Command center

Military support structures, known as command centers, were utilized by fighting forces throughout the vast expanse of galactic history.


Throughout galactic history, command centers functioned as support buildings, enabling the creation of support units for fighting forces. These structures were responsible for producing units such as droid and organic laborers, along with medics. Furthermore, these buildings facilitated technological research to enhance unit capabilities. They also acted as designated drop-off locations for essential resources like food, carbon, nova, and ore. Constructing a command center required an investment of 300 carbon units and 100 ore units. Units could find refuge within these structures for healing and repairs, and they were also capable of engaging hostile units with defensive fire. Numerous factions employed command centers, including the Gungans and the Royal Naboo Security Forces on the planet Naboo, as well as the Trade Federation. During the Clone Wars, both the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems possessed their own unique command center designs, as did the Wookiees on Kashyyyk. Later, during the Galactic Civil War, both the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance relied on command centers for their operations.

Command center types

Galactic Empire

The Galactic Empire's command centers exhibited a gray and blue exterior, characterized by a spherical structure on top and a manning tower situated on the leftmost corner. These facilities were staffed by droids, including 2-1C medical droids, ASP-7 labor droid, and various Viper probe droids.

Initially, newly constructed Command Centers appeared rudimentary, often consisting of little more than girders. Ladders were typically necessary, and wiring extended to the southern corner of the base.

A Tech Level 2 Imperial Command center

Subsequent construction resulted in a more structurally sound appearance, incorporating ramps and a covered top section with barred windows on the northern side. Bridges were erected, connecting the northern corner to the eastern and western corners, with the latter featuring a taller tower and barrels beneath its bridge. The generator required fewer connecting wires across the base.

A Tech Level 3 Imperial Command center

Further improvements to the Command Centers included the addition of walls. The northern section was enhanced with a small circular window and stairs. The southern portion incorporated barriers, and the bridges evolved into full-scale platforms. Portions of the eastern and western towers were also completed.

A Tech Level 4 Imperial Command center

Upon completion, the Command Centers featured fully functional blast gates for secure entry. A turbolift elevator replaced the stairs, and the northern section's design was radically altered to a spherical shape. The walkways leading to the eastern and western sections were fully enclosed within walls.

Galactic Republic

The Galactic Republic's command centers displayed varying colors depending on their construction stage, generally featuring brownish-yellow and gray hues. Droids such as IM-6 battlefield medical droids and Kaminoan droids provided staffing.

A Tech Level 2 Republic Command center

Initially, the Command Centers had a simple design, consisting of a two-way open-door garage accessible via ramps and a landing platform at the top. External generators were also positioned nearby.

Further construction resulted in a more intricate appearance, with the landing platform largely covered by a large trapezoid building and circular supports added to its edges. The external generators were removed, along with the ramps leading to the garages. The foundation was also more stable and expanded.

A Tech Level 3 Republic Command center

Further improvements transformed most of the base into a trapezoid-like structure with circular dais at the corners. The upper part of the base had its trapezoidal building replaced with twin buildings connected by a small passageway. The circular supports were expanded, suggesting an intention to connect the two parts of the Command Center.

A Tech Level 4 Republic Command center

Upon completion, the entire base was converted into a trapezoid, with blast doors sealing off the garage areas. The dais were transformed into towers, the upper half of the building was almost cube-shaped, and the circular supports now hung as pill-shaped objects at each corner.

Confederacy of Independent Systems

The CIS's command centers, reflecting the Geonosians' influence, were constructed from Geonosian stone and resembled a building with a circular arena-like area in the center. ADK-25-MED medical droids and Geonosian workers provided staffing.

Initially, the Command Centers resembled a dome with curved/conish buildings. Another building was under construction, as evidenced by the plowed surface near the south. Two orbs were also nearby.

Further construction resulted in a more polished appearance, with the curved/conish buildings resembling pills. Braces were placed on the domed building, and the plowed area became a crevasse surrounding the arena. Supports were implemented between the domed building and the rightmost pill building.

Further improvements led to the construction of two additional buildings, which were taller and spire-like. The domed building underwent a significant redesign, featuring a sloped base and thorny outgrowths at the top, as well as a larger door. At least one additional support was constructed, and the crevasse was deeper, with the arena base being narrower. An additional orb was also constructed.

Upon completion, the Command Centers featured multiple supports for the buildings. The main building was castle-like, with larger thorny outgrowths and a pillar-like structure. The arena had its base completely removed. The other buildings had spire-like designs, with one having a beak-like appearance.

A Separatist command center

The Separatist Droid Army utilized a standardized command center model throughout the Clone Wars.


Gungan Grand Army's Command Centers, similar to other Gungan structures, employed electrostatic bubble generators with a pinkish hue, with one being most prominent. Like the Wookiees, their command centers were not staffed by droids, but by Gungan doctors and Glurrgs.

Initially, the primary (and only) electrostasis bubble building required constant support, with at least three support struts on top. It also had three arches. Multiple platforms existed, some requiring scaling to reach the main gate.

