancement to the Second Tech Level, opening up more buildings and units to form basic armies. Accumulating 800 food and 200 nova enables progression to the Third Tech Level, where combat expands into three dimensions with the ability to construct air units. Finally, 1000 food and 800 nova allow advancement to the Fourth and final Tech level, which unlocks expensive upgrades that often provide significant advantages to the player's faction, justifying the high cost.

Each worker unit, which can be labor droids, Wookiees, or other faction-specific units, is directly controllable by the player and can be ordered to gather resources, construct buildings, and even engage enemy units and buildings.

Muja fruit bushes

Four types of resources must be gathered consistently to maintain a steady supply: Carbon, primarily used for constructing buildings and in technology research, can be found in trees or carbon deposits. Food is essential for training units and is also used in technology research. It can be gathered from muja fruits, fish, hunting, farms, and from nerfs or banthas housed in an animal nursery. Nova crystals are mainly used in technology research and for training certain units. They also serve as currency at the marketplace, where prices are listed in nova crystal value. These crystals are primarily mined but can also be traded for other resources at the marketplace. Trade caravans can transport a fixed amount of crystal between two marketplaces, and holocrons can provide a steady stream if housed at a Jedi Temple or Sith Temple. Lastly, there is ore, primarily used for constructing fixed defensive structures like turrets, fortresses, and anti-air defenses, as well as in some technology research. Ore is often the rarest resource on the map, requiring players to purchase additional supplies at the marketplace once their initial deposits are exhausted.


While actively playing the game, press the Enter key to bring up the chat interface. Input any of the codes listed below, then press Enter again to activate it. Note that some codes will only function when a unit is selected.

  • forceexplore – Reveals the entire map.
  • forcesight – Removes the fog of war.
  • forcebuild – Instantly completes building, harvesting, and research tasks. (Affects all teams, including the enemy.)
  • forcecarbon – Grants 1,000 carbon.
  • forcenova, forcenovacrystals – Grants 1,000 nova.
  • forceore – Grants 1,000 ore.
  • forcefood – Grants 1,000 food.
  • tarkin – Destroys all structures and units belonging to all other players.
  • darkside(1-8) – Destroys a specific civilization, chosen by its number (1-8).
  • skywalker – Instantly wins the current battle.
  • simonsays – Spawns Simon the Killer Ewok.
  • scaryneighbor – Spawns a Bongo Marauder.
  • tantive iv - Spawns a Rebel Blockade Runner.
  • that's no moon - Spawns a Death Star.
  • imperial entanglements - Spawns a Star Destroyer.

Easter eggs

Simon, the killer Ewok

Certain levels contain hidden easter eggs. In remote and difficult-to-reach locations, such as mountain peaks or areas concealed behind trees that must be harvested, players can discover well-known characters by exploring the map's corners with air units:

  • On Naboo, during the second Trade Federation mission, players can find Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Jar Jar Binks.
  • In the third mission of the Gungan campaign, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, and R2-D2 can be found standing near Yoda's hut.
  • In the fourth Gungan mission, OOM-9 can be found in the eastern corner of the map.
  • On Tatooine, C-3PO and R2-D2 can be found next to an escape pod.
  • In the first two Imperial missions, Mara Jade can be found somewhere on the map, although this requires cheat codes and she flees when spotted. Darth Vader may occasionally ask, "What is this?" when the player locates Jade.
  • Simon and Bongo Marauder appear when specific cheat codes are entered (see above).
  • One of the game's taunts is a parody of Samuel L. Jackson's line from Pulp Fiction: "Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals." In the game, "pigs" is replaced with "banthas."
  • A secret level can be accessed in the first Wookiee campaign. By advancing to Tech Level 3, players can build a fighter and pilot it to the far right of the map, revealing Obi-Wan Kenobi and Captain Quarsh Panaka and triggering a mission to rescue Padmé Amidala from Tusken Raiders.
  • When an Imperial trooper is clicked, they may say "THX-1138 ready, sir," referencing THX-1138, George Lucas's first film.
  • When an AT-AT walker is clicked, the pilot may respond with "They won't be back for the sequel," breaking the fourth wall.

