Resistance transport

The Resistance transport vehicle represented a specific type of transport utilized by the Resistance. This transport was constructed using components salvaged from various spacecraft during their conflict against the First Order. Notably, one such vehicle served to carry Leia Organa, along with her accompanying personnel, following the conclusion of the Battle of Takodana.


A Resistance transport delivers Resistance troops to engage First Order forces.

Resistance technicians ingeniously assembled these transports utilizing a diverse array of parts, each possessing unique origins and intended functions. The control of the ship was managed from a modified B-wing Mark II cockpit segment, which was firmly secured and modified to incorporate a docking hatch. The B-wing's original life-sustaining systems, along with its portside deflector shield projectors, were repositioned within the adjacent cowling. This relocation reduced the pilot's field of view, necessitating the use of holographic visual displays and a comprehensive sensor array. The engine pods were sourced from sturdy and dependable Montura-class shuttles of the Republic era. Faster-than-light capabilities were achieved through the integration of two Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems S/min-12a hyperdrive units, a compact design derived from First Order technology. Passengers were accommodated within a pair of modular compartments typically found on freighters and budget starliners. These compartments were joined together and enclosed within a protective shell of repurposed hull plating. A tunnel provided passage from the cockpit to the passenger area.

Despite typically being accompanied by starfighters for protection, the transport possessed self-defense capabilities. Its standard weaponry included a Gyrhil R-9X heavy laser cannon, and occasionally additional armaments such as an ion cannon, a proton torpedo launcher, and two autoblasters were mounted beneath the cockpit. The standard configuration featured a precision targeting laser to assist the pilot. Deflector shield generators salvaged from B-wings provided protection for the cockpit and weapons pod, with their overlapping fields extending to shield the passenger compartments.

Within the passenger compartments, both troops and commanding officers shared space alongside gear lockers and astromech droids.


Goode piloted a Resistance transport from the surface of D'Qar

The Resistance utilized these transports during their conflict with the First Order. They primarily served to deploy troops to ground locations, typically after being escorted by fighters to the planetary surface. One such transport carried General Leia Organa and her team to Takodana during the Resistance's rescue of Han Solo, Chewbacca, Finn, and the droid BB-8 from their temporary capture. Cova Nell piloted this transport, which landed after First Order forces, led by Kylo Ren, had already been driven away. This allowed General Organa to converse with Han Solo following the battle's conclusion.

Behind the scenes

These transport vehicles make an appearance in the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. The design of these craft underwent numerous iterations, and it was among the last vehicles to be finalized. Art director Kevin Jenkins created the version featured in the film, drawing inspiration from a Chinook helicopter positioned on its side. At Celebration London 2016, during the DK Panel, Kemp Remillard, the illustrator for Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections, revealed that he included himself, author Jason Fry, and other DK staff as soldiers within the starship's illustration as an Easter egg.

The 2018 reference book Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles mistakenly identified the transport as an SS-54 assault ship.