Further construction resulted in a more stable appearance, eliminating the need for support struts directly on the bubble generator. Two more electrostatic bubbles were developed, which were tiny compared to the primary bubble. Many of the tiny platforms were removed, and its gate was made more elegant with a ramp.

Further improvements led to the creation of 16 additional bubble generators, while the two earlier bubble generator additions grew larger and more egg-shaped, though still smaller than the primary bubble. The support struts became more complex, hugging the main building. The ramp was replaced with a two-way path leading to the gate, with the gate itself being more elegant.

Upon completion, the Command Centers were nearly completely covered, with the two secondary bubble generators moved indoors and the tertiary bubble generators replaced with stands. The struts reached the top of the primary bubble generator.

Rebel Alliance

It was circular with towers and a dish turret. Droids including the 2-1B and the Rebel Astromech Droid series R2-D5 provided staffing.

Initially, the Command Centers were bare, consisting of girders and basic supports, especially for the circular roof. It had a small, basic holoscreen for reporting Alliance activities and was connected to external generators. Three pylons were already in place. The main platform was tiny, and a square-shaped satellite dish was nearby.

Further construction resulted in a more stable appearance, with a nearly complete circular roof. The floor area was expanded, and its holoscreen was upgraded to be more towering. The supports were covered with armor. More powerful external generators were connected to the left and right of the base. The command center replaced its satellite with a circular dish.

Further improvements resulted in a roof base without holes. The supports loosened some armor and added struts. The holoscreen was replaced with a holoprojector, with holoscreens moved to the opposite side of the base. Containers and a generator were nearby. A ramp was included.

Upon completion, the Command Centers possessed a holoprojector pod that removed starry features when displaying information and removed most holoscreen terminals in favor of an amphitheater design. The roof was fully complete, featuring curves. The Command Center had a pit within the interior, accessible via three ramps. The generator was armored, and the containers became additional power generators.

Royal Naboo

The Command Centers generally resembled a Naboo villa, with a water fountain and an interior circular garden. Royal med droid and the PKN-49 worker droid provided staffing.

Initially, the Command Centers were tiny, possessing a small, six-faced triangular roof, a fountain, and ivy-covered rafters on the left and right sides. It had three stairwells, one directly in front and two near each of the ivy-covered rafters. Each stair had a pool of water near it.

Further construction expanded the roof, replacing the ivy-covered rafters and combining them with the lower portions of the roof "faces," resulting in a bending roof face. The main stairwell was eliminated and replaced with an edge. The remaining stairs were kept intact, and the main stairs were located around the larger fountain for easier access. Ivy grew on top of the rooftops.

Further improvements added pillars, tightening defenses. The roof was mostly replaced with Naboo's typical domes. The stairs were made more elegant, and the pools of water near the other stairs were expanded with an arch for more water flow. The stairs returned to the front of the Command Center. Naboo statues were added to the front of the building.

Upon completion, the Command Centers possessed full gates for entry to the main building from all three sides, with the building interior completely enclosed. The roof was similar to the first incarnation, featuring one of Naboo's domed architecture at the center. The plants on top of the roof were removed.

Trade Federation

It was brown, primarily arch-shaped, with a tower. Although the Trade Federation was primarily manned by droids, the command center was manned by MED-47 medical droids and OX9 labor droids.

Initially, the Command Centers were largely bare, with a narrow tower. Only parts of the roof were fully complete. The main generator inside the tower was vulnerable.

Further construction patched up most of the open areas, with more cables connecting the core of the command center. Vital areas were established within the arched roof.

Further improvements completed virtually all of the hull, with only the generator and a bit of the top exposed. The tower replaced its tuning fork-style decoration with a spearhead-like connecting flap.

Upon completion, the Command Centers possessed fully armored hulls, even blocking access to the tower generator from the outside.


Its design was primarily made of a combination of wood and metal patchworks. Its most notable feature was a curved portion. Unlike most other command centers, it was not manned by droids, but by Wookiee villagers and medics.

Initially, the only constructed aspects were the curvature and a small hut, primarily girders with metallic patchwork. Its power generator was external.

Further construction resulted in more complete appearances, with girders covered by wooden walls and roofs with more metallic patches. The small hut increased in size and was directly connected to the building. A manning tower was beginning construction.

Further improvements had most of the wooden walls covered up. The hut had more metallic coverings and circular ramps. The tower was mostly complete, with searchlights on top.

Upon completion, the Command Centers possessed a staircase to the main building. Additional flaps were added to the rooftop of the smaller building. The tower was fully completed and included a viewscreen. The command center had its generator completely covered.

Between 39 and 36 BBY, a team of Wookiee colonists rediscovered Alaris Prime and proceeded to colonize it. Under Qui-Gon Jinn's guidance, the Wookiees created a command center on the colonized planet. Jinn guided five Wookiee workers to gather resources and food. They then conducted a drill to defend the base against Gundark attacks. Shortly after Chewbacca's arrival, the base was attacked by Gundarks, and the Wookiees defended it for real. Afterwards, they sustained the base from ore and nova crystal deposits.

Behind the scenes

Command centers are featured in the 2001 video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds and its 2002 expansion pack. Some missions begin with command centers, while others require players to build one. In multiplayer, the games start with a command center already built.