Aurebesh texts

Galactic Battlegrounds includes numerous text-based easter eggs, which are present in the game's briefing and debriefing screens. While many of these screens contain nonsensical phrases, some appear to be inside jokes shared among LucasArts employees. Notable excerpts are listed below, categorized by civilization:

  • Gungan: boss gallo/he has a big robe/one four/mesa sicka gungan guys; jerb wi 2 wjbe eks oh and by the way this is boss rogoe/a slave gungan why did george have to bring jar jar back in ep2?; so sad its my last day/i am going to miss this/its a game i hope like it; the two jedi in the gungan city hey did anyone see any gungan women?; orb of peace/naboo is victorious/long live naboo/PCP

  • Wookiees (Colonization of Alaris Prime): chewie/jp i love you/two one/harvesting food/status: not done yet/tomorrow for sure; image one/one two/wookiees approach/status; guarded heavy/will move forward cautiously/end transimission; obi-wan's lightsaber is long and dngerous/two hands are better than one/the ring; one two four/final town buildings/qui-gon/status: obi-wan is lost/check out the trees/hes in there

  • Trade Federation: teh tf tanks dstryd the the buildings/-dstry-capture-pillage; the search for the gungans has ended/c-whats d-up; -warning-droids no longer functioning

  • Galactic Empire: ooold/vader speaks/the lord of the sith/dodonna learns his lesson; Salvage the rebel base--take all survivors to command/processing for detention block b; mara jade occupation: bad ass/location death star code red surveylance; stormtroopers bad guys/s--jim tudner f--bob billy newman b--jack burton k--mike terpsta j--chris williams l--paul c pierce f--haden blackman; [The names of Paul Pierce and John Paul Soto are displayed at the bottom of all screens in the Imperial campaign.]

  • Rebel Alliance: random troopers/joey russo/this is echu shen can yog guess it really is; [Screen displays two X-wings flying over a forest] bob see any deer/yeah this is more fun than those banthas/not yet remember year when got that buck with my proton torpedo; all your base are belong to us; -you are here (pl)ease keep all (han)ds inside the boat at all times; yes its an eye ball uh 282n good old rotj; leia and luke looking on at rebels/what will they do who knows: ben kenobi does; boom yey the empire bast is one fire too bad its not jar jar/and this is fire shooting out of the doorw ohh ahh; the rebel transport ship otherwise known as a tunaboat/kiptan the boat smells like fish again/this will be earth in a few million years who would have ever thought; future site of dr. evil's new asteroid base...ohh haha

  • Wookiees (Liberation of Kashyyyk): han chewie buddies/solo action status: huge/gone today; bowcaster safety lock/chewie will kick your ass; run chewie/one two three/wookiee transports sail across the water; sttus: safe and secure/next mission comb matted fur; many parties among the trees/hiding ewok babies/wookiee party house; run run/free at last today/wookiee freedom at last/lando and han looking on

Game types

The initial game release includes six single-player campaigns, with the expansion pack adding two more, each depicting events from galactic history. Additionally, there is a Standard Game mode, which pits a human player or players against a specified number of AI opponents to gain control of a map. The primary objective is to defeat the enemy through either surrender or complete annihilation. Other variations include a race to construct a Monument first, "King-Of-The-Hill," and regicide.

Technology and research

To gain access to technology, players must first construct buildings. These buildings are categorized as economic, military, or research-oriented. Economic buildings serve as drop-off points for resources and provide upgrades to worker gathering speed. Military buildings are used to create new units, offer upgrades for existing units, or serve as defensive structures to protect a base. Research buildings provide upgrades to units, buildings, and defensive structures. The cost of research generally depends on the technology level and the advantage that the research provides.

Technology is a key aspect of the game. Early on, players must carefully balance economic and military priorities while allocating limited resources. Over-emphasizing technology research and advancing through the Levels without creating a sufficient fighting force can leave an army vulnerable to attack. Conversely, investing resources into a large population at the expense of technological progress can lead to defeat if the enemy progresses and fields a smaller, but more powerful, attack force.

Monuments and holocrons


Holocrons are unique items scattered across the map that can only be picked up by Jedi or Sith units. Once placed inside a Jedi Temple or Sith Temple, a holocron generates a steady supply of free nova crystals for the civilization that controls it, reflecting the historical significance of knowledge and its influence. Some factions gain more crystals from holocrons than others. To capture a holocron from an enemy temple, the temple must sustain significant damage, causing the holocron to be ejected before its destruction. A Jedi or Sith unit can then collect the holocron. The standard skirmish victory condition includes a "Holocron victory": if a player gathers all holocrons, a countdown begins, and if it expires, that player wins. (Holocrons function similarly to Relics in Age of Empires II, as both are stored in Temples and generate resources: nova crystals and gold, respectively.)

An Imperial monument

Monuments are massive structures that require significant resources and time to construct. If a player completes a Monument and it remains intact for an uninterrupted period of time (400 game days), they achieve victory. Each civilization has its own unique Monument, usually a famous work of historical architecture.

