Shuttles represented a class of starship designed for the transport of crew and goods across the cosmos, frequently moving items from one starship to another or between a vessel and a planetary surface. Across the galaxy, numerous shuttle variants existed, notably the Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle and the commercially available Star Commuter 2000.
Back in 22 BBY, the Ohnaka Gang utilized the Flarestar-class attack shuttle.

The New Mandalorians made use of the Aka'jor-class shuttle in 21 BBY.
During 18 BBY, Gozetta piloted her own uniquely modified shuttle. Around that period, Rhyssa along with Auric Graf operated a Mu-class shuttle during their travels across Wild Space.
The Resistance, which was a paramilitary organization active 30 years following the Battle of Endor, modified their designated Resistance transports. They also employed several U-55 orbital loadlifters.
The First Order also deployed shuttle craft, specifically the Upsilon-class command shuttle alongside the Xi-class light shuttle.