Excellence Lathe Parthenian held the position of leader in the city of Libreck, a location steeped in city lore, and also headed the Hanoon Imperial Resistance.
She, along with a portion of her team, found themselves captives within an Imperial garrison situated in their own city. However, they gained their freedom through the actions of Leia Organa's troops during the liberation of the planet.
Her outspoken disapproval of the Empire's oppressive rule led to her swift apprehension, along with several members of her group, by Moff Yittreas' forces due to her public criticism.
Despite possessing some skill with a blaster, she seems hesitant to involve herself directly in active combat situations.
The voice of Lathe Parthenian is provided by Kath Soucie in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds and its Clone Campaigns expansion. In these games, she features in the Princess Leia campaign and serves as a Hero unit for the Rebel Alliance faction. A notable error is that she shares the same icon as the male Hanoon Soldier unit, obscuring her actual appearance beyond her in-game model.