Prototype B6

Prototype B6, alternatively known as the Blade Wing or Bevel Wing, was a B-wing heavy assault starfighter prototype. It was conceived and constructed by Mon Calamari engineer Quarrie on the planet Shantipole as part of what was known as Project Shantipole.


The Prototype B6 in landing configuration.

The design philosophy behind this starfighter revolved around the concept of delivering significant firepower while maintaining a streamlined and maneuverable form. Similar to the models that came after it, the B6 included a gyroscopic cockpit, paired S-foils with laser cannons positioned at the wingtips, cannons located at the tail and below the cockpit, launchers for warheads, and a hyperdrive. This ship also boasted a gunner's turret at its rear and a composite-beam laser array. Quarrie's intention in the ship's design was to improve upon concepts initially developed by Verpine shipwrights.


Sometime after the prototype's completion, Hera Syndulla of Phoenix Cell, who was the Twi'lek captain of the starship Ghost, journeyed to Shantipole alongside Sabine Wren and Garazeb Orrelios. Their goal was to acquire the fighter for use against the Imperial blockade that was in place around the planet Ibaar. However, Quarrie was unwilling to simply hand over the ship to anyone who requested it. Consequently, Hera shifted her focus to repairing the Phantom, which had suffered substantial damage and made a crash landing on Quarrie's landing platform upon entering Shantipole's atmosphere. While assisting with the repairs, Quarrie engaged in conversation with Hera and became convinced that she was the ideal pilot for his ship, granting her permission to conduct flight and weapons testing of the B6.

Hera Syndulla tests the composite beam laser

After a successful trial, Hera received a transmission from Kanan Jarrus indicating that Phoenix Squadron was preparing to launch an attack on the Ibaar blockade. Sabine then informed her that the weapons testing had depleted the hyperdrive on the B6 prototype, a potential issue that Quarrie was already aware of. Fortunately, he had instructed his astromech droid, named BG-81, to install his spare hyperdrive on the Phantom, a feature that the ship had previously lacked. The B6 then docked with the rebel shuttle and was transported to Ibaar to support Phoenix Squadron. Piloted once again by Hera, with Sabine manning the gunner's turret, the B6 spearheaded the assault on the blockade, swiftly destroying the designated Imperial cruiser and creating an opening in the blockade for the Ghost to pass through. Following the completion of the squadron's supply drop, the B6 docked with the Phantom, and all rebel ships departed from the system.

Following the successful breach of the blockade, Senator Bail Organa, a key figure in the rebellion, secured a shipyard to restart the work on Project Shantipole. Quarrie continued to oversee the project, aiming to refine the B6's design for the eventual mass production of the new A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter.