Scenario editor

The game provides players with the ability to create custom levels using the Scenario Editor. This feature allows players to design their own levels and even combine multiple levels into a complete campaign. The levels can be created using all the terrain types available in the game, and players can place any type of unit and building, including hero units that appear specifically in the campaigns, such as Chewbacca. Other characters from the Star Wars universe that are not available elsewhere in the game can also be used in Scenarios, such as Dash Rendar and the Outrider, as well as characters created specifically for the game, such as Excellency Lathe Parthenian and Tallamitta.

Units and factions

Each faction typically has a distinct set of strengths and weaknesses, ensuring that the differences between them are more than just cosmetic. Some factions have access to certain parts of the technology tree, while others are restricted from specific upgrades. Additionally, there are unique technologies and a faction-specific unit that can be trained at the Fortress. These differences can be disabled at the beginning of a skirmish game, giving all players access to the same technologies and units. In team games, an additional bonus is provided to the team.

Units separated by commas below indicate different versions of the same unit.

Galactic Empire

ASP-7, the Empire's basic labor droid

Faction Bonuses: Aircraft cost reduced by 5%, Heavy Mech unit upgrades cost reduced by 10%, Fortress construction speed increased by 10%

Team Bonus: Mech units gain +10% speed

  • Barracks: Stormtrooper recruit, Stormtrooper, Armored Stormtrooper, Repeating Stormtrooper Dewback trooper, Heavy Dewback Trooper, Advanced Dewback Trooper Thermal detonator Trooper Missile Launcher Trooper, Armored Missile Trooper
  • Mech factory: Speeder Bike AT-PT, Heavy AT-PT (strike mech) Light AT-ST, AT-ST (mech destroyer) AT-AT, Heavy AT-AT (assault mech)
  • Shipyard: Utility trawler Light Scout, Scout, Advanced Scout Frigate (frigate) Transport Ship Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser Destroyer, Heavy Destroyer Missile Destroyer, Heavy Missile Destroyer
  • Fortress: Dark trooper Phase 1, Dark Trooper Phase 2 - Unique Unit Shock Cannon Star Cruiser
  • Command center: 2-1C medical droid ASP-7 labor droid Viper probe droid
  • Heavy Weapons Factory: Artillery, Heavy Artillery AT-AA, Heavy AT-AA (anti-air) Energy Pummel, Heavy Energy Pummel
  • Airbase: Imperial Lander (air transport) TIE/sa bomber, TIE Heavy Bomber, TIE Interdictor TIE Fighter, TIE/IN interceptor, TIE/D Defender
  • Spaceport: Imperial Cargo Trader
  • Sith temple Sith Apprentice, Sith Knight, Sith Master


A Gungan raaptur

Faction Bonus: Can construct underwater prefab shelters, buildings are organic and can self-regenerate, Workers receive a 10% ore mining bonus in Technology Levels 3 & 4.

Team Bonus: Ships cost -15%, Shield generators cost -15%

  • Troop Center: Gungan Trooper Recruit, Gungan Trooper, Heavy Gungan Trooper, Gungan Repeater Trooper Kaadu Trooper, Heavy Kaadu Trooper, Advanced Kaadu Trooper Gungan Booma Trooper Gungan Missile Trooper, Heavy Gungan Missile Trooper
  • Mech Factory: Swift Kaadu, Armored Kaadu Cavalry (strike mech) Lerraa, Large Lerraa (mech destroyer) Fambaa, Large Fambaa (assault mech)
  • Shipyard: Utility trawler Light Scout, Bongo Scout, Bongo Advanced Scout (frigate) Transport Ship Bongo Behemoth, Bongo Advanced Behemoth (cruiser) Bongo Laser, Bongo Fast Laser (destroyer) Bongo Missile, Bongo Heavy Missile
  • Fortress: Fambaa Shield Generator, Heavy Fambaa Shield Generator - Unique Unit Fambaa sonic cannon Aquanna
  • Command Center: Gungan Doctor Glurrg
  • Heavy Weapons Factory: Energy Catapult, Heavy Energy Catapult (artillery) Raaptur, Large Raaptur (organic anti-air) Cerrabore, Large Cerrabore (pummel creature)
  • Airbase: Dunsenn FlopCarrier (air transport, flying puffer fish) Gungan Bomber, Enhanced Gungan Bomber, Advanced Gungan Bomber (unnamed flying creature) Gungan Fighter, Fast Gungan Fighter, Advanced Gungan Fighter
  • Spaceport: Sando HoverFreighter
  • Jedi Temple Padawan, Jedi Knight

Rebel Alliance


Faction Bonus: Farmers gain an additional +5 to their carry capacity. Fortresses benefit from +1 to their range, line of sight, and search radius. The Rebel faction boasts two exclusive units.

