Discovery of Alaris Prime

The Wookiee explorers' finding of Alaris Prime happened sometime between the years of 59 BBY and 56 BBY. This moon, Alaris Prime, resided within the Alaris Expanse inside the Kashyyyk system, and its location was obscured by the gas giant known as Alaris. As a result of this, the galactic community had left the moon untouched for nearly one thousand years, ever since it served as the location for a skirmish during the New Sith Wars. Independent Wookiee explorers, hailing from the planet of Kashyyyk within that same star system, came across Alaris Prime as their species started their journeys to other worlds.

Subsequently, the Wookiees made a petition to the Senate of the Galactic Republic, requesting colonization rights for the moon. Following two decades filled with political discussions, the Wookiees were awarded Alaris Prime, and they proceeded to colonize it sometime between 39 and 36 BBY. While there, they fought against an unauthorized presence of the Trade Federation, after which Alaris Prime evolved into a prosperous community within the Republic.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of the Alaris Prime discovery appeared in the databank entry for Alaris Prime inside the 2001 LucasArts video game named Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. Its identification took place within the forty-second issue of The Official Star Wars Fact File, which was a magazine published by De Agostini in 2002.

