Mu-class shuttle

The Mu-class shuttle represented a shuttle design capable of hyperspace travel, exhibiting design parallels to both the Lambda-class shuttle and the Sentinel-class landing craft. This craft featured a pair of extended, retractable stabilizers, and included a mining laser affixed to its dorsal surface. A duo of explorers, Auric and Rhyssa Graf, were the owners of a Mu-class shuttle named Whisper Bird.


A Mu-class shuttle with its wings deployed

The Mu-class shuttle was a starship intended for transport, bearing a strong resemblance to the Lambda-class shuttle and the Sentinel-class landing craft, both products of Sienar Fleet Systems. It was characterized by two expansive wings on its sides that would extend for flight and retract for landing. The cockpit of the shuttle was situated within a long, boxy structure, linked to the main body via a connecting "neck," and featured a viewport crafted from transparisteel. The Mu-class, with its foldable wings and a head reminiscent of a beak, bore a visual similarity to a bird, particularly when its landing struts were deployed.

Beyond sublight drives, Mu-class ships were outfitted with both a hyperdrive and a [navigation computer](/article/navigation_computer], enabling them to achieve lightspeed and navigate through hyperspace. Operation of the shuttle required a crew of two, consisting of a pilot and a co-pilot/navigator, though the cockpit provided sufficient space for two extra passengers. Despite not being primarily designed for combat, the Mu-class included a mining laser positioned on the ship's upper hull.


The Mu-class shuttle saw active service during the reign of the Galactic Empire, an autocratic regime that succeeded the Galactic Republic following the Clone Wars. The Whisper Bird was one such vessel, owned by Auric and Rhyssa Graf, a pair of interstellar explorers dedicated to charting the galactic territory known as Wild Space.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Mu-class shuttles was in Star Wars (1977) 79, the seventy-ninth installment of the Marvel Star Wars Legends comic series. They were integrated into canon via their inclusion in Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space, a series of novels for young readers published by Egmont UK in 2016.