Team Bonus: The maximum food storage on farms is increased by +35.

  • Troop Center: Enlist Rebel Trooper Recruits, Blaster Troopers, Heavy Blaster Troopers, Armored Repeater Troopers, Tauntaun Troopers, Heavy Tauntaun Troopers, Advanced Tauntaun Troopers, Rebel mortar troopers, Missile Troopers, and Armored Missile Troopers.
  • Mech Factory: Construct Swoop Bikes, Combat Speeders, and Heavy Combat Speeders (strike mech). Craft Hover Tanks, and Heavy Hover Tanks (mech destroyer). Produce Attack Tanks, and Heavy Attack Tanks (assault mech).
  • Shipyard: Build Utility Trawlers, Light Scouts, Scouts, and Advanced Scouts (frigate). Manufacture Transport Ships, Prowlers, and Heavy Prowlers (cruiser). Assemble Hunters, and Heavy Hunters (destroyer). Create Javelins, and Heavy Javelins (anti-air cruiser).
  • Fortress: Deploy Airspeeders and Armored Airspeeders - Unique Unit. Establish Blaster Cannons and Light Corvettes.
  • Command Center: Train 2-1B and Rebel R2-D5 units.
  • Heavy Weapons Factory: Fabricate Artillery, Heavy Artillery, Mobile Proton Torpedo Launchers, and Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher-2a (anti-air). Construct Energy Pummels and Heavy Energy Pummels.
  • Airbase: Utilize Rebel Transports (air transport). Launch Light Y-Wings, Y-wings, and Heavy Y-Wings. Deploy Z-95 Headhunters, X-Wings, and Advanced X-Wings. Field A-Wings - Unique Unit.
  • Spaceport: Employ Mon Calamari Traders.
  • Jedi Temple: Train Jedi Padawans, Jedi Knights, and Jedi Masters.

Royal Naboo

Royal crusaders

The Royal Naboo faction is only available in skirmish mode, and cannot be used within the campaign mode.

Faction Bonus: Nova collection is improved by +10%, Holocrons generate increased nova, and Fortresses gain enhanced attack power against mechs and heavy weapons.

  • Troop Center: Train Royal Trooper Recruits, Royal Troopers, Royal Heavy Troopers, and Armored Repeater Troopers. Field Kaadu w/Royal Troopers, Heavy Kaadu w/Royal Troopers, and Advanced Kaadu w/Royal Troopers (In Clone Campaigns, these are replaced with the units below). Deploy Tuskcat Troopers, Heavy Tuskcat Troopers, and Advanced Tuskcat Troopers, respectively. Utilize Thermal detonator troopers, Missile Troopers, and Armored Missile Troopers.
  • Mech Factory: Deploy Udopal speeders, Gian speeders, and Heavy Gian Speeders (strike mech). Manufacture Champions, and Heavy Champions (mech destroyer). Produce Steadfasts, and Heavy Steadfasts (assault mech).
  • Shipyard: Construct Utility Trawlers, Light Scouts, Scouts, and Advanced Scouts (frigate). Build Transport Ships, Cruisers, and Advanced Cruisers. Assemble Destroyers, and Heavy Destroyers. Create Missile Destroyers, and Heavy Missile Destroyers.
  • Fortress: Deploy Royal crusaders and Elite Royal Crusaders - Unique Unit. Establish Royal cannons and Royal air cruisers.
  • Command Center: Train Royal med droids and PKN-49 worker droids.
  • Heavy Weapons Factory: Fabricate Energy Catapults, and Heavy Energy Catapults (artillery). Construct Mobile Missile Launchers, and Heavy Missile Launchers (anti-air). Produce Energy Pummels and Heavy Energy Pummels.
  • Airbase: Utilize Naboo Royal Lifters (air transport). Launch NB-1 Royal Bombers, NB-1S Royal Bombers, and NB-1T Royal Bombers. Deploy N-1L Starfighters, N-1 starfighters, and N-1T Starfighters.
  • Spaceport: Employ Royal trade ships.
  • Jedi Temple: Train Jedi Padawans, Jedi Knights, and Jedi Masters.

Trade Federation

Faction Bonus: Prefab shelters are not required, Fortress Anti-Air range is increased by +3. Team Bonus: Heavy weapon speed is increased by +15%.

