Between 39 and 36 BBY, Wookiee laborers constructed a command center on the moon called Alaris Prime. This base was among the first to be established during the colonization of Alaris Prime by the Wookiees. At this location, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn instructed the colonists on how to acquire four essential resources for the colony's survival: food, carbon, nova crystals, and ore. Furthermore, the Wookiee named Chewbacca defended the command center against an assault from gundarks, a predatory species native to Alaris Prime.
During the Wookiee species' colonization attempt of the moon Alaris Prime, a command center was erected by Wookiee construction crews. Alaris Prime is a satellite of the gas giant Alaris. To defend against potential assaults, the building featured a turret manned by Wookiee personnel. The north and west sides were bordered by a dense, impenetrable forest, while a river flowed on the east side. The location was advantageous due to its proximity to necessary resources. Muja fruit bushes grew nearby, and deposits of nova crystals and ore were located a short distance away. The nova crystals could serve as a form of currency, and the ore could be processed into durasteel.
Between 39 and 36 BBY, Wookiee laborers built the command center on Alaris Prime. This structure was among the initial bases established on the rediscovered moon during the Wookiee colonization initiative. Three Wookiee workers were stationed at the command center. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, dispatched by the Jedi High Council to oversee the colonization, instructed them on how to procure various resources.
The Wookiees started by gathering fruit from the nearby muja fruit bushes. Once they had acquired a sufficient quantity of [food](/article/foodstuff-legends], another Wookiee worker arrived at the base. Jinn then tasked this worker with catching fish from the river to supplement the colony's food supply. As more food was collected, another Wookiee joined the effort.

After the fifth worker arrived, Jinn decided to conduct a practice drill, simulating an attack by gundarks, a predatory species native to Alaris Prime, or other potential enemies. This involved halting all work and having the Wookiees seek shelter inside the command center. The drill was successfully executed, and the workers resumed their tasks. Eventually, enough food was gathered to sustain the colony, allowing the workers to focus on collecting carbon, another essential resource for the colony's survival. Carbon could be processed into duraplast, which was needed for constructing buildings. Jinn showed the workers how to harvest carbon from the trees surrounding the command center. Shortly time after, Chewbacca, a Wookiee leader among the colonists, arrived at the base.
Simultaneously, a group of four gundarks initiated an attack on the command center. Following the drill procedure, the workers retreated inside and used the building's turret system to defend against the gundarks. With Chewbacca's help, the Wookiees managed to kill the gundarks, preventing significant damage to the command center. After the attack, Chewbacca explored the area near the command center, discovering stockpiles of ore and nova. The workers then gathered sufficient quantities of these resources to support the base.
The Prima Games' strategy guide by Steven L. Kent, released on November 7, 2001, for the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001, made the first mention of the Wookiee command center. The second level of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, "Gathering Resources," features the command center, which is the only building in the player's base. In this level, the command center serves to store collected resources, create new workers, and provide shelter during gundark attacks. The player can choose the order in which they collect resources in the level. This article adheres to the instructions given by Qui-Gon Jinn, which prioritize gathering food first. After collecting 200 food, the workers collect carbon. The player must then explore the area to locate and gather nova crystals and ore. The level concludes once 200 food, 100 carbon, fifty nova crystals, and fifty ore have been collected. However, the player can also lose if the command center is destroyed during the gundark attack or if all workers are killed.