Whisper birds were a type of bird that possessed golden-colored plumage and originated from the moon known as Yavin 4; they were considered a distinct species.
A characteristic trait of the whisper bird was its unique, soft vocalization. Their silent flight capability led to the adoption of the name 'whisper bird,' a stealthy skill they employed during their hunts. The natural diet of wild whisper birds included both fish and various weeds. Despite being predators, they were vulnerable to attacks from groups of predatory stintaril rodents, especially when the birds were at roost.
These birds inhabited the rain forests of the moon, moving silently in groups and choosing the massassi trees as their roosting sites. Besides Yavin 4, they also had a presence on the planets Coruscant and Null.
After the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the cartographer named Auric Graf possessed a Mu-class shuttle which he named Whisper Bird, a reference to the vessel's long bronze wings and its resemblance to a perched bird when it was grounded.
The initial mention of whisper birds occurred in the Star Wars Legends book titled Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force, published in 1995 and authored by Kevin J. Anderson together with Rebecca Moesta. The reference book Ultimate Star Wars, which came out in 2015, established the species as part of the official canon.