Resistance transport pod

The Resistance transport pod represents a unique modification of a two-person light shuttle. It was fabricated by the Resistance utilizing the cockpit section from a B-wing Mark II starfighter. Initially, these pods were designed to be connected to passenger modules, functioning as troop transports for the Resistance. However, equipped with a hyperdrive, they possessed the capability to detach and operate independently. During the Battle of Oetchi in 34 ABY, which was initiated by the First Order, Resistance operatives Rose Tico and Finn utilized a transport pod to travel to the planet Cantonica. Subsequently, the Canto Bight Police Department destroyed it.


The engine was situated at the back of the Resistance transport pod.

The Resistance transport pod can be described as a specialized light shuttle crafted by the Resistance's technicians. It served as an unarmed transport for two individuals. The shuttle's construction involved repurposing the cockpit of a B-wing Mark II [starfighter](/article/starfighter] from Slayn & Korpil. The Resistance integrated this cockpit with a civilian passenger module, resulting in the creation of the Resistance transport. When detached from its module, the cockpit, now a standalone two-person shuttle, retained its hyperdrive. It accommodated one pilot and one passenger. As a self-contained vessel, the pod measured 5.72 meters in height, 5.29 meters in width, and 7.73 meters in length.

The pod's design included the cockpit, featuring a viewport on the left, a sensor at the front, and a stabilizer fin on top for atmospheric navigation. The engine, complete with thrust vectrals for directing [plasma](/article/plasma] flow, was located at the rear. The left side incorporated a door functioning as both an escape route for the pilot and a docking hatch. The attachment point for the passenger module remained on the right side. The cockpit was armored utilizing durasteel.

A transport pod was flown to Cantonica by Finn and Rose Tico.


During 34 ABY, Rose Tico and Finn, who were Resistance agents, journeyed in a Resistance transport pod from the MC85 Star Cruiser named Raddus to the planet of Cantonica. This occurred during the Battle of Oetchi, as they were in pursuit of the Master Codebreaker. They successfully evaded detection by the First Order fleet that was attacking the Resistance. Their success was attributed to the ship's diminutive size and Tico's expertise in maintaining the pod's engine flux below the thresholds of the sensors. The pair's landing resulted in a crash on a beach just outside the city of Canto Bight, where the Canto Bight Police Department later destroyed the pod.

Behind the scenes

The Resistance transport pod made its debut in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, a film released on December 15, 2017. While the film did not explicitly name the ship, it was identified in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Incredible Cross-Sections. This reference book, penned by Jason Fry, was released in conjunction with the film.