  • Troop Center: Enlist Battle Droid Beta Versions, Battle Droids, Heavy Battle Droids, and Repeater Battle Droids. Field Beetle Troopers, Heavy Beetle Troopers, and Advanced Beetle Troopers. Utilize Thermal Detonator Battle Droids, Missile Battle Droids, and Baron Battle Droids (heavy anti-air).
  • Mech Factory: Deploy Speeder platforms, STAPs, and Heavy STAPs (strike mech). Manufacture AATs, and Heavy AATs (mech destroyer). Produce MTTs, and Heavy Multi-Troop Transports (assault mech).
  • Shipyard: Construct Utility Trawlers, S-LFRGs, S-FRGs, and S-HFRGs (frigate). Build S-TRNs (transport ship), S-CRSs, and S-HCRSs (cruiser). Assemble S-DSTs, and S-HDSTs (destroyer). Create S-AADS, and S-HAADs (anti-air destroyer).
  • Fortress: Deploy Destroyer Droids and Heavy Destroyer Droids - Unique Unit. Establish Bio cannons and LAATAKs.
  • Command Center: Train MED-47 medical droids and OX9 units.
  • Heavy Weapons Factory: Fabricate HAG-Ms, and HHAG-Ms (artillery). Construct AMLs, and HAMLs (anti-air). Produce Energy Pummels and Heavy Energy Pummels.
  • Airbase: Utilize Neimoidian Transports (air transport). Launch Droid Starbombers, Shielded Droid Starbombers]], and Advanced Droid Starbombers (E-STAPs). Deploy Droid Starfighters, Heavy Droid Starfighters, and Advanced Droid Starfighters (Droid starfighters).
  • Spaceport: Employ Neimoidian traders.
  • Sith Temple: Train Sith Apprentices, Sith Knights.


Faction Bonus: Carbon collection is 5% faster in Tech Levels 3 & 4, Fortress line of sight is increased by +5 and strength is increased by +10%.

Team Bonus: Troopers gain +2 to their line of sight and +2 to their search radius.

  • Troop Center: Enlist Wookiee Trooper Recruits, Bowcaster troopers, Heavy bowcaster Troopers]], Repeating Bowcaster Troopers. Field Dragon troopers, Heavy Dragon Troopers]], Advanced Dragon Troopers. Utilize Thermal Detonator Troopers]], Missile Troopers, and Heavy Missile Troopers.
  • Mech Factory: Deploy HummBikes, Sentinels, and Heavy Sentinels (strike mech). Manufacture Kas tanks, and Heavy Kas Tanks]] (mech destroyer). Produce Battle Scythes, and Heavy Battle Scythes (assault mech).
  • Shipyard: Construct Utility Trawlers, Light Scouts, Scouts, and Advanced Scouts (frigate). Build Transport Ships, Cruisers, and Heavy Cruisers. Assemble Destroyers, and Heavy Destroyers. Create Liberators, and Heavy Liberators (anti-air destroyer).
  • Fortress: Deploy Berserkers and Advanced Berserkers - Unique Unit. Establish Decimator cannons and Kas air cruisers.
  • Command Center: Train Wookiee Medics and Wookiee Villagers.
  • Heavy Weapons Factory: Fabricate Catapults, and Heavy Catapults. Construct Proton Torpedo Launchers and Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers (anti-air). Produce Energy Pummels and Heavy Energy Pummels.
  • Airbase: Utilize Kettrifee Air Movers (air transport). Launch Blade, Heavy Blade, Advanced Blade, Agr, Fast Agr, Advanced Agr.
  • Spaceport: Employ Corellian HoverFreighters.
  • Jedi Temple: Train Jedi Padawans, Jedi Knights.


Buildings and fabrications

Unused concept art for a Flak Gun


The following background settings are where battles unfold, and they are also available for custom missions.


The game exhibits certain inconsistencies with established lore and historical events. For example, it incorrectly states that the AT-AT was developed during the Galactic Civil War, when its development actually took place during the Clone Wars. Among the game's assault units, the standard Trade Federation trooper is a B1-series battle droid, while the basic Confederacy trooper is a B2-series super battle droid. Despite the B2 being a clear upgrade over the B1, the game treats them as equals. Additionally, the NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer, referred to vaguely as the "Corporate Alliance Tank Mech," is depicted as significantly larger and more powerful than its canonical counterpart.

In some instances, level designs diverge significantly from the events depicted in the movies. For example, in the Endor Mission when playing as the Empire, the Rebels possess four bases, which contradicts the movie and most canonical sources that indicate a limited Rebel presence on Endor. Furthermore, the Millennium Falcon and R2-D2, C-3PO, Luke, and Leia escape during the mission, which is also inconsistent, as Luke was on the Death Star II during the battle, and the Millennium Falcon and the numerous X-wings and Y-wings were engaged in combat with the Imperial Fleet.


